I was furious about the election theft in 2000.
I was angry about the WMD lies and the war.
I was angry and horrified by Abu Ghraib and the coverup of Bushlag Archipelago.
I was angry about a 5 year war on our environment.
I’m still boiling about Katrina.
Wiretaps seem like nothing. These guys said that habeus corpus was a suggestion, that the Geneva convention was “quaint”, that unless it caused major organ damage torture wasn’t torture – a few fingernails and a blowtorch are just persuasion. Who is surprised to hear that they spy without a judge’s consent? Do people think that you can advocate waterboarding and have qualms about a fucking warrant? That you can applaud a heckuva job when armed to the teeth cops pen citizens in a bowl of sewage and still worry about privacy? I don’t get the outrage now.
The point is that the action by the president is clearly illegal and clearly unconstitutional and he proudly proclaims that he is going to continue, that what Congress thinks or what the courts think or what anybody else thinks is irrelevant. He has proclaimed baldly that as president during a self-proclaimed war, there are NO restraints on him. He is our god-king.
And he is going to get IMPEACHED!
And hopefully imprisoned.
Definitely despised in human records for generations.
The word “bush” will probably come to be a synonym for “weasel” or “fiend”.
[Heh heh. This rant could go on. But all rants must end at some point.]
Yeah, it kind of pales in comparison to the other illegal acts the administration has pursued with at least temporary full approval of the voters.
A network based on entrapment by govt agencies through illegal surveillance and extracting confessions by torture or duress while removing any thought of due process.
One kid actually made it to a training camp and asked to write a letter to his parents who would be worried that he was gone. Another changed his mind as soon as he got there and seemed to act like it was a weekend adventure type vacation. Another of that set was vaporized in the desert of Yemen.
…..and these are the American citizens.
I completely understand what you are saying here. BUT, the idiot in command has always denied any wrong doing in those illegalities you mention. This time his arrogance has laid the foundation for impeachment hearings. He freaken admitted he authoised the tapping without warrants on national tv. Hail to the Chimp for being such an idiot!
I hear what you’re saying citizen K, but the difference for me on this one is that if left unchecked, what Bush is saying is that he can justify doing ANYTHING he wants and call it national security. Its NOT just about the wire tapping. In my mind that means the end of our democracy. All checks and balances be damned. Now that’s over the top for me.
He’s said this before. That’s what his lawyers told the Supremes at the Hamdi hearing. In a time of war, they have been consistently claiming that there are no limits on Executive Power.
Eh, I figure sometimes you gotta take what you can get. Didn’t they get Capone on tax evasion? If we can get these guys out of power on wiretapping, then that’s better than not getting them out of power at all.