I hope, if anyone ever does an article on me, that they do a better job of getting the facts right than Benjamin Wallace-Wells did in his piece on Markos.
Still, it is an interesting article.
I hope, if anyone ever does an article on me, that they do a better job of getting the facts right than Benjamin Wallace-Wells did in his piece on Markos.
Still, it is an interesting article.
You don’t get an article until after the administration is frog-marched, dude. Then again, maybe when Chuck takes the primary.
Libby wasn’t enough, eh?
How about we throw Rove into the deal?
Will they say I look like an animated frog?
If Cheney goes you win. Rumor, and RawStory sez that’s “possible”.
This was my favorite part:
Moulitsas is not a naturally commanding presence–he’s 5’6, slender, with a high-pitched voice and a rounded face that puts you vaguely in mind of an animated frog.
Do you realize the weird influences this site has had on my life? I am wearing more green, all frogs amuse me, and I can’t stop saying “indeed, perhaps, and heh” in real life… the horror of it all.
“. . .all frogs amuse me, and I can’t stop saying “indeed, perhaps, and heh” in real life…”
That hit a little too close to home, dude. 😀
Good day!
Frogs don’t have teeth! Seriously, Markos looks more like an eager beaver to me… and I don’t mean that unkindly.
BooMan, an article about you would read more like a James Bond novel. 😉
yeah, I wish.
Animated frog? Never blinks?
Kinda gives the lie to the old saw “all publicity is good publicity.”
BOOMAN THE DOG asked me to forward this e-mail to the entire blog:
Expozay on Booman the man not the dawg
I am the dawg that owns the Booman the man. Even thoz he tellz evry1 that he ownz me.
Wrexs kulld me up, and recroooted me 2 to spy on Booman the man. (Itz hard 4 me to tipe cuz of mi jint pawz, so he’z BM now.)
BM sayz he givez me 2 Milkbonz. He LIEZZZZZ! Maybe 1 a day.
Giss what elz. BM drinkz librlly with A Tree House or ATreeHz . He’z some gIy who sits at compooter all day like BM doz.
He drinkz whine that sayz Neuf and lafs cuz it’s like mI dog name. But he dozn’t spell it rite.
Wrexs iz gonna recrooot ATreeHz’s kats 2 and spi on him.
Now they’ve done it…curs, both of ’em.
I have to pay one milkbone for every time I leave the house, no matter how briefly.
Plus, he demands a milkbone upon re-renty into the house as a matter of habit. The only exception is after a walk.
And then there are periodic dirty looks that get him milkbones during the day.
Heh, (that was for Manny ;^)
My cat licks her lips whenever she sees my husband walking up the driveway. Daddy does the grocery shopping – and he’s quite the pushover as far as kitty treats are concerned – and Buddy definitely knows the score. (You can almost see her little kitten brain in action – plotting how to behave as soon as Daddy walks through the door.)
Plus, he demands a milkbone upon re-renty into the house as a matter of habit.
My dogs do that too. They look at me like, “Yeah, well, there better be food involved if we have to come in.”
Like this?:

I have no peace.
BooMan (the dog) and Rex, aren’t they really NSA operatives?
I tol Wrexs and u will bee arrestd for blowng hour cuvr.
In the doghouse, perhaps?
Non-western papers were reporting as early as April ’03 that the 2 Milkbone story was just another piece of Rendon crap.
But of course since the reporters for those papers just look through the window or tiptoe in and count what’s in the box when the door happens to be left open aren’t embedded, don’t even read the official press releases, anything they say is considered unreliable propaganda and the US public just keeps on accepting the 2 Milkbone story as fact.
And they would do it even if BooMan didn’t use the phrase “2 Miilkbones” in every damn speech he makes.
People are even putting little “2 Milkbone” ribbon magnets on their cars!
Thanks BooMan the dog, for confirming what those of us who don’t drink KoolAid all knew.
We stand in Solidarity with your struggle for Milkbone parity with even that annoying chihuahua across the street.
who’re u calling a chihuahua?
(that is one of your best posts DTF)
TOOOOOOOOOO fuckin funny dude!
Can’t breath…rotflmao!
we got bigger problems that fact checking WaMo on Kos. Three of the front page stories on that blog are already about that blog. IMO – bad time to be gazing inward.