Is this your idea of fair and balanced?’s top logo boasts “White Pride Worldwide” and features a town hall radio discussion with former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. But a FOX News affiliate ran a story promoting it as “a web site with everything from dating advice and homemaking threads, to discussion boards that focus on news that white activists want to know.”
FOX’s coverage hasn’t gone unnoticed; on a Nov. 9 comment on the site’s forums, Senior Moderator James Kelso writes, “Thanks to all for the positive assessments of this interview with Fox TV. The Fox TV Carolina staff was very professional and made it easy for…me. One detail that I forgot (until just yesterday) was to unmoderate our new Stormfront Member, FOXSC, so that Fox could post more easily on Stormfront. We’ve also got Fox5News and Fox-News as Stormfront Members.” So much for “fair and balanced.”
Source for this is The Progress Report
Don’t ever let words like “White Activists” or “White Pride” sway you. This is just a codeword for racist. To describe a white supremescist site as anything but a bunch of radical, racist, hatemongers is to deny reality.
The reality about their their coverage of that website?
FOX = Fucking Oppressive Xenphobes
Don’t ever let Billy-bung O’liely or any of the other members of their lying brigade tell you otherwise.
The same station that tries to create hatred and to outrage its viewers with fake wars on Christmas also brings you their propaganda, support and promotion of racism.
Go figure, eh?
I believe I saw that organization on a designated list. If it’s any consolation they’re probably bugged up the ass….literally.
By rules of association, it appears Mr Murdoch would be due a vacation in less than luxurious accomodations.
Where are the lines drawn? I find orgs and sites like that reprehensible but free speech is free speech.
Isn’t it odd that one of the strongest forces of political influence in Fox is the politics of Israel and yet there they are promoting that site.
I am a huge supporter of free speech, regadless of the hate they instill in their readers at that supremicists site they have a right to do so, but free speech is not what FOX was excercizing. It was a flagrant foul when it comes to misinforming.
And I strongly question FOX motives on this. Are they now aiming their material at this kind of audience to create a new viewer base? Is that what they have come to?
And you are right, their position on Isreal is at odds with letting a piece like this get into their news. It just disgusts me that they would cover it in this way. What will it be next time? A “fluff story” on how friendly and nice some NAZI site seems to be? This is an outrage!
I agree with what you’ve said up there. This isn’t really new in the way of subtle race supremacy from Fox disguised as Fair and Balanced. They’ve been pushing the free speech thing on those cute kids who are singing/performing or whatever based on that ideology. I don’t know too much about them but it looked rather obvious.
I’ll adjust my tinfoil and say it’s an outward sign of the eugenics philosophy that Fox pushes and that appeals to certain segments of society.
ThinkProgress is all over this one. Here’s the latest:
Thank you for posting that follow up! I was kindof busy today but I had to put this up because it is just so outrageous.