Community: 1) a group of people having common interests and,
2) sharing, participation, and fellowship (the companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms)
To all who share the news. Thank you.
To all who share their expertise. Thank you.
To all who share their passion and energy. Thank you.
To all who encourage. Thank you.
To all who participate. Thank you.
“The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.” (Wendell Berry)
Oh yeah, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
God Bless us all, every one.
Thank you again for your wonderful idea! And thanks to everyone who participated. It was fun and informative and oh…absolutely necessary.
Thank you tampopo. You did a considerable amount organizing this event. And it went off well.
You saw the latest on Alito memo saying Roe should be overturned. Released today. Written in 1985 I believe.
Just caught it on Yahoo News – notice how Alito was the “Christmas candidate” for November into December and now as we move through the final days of Christmas the focus shifts to his anti-abortion position.
A little manipulation maybe?
And, if you haven’t already, please
Tell your Senators, no to Alito:
Save the Court Petition
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
Thanks to all who put all the research and work into these 12 days.
Applause for the organizer. Let’s keep up the pressure.
From everyone at ePluribus Media, thank you for allowing us to help promote the campaign. First, Operation Yellow Feather; then, Twelve Days for Justice. What’s next?
Give us a holler and we’ll be there.
your support of our campaign has been wonderful!
To all that worked so hard to make these 12 days even feasible. You are true Activists and you all rock!
Happy, Merry Everything my friends!
Amen. Bless you all.
Wow. We did it. All 12 Days, All of us together. Thanks, Tampopo!
What next?
D.C. on January 9th? 🙂
Justice Sunday III is here in Philly then too.
And many thanks to you for taking the lead and getting this project going and thriving.
I’m very proud to have met you at the protest march last September, and to call you my friend. Ya done good.
wouldn’t have missed it for the world! thank you and whoever else decided we had to do this!
I am amazed with your dedication, tampopo, but I can see why you feel so strongly that Alito is a horrid choice for the Supreme Court. I started researching for this project feeling weary of him, and ended it terrified. We have rung a loud bell of protest, now we have to make sure the sound reverberates all the way to the halls of Congress. As I said earlier this week, George Bush cannot be trusted with the keys to the Court.
To everyone who wrote, edited, crossposted, commented, recommended, promoted, faxed, called, screamed and maybe cried at the revelations of Alito’s rulings throughout the course of this campaign–THANK YOU.
The hearings will begin in a couple of weeks, we are now armed with a good foundation of information to back up our opposition and stop this nomination. Let’s make it happen!