Here’s the link at Cabin Girl’s “For Justice – Day 12 – Presidential Powers” diary at Daily Kos. Please recommend it so we can push her into the Recommended Diaries section there and get some more exposure for the Anti-Alito campaign which was organized by BooTrib members.
Thanks all.
Thanks Steven!
Well I hope we can get you up there.
Also useful if you leave a comment.
More people seem to open those entries that already have a good chunk of comments.
Done did it..
Some smarty-pants at dKos added a nice link to a bloomberg story in your diary…
And just who might that smarty pants be, I wonder? π
Steven, you RAWK!
I rec’d it about a half hour ago, having gotten the Boo list notice … and i sent it to Darcy, who has a bit of mojo at DKos (and, btw, is always happy to recommend friends’ diaries).
” ” ” ” ” ”
I need your help too …. I need a succcinct, 1 through 12, list of the diaries. I need to send it out to three major mailing lists in the Northwest (whose members will, in turn, send it off to many OTHER lists).
Since they’re not hip to the project, we can’t send them two or three links — or a link to a diary, where you have to scroll two screens to find the links.
We need, off the top, the 1 through 12 list.
Had I read past the first two paragraphs, I would have seen that Cabin Girl did just that.
I have sent off Cabin Girl’s link to all three mailing lists….
let’s hope her link ends up on every Democratic mailing list.
pass it on!
We’re there!
Yay for everyone who helped write, recommend, fax, email during the 12 days, and especially tampopo for pushing us all along!
Not quite!
You need to move the diary out of “Edit” and into “Vote” in the Pending article Submissions section of Political Cortex…
You do want us to vote on it don’t you? I really don’t think it needs any edits.
Done- I unchecked that silly little box I missed the first time…argh. Time for voting.
ePluribus Media will put it right to their front page if you post it there.
I’m working on it right now…
with a comment.
#3 on the reco list as of 11:40 AMST…well done! Congrats and many, many thanks to all who helped make this happen.
You made it!!!
that’s how that happened…
: p