For more than two centuries, this country has given hope to millions of people around the world.My own immigrant parents made the trek more than sixty years ago to our shores attracted by the possibilities for a new life for themselves and their children.

That hope which is the foundation of our society is being gradually destroyed by men like Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.Their assault on the legal foundations of our society erodes the hope of many and makes us no different than any Banana Republic.

Ironically,it is those who shout the loudest about their patriotism who seem to wage war against our traditions,find it convenient to avoid duty in the Armed Forces and assassinate the character of good men who have made their sacrifices in our country’s times of need.

This is why I propose adding another article in our Impeachment of Bush which should hold him accountable for destroying HOPE itself, a crime against humanity.

As an Arab proverb says: One can lose everything in life except one’s health, for having one’s health gives one hope, and when you have hope you have everything.