Er. Happy Holidays. Best wishes to everyone. Except you Redskins fans. Oh, okay, best wishes to you Skins fans too. And here’s hoping our soldiers are home next Christmas.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Eff these p-c greetings.
That’s what they really mean, anyway. Just my two cents.
Gotta go to Woodman’s and get my last grocery shopping out of the way…so later to yall for now.
merry fucking christmas, blksista
the Booman shouted out…>read the above post>
The beautiful young men and women!
Standing against the war their courage
has made a green place in my heart.
In the dark and utter destitution of winter
the face of the girl is a fresh moon
radiant with the Truth she loves,
the Annunciation, the promise
faith keeps in life.
Seed in the blind Earth, strikn by cold,
the spirits if the new Sun seek you out!
The face of Mary is a Star raying out.
And at the brest of her breth
“the Sun-element, the Child,
“forming Itself out of the clouds which have
“the Sun-rays in the atmosphere
“pouring thru them.”
In the great storm of feer and rage
the heds of evil appeer and disappeer,
the old dragon whose scales are corpses of men
and whose breth blasts crops and burns villages
demands again his hecatomb,
our lives and outrage going up into his powr
over us. Wearing the unctuous mask of Johnson,
from his ass-hole emerging the hed of Humphrey,
he bellows and begins again over Asia and America
the slaughter of the innocents and the reign of wrath.
But our lives are drivn downwards too, within, deep down.
The spirits of the living stars return where the Sun
underground works his light magic
stirring the deepest roots. We have been drivn
deep into the heart of our yearning, into the store
from which youth will rise, new shoots
of the spring-tide. O the green spring-tide
of individual volition for the communal good,
the Christ-promise of brotherhood, the lover’s
promise of the self’s fulfillment!
“The body of inner Earth is alive in mid-Winter.”
In the Under Ground:
the sublime Crèche – the lamp’s faint glow,
the enormous shadows – the few
frightend shadows – the three
magi or magicians seeing in the Child
the child of the lore – Joseph
whose faith is father, and the girl
whose virginity engenders – and the new
lord of the true life, of Love .
We remember, was always born,
as now, in a time of despair,
having no place there at the Inn,
hunted down by Herod’s law,
fleeing by night, secreted in Egypt.
Love in His innocence
radiant in His depth of time and night
has waited and now — this is
the message of Christmas — returns once more,
bearing the light of the Sun
fair in His face.
–Robert Duncan, from Bending the Bow, New Directions Books, 1968,
the poets idiosyncratic spellinge left intact)
by Easter if possible…but I guess I’ll settle for next Christmas.
But what I really want for next Christmas is discussion about the upcoming impeachment hearings when the Democrats take over Congress in January 2007, after a landslide victory in the mid-term elections. 🙂
Blessings and peace to all the BooTribbers…
Happy Holidays to all here at the Pond! I Hope Fitzmas comes before the new year or shortly after! I really hope we take back at least one house of Congress in November, both would be great. I want our troops to come home ASAP, and I want (somehow) for the Iraqi’s to be able to create a government that can govern the country without a civil war, and without creating chaos in the region. I want New Orleans and the Gulf Coast of Mississippi to be rebuilt, and for our displaced citizens to have a chance to go home again. I want real jobs for the many folks who have lost, or are about to lose their own. I want Cindy Sheehan to be able to find out what the noble cause was, from GW himself. I want a public education system that is designed to level the playing field for all. I want affordable health care for all Americans. I want to believe in our government again, and I really want peace on earth and good will to men. (I’ve tried to be real good this year, so come through for me Santa!)
Here’s hoping the troops are home for Christmas next year. That’s sort of a short time schedule — I mean, by then we will have barely taken over Congress and impeachment hearings won’t yet have started — but here’s hoping anyway, and if not then, Christmas 2007.
I’ve been watching the History Channel special on the Christmas truce of 1914. It’s interesting for its insights into the thinking of those who agitate for the wars — let’s dehumanize the enemy as much as we canmilitary leaders — and the military leadership — what would happen if the soldiers just refused to fight? — and of the ordinary PBI in the trenches — hey, maybe Fritz over there is a lot more like me than the higher-ups let on. It’s really too bad nothing like that could happen today.
My wish is that by next Christmas, the term “Redskins” will be widely understood as the racial slur that it is.
I believe the Seattle Times, without unduly straining the comprehension of its readers, continues to refer to the Washington NFL football team.