This time of year the media likes to give out awards like ‘Person of the Year’ and do retrospectives on the best and worst events or accomplishments. Chris Matthews nabs an especially prestigious award from Media Matters. And it isn’t for biggest head.
This year, of all the news anchors, columnists, pundits, and reporters whose work we’ve critiqued and corrected, one man stands alone as a clear successor to the O’Reilly throne. We are pleased to announce broadcast journalist, former newspaper bureau chief, former presidential speechwriter, and best-selling author Chris Matthews has earned the title of 2005’s “Misinformer of the Year.” At times, it has even been difficult to tell the difference between 2005’s Misinformer of the Year and his predecessor.
I think this quote won it for Tweety:
“Everybody sort of likes the president, except for the real whack-jobs …”
Make some nominations of your own. The Best and Worst of 2005.
Might need an entirely new category. I am unable to suggest the title, since the only ones I am able to come up with have in them have truly obscene adjectives, wholly unsuited for this holiday season.
So, others may decide the category, but my nomination in at least one of the WORST set of categories is:
the White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan.
I am astounded that he can actually do and say what he does, and then go home to his wife and children, and not have them throw projectiles at him as he comes up the walkway…
Not since Ron Ziegler uttered the infamous “That statement is no longer operable” on behalf of Richard Nixon has anyone gone to such tortuous lengths, degraded his own soul and conscience (one would hope he has one) and violated every conceivable tenet of intellectual honesty for the sole purpose of aiding and abetting the most inept, corrupt, criminal, manipulated and destructive Executive in modern history. This would appear to be deserving of some sort of ‘award.’
I believe that award is called the ‘Ari Fleischer Award’ and McClellan wins it every year.
‘Ari Fleischer Award’ Ari Fleischer the pompous basterd and total loser. At least you can chuckle at McClellan and he looks like he’s sweating because underneath it all maybe he has a conscience. Fleischer was a sociopath. No emotion, no conscience the loyal Minister of Propaganda.
Agreed. Fleischer appeared for the most part to be totally impervious to anything resembling reason, intelligence or common sense: none of these things penetrated his outer hull.
McClellan appears at times ill-at-ease, suggesting that perhaps he has not fallen totally under the control of Sauron or whatever Dark Powers there be, but his behavior to date has not displayed any sense of remorse or regret — or even better, a resignation of his position. But then, he voluntarily took the job.
“One cannot serve both God and Mammon” and also the presumption that one
should be judged according to his choices and actions.
Those who voluntarily submit to and actively participate in the sub- and perversion of our Republic for their own personal gains need to be called out and cast out.
Unfortunately the more likely scenario is that after his gig at the White House, he will move on to a lucrative consultancy, lobbying position or board member and ‘contributor’ to YACTK (yet another conservative think tank). (The very phrase “conservative think tank” seems oxymoronic).
This is a tough year, with so many people reporting on the Plame/Wilson story without revealing their own conflicts of interest.
Chris Matthews is always right up there. But what about Judith Miller? Or Bob Woodward?
When my husband and I heard this:
We simultaneously looked at each other, snarling, “WTF?!?” And with that, we both grabbed for the remote.
Although, when handing out awards, we really should consider that Tweety has far more opportunities than most to misinform, because he never lets anyone else get a word in edgewise. Asshat.
It says alot about where he stands politically. The majority of the country are whackjobs eh. Now he knows how we felt after the election results in 2004.
Nevertheless, here is a likable Bush :-)))
Everybody sort of likes Tweety, except for the real whack-jobs, you know, the reality based ones.
goes to Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Person in the World” segment, hands down…especially the night that Bill O’Reilly took all three places.
Oh, and it wasn’t till I actually watched “Hardball” that I realized that Keith is poking fun at Tweety with his “Oddball” segment: “Let’s play Oddball!”
Stupid Criminals Who Think They
Can Actually Escape In A Car Chase—0
I don’t think Chris is the worst of the crop … gosh, they all pander …
and he does have Amy Goodman on as a guest, which is huge, imho.
He has Amy on and then always interrupts her whenever she’s making a strong point that counters whatever her wingnut opponent is saying.
I don’t think his having her on is good for her or good for the cause, (our cause) at all, since he always works at making her come across as “less than” whoever he has stacked upagainst her. And, I don’t think he’s ever had her on alone, but always paired up with some slobbering wingnut wacko.
Not exactly a best or worst but, talking head most likely to make me cover my ears: Rita Cosby.
I’m hyper-averse to certain voices – and hers is one of them. I’ve never seen her show because as soon as I notice that Countdown is coming to an end, I frantically search for the remote.
Nothing against Rita – I just simply cannot stand to listen to her voice. Chills.
Rita is worst by a long shot.
Congress could pass 20 Articles of Impeachment against W and Rita would lead with the 389th “exclusive” interview with Natalie Holloway’s mother.
I can get past the annoying voice … but not to listen to the kind of fluff that she runs.
Good to know I haven’t been missing anything. Abrams’ show annoys me to no end for that very reason. Seems like a real waste of air-time for a “legal” show.
Tough category with so many deserving candidates, . . . but, I’ll go with Bob Woodward.
Just seems like Judith Miller ought to win in a walk.
C’mon people. Name one media type that is objective. CNN used to be held up as the bell cow for objectivity, but how long can they ride a horse from the first Gulf War when they lucked out and had a direct phone line from Baghdad to Atlanta and became the intel for both sides. CBS caved likes a snowman in June when the Repubican thugocracy goes after Rather and the report about Bush’s AWOL from the National Guard so that that fact about Bush gets lost and CBS looks stupid. One testicle would have sufficed. The entire media is slanted against the real left in America, the left that stands up for real wages, for keeping jobs in America, for unions, for working people, against corporate welfare, and against coddling corporate criminals, a left that has a rational view of global warming (i.e. that it is accelerating) and against the whacked out too stupid to be characterized as pseudo view of science held by Bush and other Rapture worshippers.
The list of media types who are not slanted is the short list. Of course, the ravers like O’Reilly and Coulter and Limbaugh and Matthews and the host of right wing wannabees like Saveage, etc. don’t have counterparts in the MSM. But when the MSM doesn’t call these people what they truthfully are, the MSM destroys its own credibility.
The thing with Mathews is he throws you a bone once in awhile. He will say something the resembles the truth about the Cabal and ten minutes later he takes it back. They all drive me nuts(with the exception of my main squeeze Keith olbermann) to the point I yell at the tv alot. Until the media comes clean the Cabal of Fascists in the WH will get away with eating live babies or whatever they throw out there.
I don’t have a nomination; there are just too many deserving candidates. But an important question is being asked here: .
Keith Olbermann deserves a “Courage” award for daring to actually report some relevent “news” on a mainstream cable network. I think we all wonder how he gate away with it, but thank goodness he has… at least so far.
As far as Matthews is concerned, I honestly see him a little differently. he is lazy and does little or no homework, so he doesn’t know when his guests lie, more often than not. He is also something of a good old boy who is primarily concerned with sucking up to NBC brass. He fills his show with wingnuts because that is the non-controversial thing for a suck up who knows where his bread is buttered to do. I am not excusing him, just trying to explain how I read him.
The thing we ought to be addressing is why the networks pick people like Matthews to present the “news.” Is he a graduate from some sort of “Network Stepford Academy”?