On my recent diary The NSA is not “BushCo”. Bush is just a President (Which was basically about the prospect of continuing domestic intel spying no matter WHO is “President”) Danny G commented “Thanks for telling the truth, Arthur. Any ideas on how to spread the word?”
Which brought up the following response.
Read on for yet another attempt at explaining the only way way that we can beat this whole PermaGov deception machine.
Or…fuggedaboudit and go watch the news.
Your choice.
Danny G wrote:
“Any ideas on how to spread the word?”
I have been TRYING (basically unsuccessfully) to spread EXACTLY this word for over a year. First on dKos…where the effort essentially got me banned, although they will never admit that and probably do not really know why what I had to say disturbed them so much…and now here.
Long story short?
and its necessary corollary
And its equally necessary corally
Simply turn these fools as far off as you can and still survive inside of the society.
Do not watch their lies.
Do not read their lies.
Do not buy their lies.
Turn them off, off, OFF, and like the spammers and trolls that they really are, they will fade away.
But the general American public…including the left…is so addicted to its media jones that it cannot even CONSIDER doing this. And like every other junkie, it’s got an endless line of excuses that do not even touch the real issue of addiction.
“But…they need to be watched, these people!!!”
“I don’t BELIEVE the news…I just watch it.”
“The ads don’t affect ME!!!”
While simultaneously buying the total fiction that Butch is really the President of the United States, that there is much difference (if any) between the controlling centers of the two parties, that they still have their “privacy”, that modern Dr. Big Brother PharmaMed will cure you of your ills, that it’s alright to eat chemically polluted foods, that the proper nature of mankind requires a lifetime of endless debt, that $2.00 gasoline is a divine right worth for which it is worth fighting and dying and that the piece of shit Ford or Chevrolet in their driveway is a real automobile instead of the cheaply made, tarted up piece of murderous movable furniture that it really is.
Drop the fuck out. As far and as fast as you can. Deny these people the benefit of your labor. Deny them them their usurious interest and the taxes that you must pay on the inflated salary you have to earn in order to STAY in debt.
Simply put?
You will be better off for it, and it will irreparably harm them.
Which is really the first rule of war.
No…I take that back.
The FIRST rule of war is to know that you are indeed IN one.
And if you are constantly swallowing the propaganda of your enemy…then you are NOT aware of it.
Wake the fuck up.
And start to live again.
How’s THAT for ideas on how to spread the word?
And I already know the answer I will get from almost all of the good liberals…a term that will someday have the same resonance as the words “Good German”, I fear.
Followed closely by
So it goes.
Wake the fuck up.
Or…go turn on the news.
Your choice.
Happy Holidays.
I seem to have touched a nerve…
Let’s try that again.
The media’s garbage. I agree. I’m telling everyone I know to stop watching CNN and FOX and ABC and NBC and CBS and whoever else is on the air. They’re known to me as them. Larry King’s a damn lizard… The rest are fucking fakes.
Without the massive media infrastruture (corrupt to the core) and slightly less massive internet communities (which aren’t much better, as we’ve found out), how do you get the word out? Who’s gonna hear you? And actually listen?
It doesn’t add up.
Words of wisdom and all that…
You ask:
“How do you get the word out?”
Use the internet.
To watch them AND to get the word out.
“One if by print, two if by network!!!”
You find that some blogs are corrupt? Or or in the process of being corrupted?
FIGHT the corruption.
From inside the blogs, and then from new blogs, if necessary.
I was part…a fairly important part, a sort of “frontpager”…of a website that was dedicated to my professional speciality. Several years ago. The same game eventually went down there as we have seen go down at Big Orange…as above, so below. A gradual dumbing down and regression of freedom of speech with the idea of broadening the audience. I objected…and as you may have seen here and on dKos, I have my objection chops together.
I eventually essentially forced them to off me, and started my own site that had as its stated objective total freedom of expression about this professional specialty, and in fact total freedom of expression about any OTHER damned thing people wanted to discuss because I cannot easily separate life from art and can see no reason on earth why I should ask others to do so.
And the new site was a great success.
Still is.
Not as big as the old one, but with a generally much higher level of discussion.
So now what do you think is happening?
Say two years later?
The old site is changing its policies and adopting almost exactly the same reforms upon which I had insisted out front.
So you ask “How do you get the word out?”
Like that.
Refuse to be corporatized.
AND…refuse to give up.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Take the high road.
The LONG high road.
And watch its arc bend towards justice.
Keep the faith.
In the long run…that’s all you’ve got.
With both this and your previous diary, but with 2 main differences.
1) Its not about some NSA-Illuminati-PermaGov running things and wrecking presidencies when they no longer find them convenient. Its about money.
Its a bunch of rich people getting together, with the media they own, and asking “Is Bush still suiting our needs?” Some industries (speculation: oil, manufacturing, mining, defense, others) think bush is great, BC he makes them more money than they can count. Others (maybe high-tech, information, financial, whatever) are tired of his games, and are tired of being cut out of his imperialist smash-and-grab plan (or are frustrated with its poor execution, or whatever)
If the people (class, really) who own the TV stations turn on him, he’s gonna crash and burn, like Dean. Which works OK for us, for now.
The obvious problem comes when they put in someone just as ruthless, but more obedient. Corporate consensus doesn’t really get us anywhere. Corporate confusion, the stage we are at now, has potential.
2) I don’t think that head-in-the-sand, turn-off-the-tech tactics are what we need. If every progressive person stopped watching TV and quit buying things at Wal-Mart, it wouldn’t matter THAT much. Not enough to stop them. Besides, its hard to organize shoppers, and media consumers, and bill-payers. Because in all of those roles, we are separate, and enough of us will give in, one at a time, to render us ineffective. This is why buy-nothing-day, and boycotts in general are often so ineffective.
There are 2 ways, however, that I think we CAN fight this shit. The first is with organized labor. Look at how the transit strike shut down NYC. It supposedly cost the city $400 Billion every day. It would be damn near impossible to organize that kind of a boycott. Strikes on that scale are entirely possible.
You really have some power with organized labor, especially when you start talking about general strikes and strikes for political demands. Even workplace occupations. These tactics are much more promising.
BUT, what happens to strikes when they gets out of hand? Police repression, national guard is called in, teargas, beatings, killings, hired mercenaries, assassination of leaders, martial law. What can we do then? Organize our own, armed, self-defense.
There will likely come a time when its either kill the USGov, or be killed by it. In that situation, our choice should be clear. Hopefully we can pull it off.
$400 million per day, sorry.
You say:
“1) Its not about some NSA-Illuminati-PermaGov running things and wrecking presidencies when they no longer find them convenient. Its about money.”
Indeed it is. If you were to go back through what I have written here and on dKos over the last year, you would see that my point in this area is that the real tension here is between old money…the PermaGov…and new money. The old money police…CIA, etc…is at war with the new money police. BushCo has proven itself bad for business…big, BIG business…and is having the rug pulled out from under it.
It is ALL about money.
Money and power.
I am an agnostic regarding the various conspiracy theories…Illuminati, etc. But practically speaking, what has happened in this country is as plain as the nose of your face. We have been media-ed out of our democracy, and are now in danger of losing what is left of out privacy to an electronic system that aims to keep us under virtual lock and key with massive surveillance efforts.
Because to these short sighted people, individuality is bad for business. Gotta keep track of those rogue thinkers, those potential enemies of the corporate state.
So I say to those thinkers and the ones who pay some attention to them…refuse to play on these teams. Step out. take your energies AWAY from this system and watch it shrivel for lack of talent. Take your MONEY away. th :”Progressive” demographic that reads these blogs is THE target demographic of most of the advertising on TV. Educated, white, adult. Car buyers, family people. Credit card users, home owners. Refuse them your patronage and see what happens.
They need YOU.
To listen.
To believe..
Deny them their pound of flash and watch them go dark.
As far as your second set of points are concerned…
1-I do not think that organized labor has the expertise or intelligence to run an effective counter-media campaign, and that is where ALL of these battles are being fought. In the media. Labor leaders are always up from the streets, working guys. They have neither the sophistication, the education nor the instincts for the whole backstabbing routine that the bosses lay on them, and they do not even seem, to recognize the need to hire people who are as good as the bosses’ front and spin men.
LOOK at what happened in the Transit Strike. There was a national spin campaign launched…typical runup to Iraq shit, with talking head expert pundit after talking head expert pundit laying out the “Mean transit workers, striking on Christmas, Greedy, lazy niggers…errrr, transit workers, asking for more money and benefits, etc.” talking points. Not a WORD from the workers. Hardly a PEEP.
And the workers lost. They lost the respect of the stupid, sleeping sheeple who swallowed that set of talking points hook, line and stinker, and that was it.
Game, set and match in three days.
2-And armed rebellion?
Give me a BREAK!!!
Not unless the economy crumbles so badly that sufficient numbers of people do not have enough to eat or adequate shelter. And we are a LONG way away from that. Even during Katrina, when huge numbers of people WERE in a position where the racism and classism of the culture had placed them in a position of extreme danger…there was no real resistance. Bloated to the gills by bad food, bad education and worse media…most of them just sat there, waiting for the man to rescue them.
As long as the food supply functions and there is enough fuel to heat homes…no rebellion. Not here. Not yet and not in the foreseeable future, short of a catastrophe 10 or 20 times the size of Katrina.
Natural OR man made.
So what is left?
Acquiescence or refusal to play the game.
And as far as the impossibility of a economically effective boycott of the media by “progressives”…ypu may be right. Judging from the overwhelmingly dead-headed reaction to my suggestions on these blogs, you are most CERTAINLY right. But I keep trying, because I simply cannot think of anything else TO do.
Except cut and run, which is always a possibility. We are possibly the only nation in the world in this state of danger. I had a long conversation tonight with a Canadian nurse who recently moved to Maine to be with her boyfriend. She took a job in a well regarded Maine hospital, and she has been absolutely shocked at how the administration there treated the workers. And even MORE shocked that those workers accepted that treatment without effective complaint.
We have become a nation of sleeple, brokenkeyboard. Hypnotized, sleeping sheep. And the ONLY way that I can see for us to recover is to step away from the TV screen.
With our brains in the air.
So i keep pounding on this idea, any way that I can.
I burns me up to think that after my family has fought and to some degree prospered in this nation…350 years of working class struggle on one side of the family, 150 on the other…I should have to consider cutting and running to a saner nation or go down with this lame ship of state as it sails at present. I can NOT take up arms against this particular tyranny, both because that tyranny is not primarily ENFORCED through arms and because the armed forces that would descend on such an attempt would be totally overpowering given the state of the population.
So I advocate fighting them with their own weapons.
We shall see.
We shall all soon see, I fear.
Merry Christmas.
Get the word out, and keep the faith. I like that. Just sounds kind of wishful.
Fight corruption wherever it is and force them to kick you out, instead of jumping ship. The high road. Hilarious. Arthur, I have to say, I like your style.
Just one question, though…On the transit strike… You live in NYC, I seem to remember. Did the union fare any better in public opinion there?
Depends on what you mean by “public opinion”.
The NYC media ran pretty much the same game as the rest of the country.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah, pictures of Bloomberg wagging his billionaire’s finger at the people who do the real work in the city, the ones he is essentially trying to send as far away as it is possible to send them from where the elite meet, greet and spend millions on the shit condominiums that he and his real estate interest allies want to sell them in order to live near the hottest thing ever restaurants, stores and clubs that the power elite-controlled media are hyping in ORDER to sell the marks their con game.
Sent to servant’s quarters in the outer boroughs and depressed suburbs. Re-ghettoization as the Harlems and South Bronxes become valuable real estate property.
But the working “minorities”? Who are in the majority in all but the amount of financial power and clout they can muster? They were discomfited by the strike, but I think many of them read the game pretty clearly.
Bloomberg, a billionaire hustler who wants to make NYC into a Disneyland of the pocketbook versus the leader of the TWU, Roger Toussaint. A black man from the West Indies who speaks with a great West Indian flair and shares his name with Toussaint L’Ouverture, a self-educated slave with no military training who led the first successful slave revolt in the western hemisphere, drove Napoleon out of Haiti and presided over the first independent black country in the New World. Now since most of the people who have been fed the load of shit that America calls “history”…no matter to which ethnic group they may belong…have little or no knowledge of Toussaint L’Ouverture or in fact any OTHER successful resistance fighter against Western European style imperialism if those fighters were not white Americans themselves, the non-white ethnic groups of the area probably did not relate much to Mr. Toussaint’s name. But generations of reading the acts of the bosses in order to simply survive have taught many of them all they need to know about who’s who and what’s what, so the second part of my answer goes something like this.
SHIT yes!!!
THEIR “public opinion” could be reduced to about three simple words.
FUCK the motherfuckers!!!
And variations thereof.
Not that it did them much good.
Didn’t do Haiti much good, either, in the long run.
Eventually the slaveowners have to assert their power or lose their game.
Until the injuns git their repeating rifles.
And then…
Duck and cover, Danny G.
Duck and cover.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Bet on it.
Get the word out, and keep the faith. I like that. Just sounds kind of wishful.
The virtues of honesty, awareness and understanding make it happen. By knowing, or assuming the wiretaps were on and still choosing to shine that light, it allowed ‘them’ to know that we know what they know, to a degree.
Sometimes it takes way longer than it should.
All of this sounds right but something, somewhere doesn’t make the final click for me. I’m still not sure what it is but it seems to be missing. I don’t sense the old money versus new even though it all makes sense. I’m not saying it’s not true or not possible.
The old money could’ve stepped in at any of a great number of opportunities to change direction. The ‘old v new’ makes it sound like old has been powerless to stop the embarrssing, individualistic events that threaten them. I think new is just a complicit subsidiary of old.
Think of the “new” as a subcontractor of the old.
But the subcontractor not only didn’t do its business well, it tried to take the joint over.
Since the “old” was resting on its laurels…and since the “new” has a pretty good power base both here and in many foreign countries as well (AND since lots of employees simply work for the highest bidder, of course, no matter WHO that may be)…it took some time before the old could not only SAY “You’re fired” but actually get security to enforce the edict. In fact…it’s still in the works.
Let me tell you a story about power. This is a paraphrase of something Gore Vidal once wrote.
Vidal comes from old political money…his grandfather was Senator Thomas E. Gore (Gore. Ring any bells? It’s a small, small world…) from Oklahoma, his father was connected w/FDR. As a fairly young man, he was invited to lunch at David Rockefeller’s mansion somewhere deep in in the New York woods. He was flown out in a helicopter, seated at a sumptuous table w/only the finest wines and food, and being a very political and idealistic young man himself, talked politics w/ Mr. Rockefeller for some time.
Apparently at the end of the meal Rockefeller decided he had not made his point sufficiently and said “Gore, I trust you found this meal to your satisfaction?” Vidal answered that it was indeed perhaps the best meal he had ever eaten. Rockefeller then answered “You must understand…I hired someone to cook this meal[. THAT is
what politicians do. They cook the meal that they are hired to cook.”
The Neo-cons started freelancing after they thought that they had accrued enough power to do so, and…the old is trying to pull the plug.
Or…as above, so below.
Think of the classic Saddam Hussein/Manuel Noriega puppet strongman who starts feeling his oats and tries to freelance. What does the puppeteer do? He goes in and cuts the strings.
Below…shock and awe w/weapons.
Above? Shock and awe with infowar.
The old USED to simply blow presidents and opposition leaders away here. Now…the whole game has evolved.
World InfoWar I.
Coming to your media outlets TODAY!!!
Tune in.
Get the scoop.
Get your marching orders.
And then fall fast fucking asleep.
“Duh…I dunno…sounds fishy to me…”
Merry ZZzzmas.
If the split happened back in the 50s or 60s this would make sense. There probably have been a few more two along the way and renegade groups within groups. I can see the old guard allowing the renegades to operate for a while because it serves a purpose for them in some way.
How are the global illegal actions of several countries’ intel agencies inluence explained through the last 100 years? Old guard-New-renegades- always official US policy?
You ask:
“How are the global illegal actions of several countries’ intel agencies inluence explained through the last 100 years? Old guard-New-renegades- always official US policy? “
I don’t know.
Wasn’t there.
As far back as Eisenhower’s farewell speech in 1961 he said:
Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientifictechnological elite.
It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system — ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.
Once again for good measure.
“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.”
“Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.”
” The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.”
Dunno about the last hundred years, but Eisenhower…who lived through the beginnings of this change…referred to it as “new” 44 years ago. And 2 years klater JFK lay amoldering in his grave, soon to be followed by a number of others who had eyes to limit of resist the game as it was shaping up. Plus, Ike he didn’t understand the HALF of it. The control of the media, the true rise of an alliance between massive government and massive corporate power, the info revolution…not in his wildest nightmares.
Everything has changed, rumi.
The bad guys are running the town, now…
It’s different than it was 100 years ago.
Not that here weren’t bad guys then.
Just that now they are in a position of IMMENSE power.
New AND old.
That was absolutely excellent, but I don’t think it applies to the specific problem we’re facing. I understand all of that great comment but our problem is the similar force that has been kept hidden from us for decades. It’s an exploitation of national security. It’s the pursuit of criminal enterprise done in out name and justified by claiming an unseen threat.
The Crisis Management Center under GHW Bush is a good example.
I still don’t think that refusal to participate is a viable strategy. Because they don’t need MY participation, they need OUR participation. One worker going on strike doesn’t accomplish anything. All the workers going on strike one at a time, off and on, still doesn’t accomplish anything. We need organization. Unity in action.
I don’t know how we do that in a media war. I think that we’re at some point going to have to turn this into a direct economic war, via organized labor.
I think that IF we succeed in making this an economic conflict, and are IF we’re reasonably successful with it, that we’ll need to prepare to defend ourselves physically, because historically, that’s what the ruling class/government will throw at us in that situation.
Right now, we have nothing to defend, and no way to defend it. It’s not possible to organize an armed defense of information, or media, or ideas, or personal information, or any of that. And that’s where we’re at now. So yes, armed rebellion is totally ridiculous at this time
It would be ideal if we could “fight them with their own weapons,” but given our current position I don’t see how we could do that. (We can’t even say “fuck bush” on the phone without it being recorded, timestamped, and dumped into a database somewhere.)
Besides, I don’t think that they’re particularly vulnerable to their weapons. Bush says over and over again that he doesn’t give a shit what people think of him. And he supposedly has to win elections! Why should Wal-Mart and Halliburton care what the hell people think?
They only care about people’s opinions insofar as they restrain their (current and potential) opposition. You can’t topple this kind of structure just by getting everyone real mad at it. It’s a start, sure, but what comes after that?
We do still have a few assets at this point:
They need us to run their factories and buy their goods.
People are starting to get pissed off (but not nearly enough yet)
We can still exchange ideas with little fear of punishment (just never privately, and with the threat of being sent to guantanamo at some point in the future)
The ruling class & USGov is disorganized, inept, and generally incompetent. (If they knew what the hell they were doing, we’d be having this conversation in the basement of the ministry of love.) They haven’t quite given up their infighting, and are still not the monolithic force of repression they could be.
Where do we go from here? Media campaign (or boycott, or building alternative media, or whatever) is fine in the short term, but we’re eventually going to have to organize economically and militarily.
Ideas don’t overthrow systems. Actions do.
You say:
“They need us to run their factories and buy their goods.”
Then do NOT run their factories and buy their goods.
As far as possible and still survive, drop the fuck out.
Really, it is not workers that run the factories, it is demand. And there we, are back to buying goods. Or NOT buying goods.
1-Drop out of the news and media circle jerk. This will eventually allow you to deprogram enough to clearly see the rat race and drop out of THAT. Even 15% out would be enough, if done by millions. And there are millions of us.
2-Deny them the fruits of your labor. Do not work for the man. As Marcus Garvey and later Malcolm X told blacks in America…”Do for self.” Now we must ALL do for self. Start your OWN businesses. Do NOT work for corporate America.
And do not patronize corporate America as well.
Get out of debt and stay there.
If a mortgage is necessary…buy cheaply in a working class neighborhood. Preferably one that is completely mixed racially. You and your children will be better off if you do, on EVERY level.
Do not buy brand names.
Do not buy prepared foods.
Buy fresh, and as much as possible, buy local.
(You’ll eat better and you’ll be healthier too.)
Buy used cars and KEEP THEM RUNNING. It’s not hard, if you have half a brain and make the effort. (Of course…you have to have been deprogrammed first.). I’ve owned 4 cars that have gone over 200,000 miles each. Try it. It’s fun, and it’s challenging as well. Plus…it’s cheaper than hell and it snatches money right out of the moneylenders’ nasty, greedy, grasping, selfish little paws.
You want to make this an economic conflict? Great. Me too.
Starve the motherfuckers out. On every level.
Take the talented and successful 20% as much out of the mix as possible, and this system either falls or goes into a clearly indentifiable domestic iron fist mode that just MIGHT produce real unrest here and change things.
Sorry about the labor and military thing.
I just don’t see it.
Not unless there is an economic collapse that produces empty bellies and cold feet, and/or a true military rebellion. Which quite conceivably would result in WORSE trouble.
Do you know why the country went into a manufacturing and economic slide in the ’70s + ’80s. One MAIN reason anyway, in my mind. It is because much of the “talented 20%” of the ’60s and ’70s simply stepped away from the vehicle. Did something else. ANYTHING else but work for the man. And 10, 15, 20 years later, GM couldn’t make a car that ran and NYC couldn’t balance its books or clean its streets.
But then the yuppie thing happened, and suddenly we have the booming ’90s.
Listen…if you lose 10% or 15% or 20% of your speed in a normally competitive race…you lose that race.
NEWSTRIKE would lead to MEDIASTRIKE which would lead to CULTURESTRIKE which would lead to AMERICASTRIKE.
Which only THEN might lead to real change.
That’s the theory, anyway.
If I had a better idea…I’d present it.
But I do not.
And I do not SEE any, either.
Vague mutterings of “labor” this and “military” that do not cut it, brokenkeyboard. Sorry. Nor does anything that I have heard from any politicians, although Senator Feingold is beginning to sound interesting.
So I will keep on trying this one.
And hope for the best for all of us.
This glorious winter night.
I can’t say enough good things about indymedia. In my town it’s the place even the corpies and the cops go to check out what’s going on locally. In fact, recently those in power misinterpreted a post and all sorts of cops showed up at arally that was just ameet-up-funny! Many people turn up their noses because they say it’s too radical, too many conspiracy theorists etc. But it is set up to be exactly what we citizen-journalists make it and it’s open to all.
Did you see all the arrests recently and the apparent suicide in jail?
Don’t know if you’ll read this-it’s nearly 24 hours later-but word on indymedia and the street from the guy’s friends is that he would never commit suicide. Near-suffocation is a well-known torture device.
That was the same impression I got. Several things involved don’t make sense.
I don’t think the MSM is getting word of this at all. Either it’s a voluntary blackout or they aren’t picking up on it.
He’ll be missed as another tragic loss is declared victory by BushCo. BushCo is adept at taking lives.