For more than a century, U.S.Imperialism has treated Latin America as a backwater of corrupt generals, poor and exploitable labor and a continent to be raped for its resources.It was the original place where imperialists like Nixon and Kissinger wanted to spread “Democracy” and “Freedom” which, of course, meant assassinations of elected leaders like Arbenz and Allende and the installation of pliable dictators like Videla and Pinochet.
Despite the efforts of our imperialists, Latin America, as a continent, is totally rejeceting our brand of democracy and electing true democrats not beholden to U.S. corporate interests. The rise of Lula,Kirchner,Chavez and now Morales signifies a paradigm shift and it will be a long time before any U.S. interests will prevail in any elections in Latin America.
Ironically, the end of U.S. imperialism signifies the flowering of democracy native to Latin America.Both Chavez and Morales are proud of their Indian roots and their communities, for a long time under the U.S. favored dictators, had no voice.unless the U.S. corporations mend their ways and get on the right side of history, we can expect countries like India, Russia and China ready to step in and fill the vacuum as is already happening with the coalition between Brazil and all these three powers.
If the Republicans and Democrats do not see this as a repudiation of U.S. hegemony by a broad swath of Latin people,they will have some more rude surprises awaiting them in the Middle East and the rest of the world.As it stands, the independent minded Latin countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia, do not want to have anything to do with American corporate hegemony.The spread of this attitude to other parts of the world is inevitable.
The imperial mindset has so thoroughly infected our body politic,no one seems to question the very basis of our so called “vital interests” and assumes that it should take precedence over the ordinary living needs of the peoples of that continent.Until that realization dawns on us, we are likely to retreat from every corner of the globe driven out by the peoples who are fed up with our brand of Democracy and Freedom, which essentially means the unfetterd rights of our corporations to exploit the resources of the continent for the benefit of their shareholders with little,if any,accruing to the benefit of the local population.
If Latin America is our guide expect a repeat of the same phenomenon throughout the Middle East.
I have long felt that we should be very concerned that our policies in Latin and South America left our society in a very dangerous spot. I have been trying to work my way through Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent” and it is just disheartening to be reminded of the crimes we committed there.
Thanks for turning our attention to another part of the world.
Our professions of Democracy do not carry any weight in Latin America anymore.The plight of Argentina which was burdened with huge debt service costs by the IMF and World Bank which, of course, they could not afford has essentially made other countries wary of seeking financial aid from Uncle Sam and our banks.If you read ” The Confessions of an Economic Hit man” by John Perkins you will see the true costs to a country that adopts the American model of economic development.No wonder the Latin countries see that as a road to nowhere, and coupled with the support we have provided to ruthless tyrants over the years, it is no wonder the Latin people are resorting to their own indigenous models.
“…the crimes we committed there.” We did not commit any crimes there.
They, the Republican administrations, did.
Similarly we, the Argentine people,did not commit any crimes in El Salvador when we trained their death squads. Our military certainly did.
It is my sincere hope that the hopeful breeze whispering through South America will waft its way northward, and eastward, and inspire the Resistance in those ancient lands to flourish and grow. It is my prayer that nations scarred with the horrific wounds of colonialism will work together to heal themselves, and give US the space it needs to make the crucial decisions necessary to address its own putrefying wounds.
The Latin American nations have arrived at this juncture in history after many decades of subjugation of their aspirations either directly by our corporate interests or through the proxies we have installed.The spread of true democracy has occurred in the face of enormous opposition.That opposition was visible to everyone when Bush made his less than triumphant tour of Mar Del Plata.
It was clear to everyone that Bush is viewed with contempt especially when he starts mouthing off about Democracy and Freedom.Bush was trying in his own way to arrest the spread of true democracy now that the old brutal and covert techniques no longer work.
You see Duct, there is a good side of us latinos latinamericanizing the US. Sooner or later we will get here. 🙂
is that in supermarkets, some of the Euro-pastries I enjoy, like hot cross buns, have been replaced with round pan dulce with stripes of pink and yellow frosting, which I do not like as much.
Just wait till you try the “facturas” from Argentina. I am drewling for them right now
Why did you make me think of them??? Buahhhhhhh.
is fragile. Morales is now looking around for help to tap into one of the largest national gas reserves in his vague promise to nationalize the industry. It wasn’t long ago that Brazil was being rescued by the IMF.
How do we undermine IMF policies within our own country, in order to aid those Latin American countries that are striving for global, economic self-determination?