Media Matters has the most outrageous statements of 2005. Here are my favorites:
Rush Limbaugh: “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 8/12/05]
Neal Boortz, suggesting that a victim of Hurricane Katrina housed in an Atlanta hotel consider prostitution: “I dare say she could walk out of that hotel and walk 100 yards in either direction on Fulton Industrial Boulevard here in Atlanta and have a job. What’s that? Well, no, no, no. … Well, you know what? [laughing] Now that you mention it … [i]f that’s the only way she can take care of herself, it sure beats the hell out of sucking off the taxpayers.” [Cox Radio Syndication’s The Neal Boortz Show, 10/24/05]
Of course, these don’t even scratch the surface of the reservoir of spite, bile, and callousness we see and hear on television and radio everyday. But, I keep reminding myself, the media is liberal.
It’s both comical and sad that one could tune into any one of these various pudits’ shows for about 20 minutes and hear the kind of invective listed on the MMFA site. Malkin, Coulter, Carlson, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, Robertson, Beck, Buchannan… That damned Liberal media.
Those Katrina victims are going be just fine as soon as they improve their blow-job techniques and stop calling FEMA and wasting tax payer dollars. Priceless.
media so as to allow unattractive men easier access to mainstream society.
That’s priceless! I haven’t even been able to go read the rest of the quotes because I’m simmering with rage here at just how far we’ve come, baby..idiotic fucktards.
. . . I can testify as to the truth of that comment.
Most outrageous comment: We do not torture.
limit his “Worst Persons in the World” to THREE???
Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick…the righties have sold their souls to the devil and their brains to the Religious Reich…
This gem from Chris Matthews:
Sign me up as a whack-job. Do we get hats or badges to wear?
so many to choose from, the fun never stops
Sign me up as a whack-job. Do we get hats or badges to wear?
I wonder if BooMan couldn’t persuade one of the artsier frogs to do t-shirt designs for the site reflecting this ethos. More specifically, I’m thinking of slogans like: I’m the sort of whackjob who thinks torture is wrong on the front, with the site logo on the back, or vice-versa. And I’m the sort of whackjob who thinks peace is a good thing, and other variations on the theme.
Just a thought. I love the subversive repetition of it. It takes the power out of when they try to call us whackjobs if we do it ourselves in a way that so obviously makes it mean the opposite of what they intend by it.
wonderful man of God that says things like this:
Pat Robertson: “If [Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez] thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it.” [Christian Broadcasting Network’s The 700 Club, 8/22/05]
Omward Christian Soldiers!
“If European countries claim that they have killed Jews in World War II… why don’t they provide the Zionist regime with a piece of Europe.”
– Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Ir’s refreshing to see Pat talking out his ass again. I’d agreed with him far too often the past few years.
Keith Olbermann (my imaginary 2nd husband) really laid it into John Gibson tonight.
Gibson had been named “Worst Person in the World” back on 12/2 for his comments about “people following the wrong religion” and who they’d have to answer to. This week, he denied making such statements. Only trouble — Media Matters has the tape and transcript:
PARSHALL: Exactly. John, I have to tell you, let me linger for a minute on that word “tolerance.” Because first of all, the people who like to promulgate that concept are the worst violators. They cannot tolerate Christianity, as an example.
GIBSON: Absolutely. I know — I know that.
PARSHALL: And number two, I have to tell you, I don’t know when they held this election and decided that tolerance was a transcendent value. I serve a god who, with a finger of fire, wrote, he will have no other gods before him. And he doesn’t tolerate sin, which is why he sent his son to the cross, but all of a sudden now, we jump up and down and celebrate the idea of tolerance. I think tolerance means accommodation, but it doesn’t necessarily mean acquiescence or wholehearted acceptance.
GIBSON: No, no, no. If you figure that — listen, we get a little theological here, and it’s probably a bit over my head, but I would think if somebody is going to be — have to answer for following the wrong religion, they’re not going to have to answer to me. We know who they’re going to have to answer to.
GIBSON: And that’s fine. Let ’em. But in the meantime, as long as they’re civil and behave, we tolerate the presence of other religions around us without causing trouble, and I think most Americans are fine with that tradition.
If you can, watch the “Countdown” repeat tonight (12 midnight Eastern, 9pm Pacific), or check the MSNBC website for the transcript. Classic…
Keith Olbermann…2005’s Best Person in the World.
Unbelievable. Reading these quotes, you’d think that these guys and their ilk were not in charge of all three branches of the gov’t. They sound like petulant, spoiled brats whose parents just told them “no” for the first time ever.
Joe Scarborough inciting terrorist acts on MSNBC in advocating an outright assasination.