Huh. Who knew. In my leaning-towards-hot-pink county — where George Bush won in both 2000 and 2004 — the word “PEACE” is kewler than terr-rssts, and simpler pleas win out over Bush’s December 17 proclamation that “America, our coalition, and Iraqi leaders are working toward the same goal — a democratic Iraq that can defend itself, that will never again be a safe haven for terrorists, and that will serve as a model of freedom for the Middle East.”
Asked “What is your personal wish for the world?,” locals told the Sunday “Speaking Out” newspaper section — I had to type these because the local paper doesn’t post most of its stories on its Web site:
Alberta Marquette, Retired Meat Wrapper, Port Angeles: “Peace. I don’t like the wars and all the killing. Just peace.”
Russ Svec, Tribal Representative, Neah Bay: “Peace in the Middle East and Iraq, and hoping that governments will come together in unity. And hopefully bring our troops home in 2006.”
Timothy Borden, Cook, Port Angeles: “No more wars. Peace on earth. It would be nice if each of the countries in the world would get in harmony with the rest of the earth.”
Jason Roy, College Student, Port Angeles: “First, it’d be peace. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. You don’t see much of that around the world. The hunger for power is a bit much.”
John Green, Welder, Port Townsend: “I wish there weren’t so many greedy people in the world, and that all rich people would give more wealth to poorer countries.”
Pam Dionne, Educational Game Designer, Port Townsend: “I’d like to see us out of the war in Iraq, the invasion of Iraq.”
Megan Meckler, Caregiver, Port Angeles: “For people to not go without the things they need most. People in general need to be more generous and sharing with others.”
There was just one crab apple:
Frances Shapleigh, Homemaker, Sequim: “I wish the media would get off Bush’s back. They don’t realize what he’s doing for the world. Many are trying to crucify him. In my day that was called treason.” (Clearly an Ann Coulter fan.)
Now, the local paper does its darndest to make these “Speaking Out” statements representative of the community. It sounds like the vast majority in this rural, pink county are anti-war and pro-peace. I’ll be damned. And not one of them repeated the Bush meme about spreading democracy.
From Democracy Now! on November 24, 2005:
AMY GOODMAN: So who is warning you against using the word “peace”?
JANE GOODALL: It’s just that some N.G.O.s are being warned that there are certain things which they shouldn’t be using, certain words that will bring them into disrepute. And peace — it can’t be true, can it? That cannot be a political — peace is something we all aspire to. Peace is something every child dreams about. You ask children around the world what are their dreams, and one of the things they’ll say is “Peace.” I don’t believe there’s a single living person who really wants to be involved in a war if there was any way out. … (Full Transcript)
It took me until I was done posting to remember where I’d heard recently that “Peace” is a word we’re supposed to be careful about using … then it hit me : The wonderful interview of Jane Goodall (who also describes her work with helping the people and their farming systems near the chimp preserves).
How can they crucify him while they’re on his back? Isn’t this pretty risky?
That’s one of the reasons I suspect she’s a Coulter fan … Ann Coulter makes no sense either.
KEITH OLBERMANN IS BACK! All is well with the world.
There’s a programming problem that is sometimes causing the advertising links to “go bad.”
The links I use are auto-generated, and I test them. But there’s something in the Scoop software, I am at this point guessing, that zaps bits of code OUT of the auto-generated ad links. (Parts of the link code such as &offerid or &type get zapped out of the link, and end up at the top of the left column.)
Until our programmer can take a good look at this mysterious behavior, will you alert me if a link goes bad? I’ll grab a new version of the link, and substitute it. Thanks so much.
ll’s right with the world, from my P.O.V.
Ill’s right is not what I meant….LOL…consider All’s right
Actually, like a “Good boy”, I clicked through ALL the Ads, and Hyperlinks…(hope that adds a quarter or two to the coffers).
Three ad links didn’t work for me.
1. The .gif at
2. 120x 60 Dansko
3. 46 Offer
You are a real sweetheart.
Thank you so much!
I’ll run them through the ad-generator again. Grrrr.
I’m going to wait a little bit because our programmer is working on the problem … then fix them.
(Just wanted you to know in case you check, and they’re not fixed yet.)
Did you ever check the column end break or word wrap properties? It sounds like the program is cutting the ned of a link if the characters go over an allowable limit. I’ve seen the words you mentioned as plain text out of place. That sounds like a layout glitch.
I’ll forward your observations to Andy, the Scoop programmer.
I’ve wondered about the word wrap setting, but for this reason: I can create auto-generated ad TEXT-only links for our affiliates, but when I put them in the left column, they don’t wrap. And they spread the left column out clear across the page.
I gave up on using text links, unless they’re really, really short. (But most of the pre-written text links that I can grab are at least two or three lines long.)
What do you mean by this? ” the column end break”
I live down here in Thurston County, about halfway between Olympia (blue) and Yelm (red). Driving to the edge of Ft. Lewis takes me about 5 minutes.
My neighborhood has a fair number of troops living in it, and while the flag and yellow ribbons are till plentiful, I’ve been noticing that the number of W stickers has been steadily decreasing.
As for peace, Ask the wife of a soldier that is on his third deployment if she thinks that peace is a dirty word.
Is give Peace a chance.
When you see stuff like this, it has got to make you wonder: “Why?”
Anyone have a clue “Why?”
Not sure where you saw this, but this is the “Constitutional” line of succession….
The original Constitution provides that if neither the President nor Vice President can serve, the Congress shall provide law stating who is next in line. Currently that law exists as 3 USC 19, a section of the U.S. Code. This law was established as part of the Presidential Succession Act of 1947. There, the following line of succession is provided:
* Speaker of the House of Representatives
* President Pro Tempore of the Senate
* Secretary of State
* Secretary of the Treasury
* Secretary of Defense
* Attorney General
* Secretary of the Interior
* Secretary of Agriculture
* Secretary of Commerce
* Secretary of Labor
* Secretary of Health and Human Services
* Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
* Secretary of Transportation
* Secretary of Energy
* Secretary of Education
* Secretary of Veterans Affairs
* Secretary of Homeland Security (not yet set by law)
The only exception to the line provided in the law states that to ascend to the Presidency, the next person in line must be constitutionally eligible. Any person holding an office in the line of succession who, for example, is not a naturally-born citizen cannot become President. In this case, that person would be skipped and the next eligible person in the line would become President.
The president changed the succesion of the “DoD”… This has nothing to do with who would replace the preznit.
What does this say about rummy? I took that off of (If you didn’t check the link?)
I find it odd that the bush would change something like this at this stage of the game.
We talked about it somewhere around here the other day … but I forget where.
That is what I get for spending 2 weeks buried in Alito’s crap! Now all I have to do is get through “vacation” without falling too far behind. lol
That is the only thing I didn’t like about the 12 days Of Justice. I didn’t get to keep up on reading all the stuff I usually read on the net.