I want to thank you all, especially Nico, for inviting me to your discussion.
I am not much of a writer. I write, as I photograph, from my heart and not my head. So, it is with some trepidation that what began as a letter to a few friends was shared with so many. I am humbled if you are moved by anything I have to share.
I’ve received a number of requests for my photographs. In 1997, in a fit of madness, I burned my prints and negatives.
The photographs that remain are in my possession. And, will no longer be shared with the world. I do this out of respect for the Humans Being in my images.
My current work may be seen here:
I have more essays I will post soon. My Thanksgiving essays were much less considered and far more emotional.
I hope what my diary lacks in quantity and frequency, will redeemed by virtue of its content.
I am a private man. By nature, I am shy.
Thank you for you kind regards…