It’s so hard to blog during this season.
My family background surrounds me with fellowship, love and joy at this time of year. To read the news, or check the blogs for the latest outrage causes major dissonance in my brain. I feel guilty when I hear that George has uttered more outrage from his podium, and then I head off to a gathering full of laughter and frivolity.
I am overcome with a stubborn need to enjoy my life. Not too much to ask, I hope. I was sitting at a table con primos y otra familia this past weekend and it was fantastic to talk a bunch of crap about memories past that are sure to cause snorting chuckles. I know that our democracy is being destroyed piece-by-piece as I am wiping the happy tears from my eyes, but in order to maintain the energy levels for the fight, I need these moments of bliss.
I find myself torn in half from this disconnect; but at the same time, I recognize that if I don’t allow some space for happiness and escape, then I will be worthless for the battles ahead. So my advice to progressives and other sane human beings who are concerned for the well-being of the United States is this:
Enjoy the time you are given to share the best parts of our common humanity; the moments of fellowship, love and joy. It gives us a resurgence of energy that reminds our souls why we fight for the health of our democracy. Sure, the Bush War Council is stinking up the joint, but if you get the chance to enter a room free of the foul stench, then live it up.
Happy Holidays to you all and may 2006 be full of victory for the forces of equality and diversity.
Crossposted from my humble blog.
“Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our own students. What better books can there be than the book of humanity?”
—Cesar Chavez
Thank you Man. I was completely delighted by your poll.
May your life be always full of those beautiful moments.
the same for you, Alice. I may have to be cited for a BUI (Blogging Under the Influence) with this post, but the words were bursting out of me. Glad you liked the poll π
BUI can be recommended if you have a happy story.
This is an excellent example of acceptable BUI’ing.
Wonderful advice, Manny!
Thanks for the reminder for us all.
Hugs and Happy New Year!
May you see the light in everyone you encounter today and the year to come. I can always see yours!
“I am overcome with a stubborn need to enjoy my life.”
Indeed. ;^)
Thanks for sharing your joy with us Manny – you started my day on a very lovely note. (Loved the poll and the ethereal frog)
Good day!
The froggy hopped out at me during a google search for Peace, how could I resist π
and don’t enjoy our lives, the true terrorists (the ones in the White House) win.
I’ll raise a glass of my favorite adult beverage to you and all the Tribbers and Tribbettes tomorrow night, ManEE… π
and loved your poll! We need a great 2006.
Can’t wait to make it my mantra today, thanks for sharing CabinGirl!
Peace and love
Peace and love
That’s all I’m thinking of baby
Peace and love
Take those breaks!
I have been for a few months now and it keeps me living MY life.
Politics are important as is keeping one’s eyes and mind open and aware, but the energy Bush has depleted from me is too much- like a bad relative- you can’t really ignore them but cringe when they show up. So I don’t blog as much as I use to.
Every turn seems to bring new horrors from this Administration, the fight is important, but so is our ability to remain strong and steadfast; for me, I need periodic “Me-Times”. May yours be full of rest and rejuvenation!
Thanks for this and happy holidays to you and your family! We should a take a little time. But the poll, so “few” choices, rather like where Bushco would prefer to take this country. π
since I read your Sunday cafe comment: “(Now that family is asleep.) < boran2 girates to loud music >”
DANSE RUSSE by William Carlos Williams
If I when my wife is sleeping
and the baby and Kathleen
are sleeping
and the sun is a flame-white disc
in silken mists
above shining trees,–
if I in my north room
dance naked, grotesquely
before my mirror
waving my shirt round my head
and singing softly to myself:
“I am lonely, lonely.
I was born to be lonely,
I am best so!”
If I admire my arms, my face,
my shoulders, flanks, buttocks
again the yellow drawn shades,–
Who shall say I am not
the happy genius of my household?
Thanks for that image!
going to mention it, but my former gig with Diebold jaded me so I decided to say, “Screw it”, and make it clear that I was fixing the results π
Happy Holidays to you and yours, boran2!
you can’t fix what ain’t broke π
how’s the community at Street Prophets doing? I really need to make that a regular stop to refill my inner gas tank.
we’re doing well – thanks.
unfortunately it’s cut into my BT time pretty heavily π
I would invite folks by – in about 15 minutes I’ll be posting a “Coffee Hour” — very BT cafe-ish place
duties usually handled by Mrs. P but I’m running a bootleg version while she’s away.
Wonderful, Man.
You are fortunate to have a large, loving family around you.
.. it was fantastic to talk a bunch of crap about memories past that are sure to cause snorting chuckles.
Do you avoid politics, or are you all on the same wavelength anyway?
part, we’re on the same wavelength. There’s really no taboo subjects on my mom’s side of the family, which is what I was really describing with that line. I come from an area of long-time Democrats who feel the slightest pull from economic hardship on a national level, so there’s plenty of disgust aimed towards George and his minions. Hope you’re doing well, my friend!
And your story already told me you are very fine..
Tomorrow I’m off and the plan is to seriously introduce the oldest asklet (soon 16) to blogging. Six months ago, she hardly knew what was in the news. Then she took journalism as an elective subject this fall, and is now the news editor of the school paper!
Yes Manny, it was great to take a little break over the Holidays.There are days that it is just all too much, too overwhelming. That is when I know it is time to take a step back and have some fun.
Funny thing though, somehow it creeps in when you least expect it. Christmas Eve dinner at my house we always go around the table and do a toast. There was the usual good health, the wish for the Chicago Bears to go to the Super Bowl but then it came to my almost nine year old grandleezy’s turn and she said, “I hope that the war will end”. We all said here here and clinked glasses. Even our littliest ones have something to say about the mess that has been created by the Cabal of Fascists in the WH.
So take a break, recharge your baterries and let us continue to fight the upcoming Supreme Court nomination, Plamegate and NSA illegal spying to name a few things on our plates.
sounds to me like your grandleezy has a bit of your fire burning in her, what a comforting thought for our future. I’m not on an anti-political/activist streak here, just thought a nice reminder was in order that our lives are best spent being lived and enjoyed. It makes the resolve that much stronger when it’s time to put the boxing gloves on. π
Absolutely Manny! I believe we will be in for a long haul in fighting this Cabal. I like to take things one day at a time. I know you are not getting anti anything except Bushco..teehee1 Have a great day my friends!
Don’t mean to be a wet blanket but the thing I noticed most about the “holiday” season this year was how many people I know have bad feelings about it. In my family there are always the memories of strained fake happiness after my father died young a week before xmas. It colors our lives still (37 years later)to the point where my brother says he’s just given up on xmas entirely. My mom started on her downward journey in the cancer fight on xmas eve 10 years ago. My pal Terry spent the day in his shop distracting himself (in a healthy way) from the thoughts of his wife who suicided a year and a half ago. He says he doesn’t have good memories from childhood anyway because of his folks’ struggle with poverty.
My family as it were did have a similarly pleasant time together despite the 10 year absence of an estranged brother. We were missing our elders who’ve all passed on, most of them early. We’re actually the remnants of three families with a marriage tie.
Sorry to bring up stuff like this but it’s a very complicated season and I just hope that people who have mixed feelings aren’t feeling too lonely-you’ve got plenty of company.
I know exactly where you’re coming from diablita. We’ve lost a lot of elders in my family around the holidays so these days are also tinged with a winter chill of loved ones lost. One of the things my dad’s family has done for the past 10 years is gather on Christmas evening and light a candle, in remembrance of those we’ve lost, but also as a time to share our hearts with one another. It helps us convert the sadness to a form of pride at the humanity that was lived by those gone before us.
There’s so much suffering everywhere, chalk this screed up to a 3am attempt by me to shine alittle light into the chaotic abyss of BushWorld. π
May your day be full of fellowship and peace!
recharging is very very important- specially for those of us who have taken on the task of being informed and spreading the word about the criminals- it gets exhausting– be safe-be happy-be here when you need to be.
Happy New Year to you and the rest of the Accidental Activist Brigade. I think we’re slowing working our way out of the “Accidental” part of that term, don’t you think?
As scribe says, “Onward!”
There is nuthin accidental about it- it is a matter of taking your anger and directing it where you can do some good- in that respect- I have been an activist since–oooh hmmm — 1970?? That is not a brag that is just a fact.
And I love the FACT that the youngers are stepping up to the plate and being enlivened by the elders (me).
There is one thing that I can do- which is encourage and reinforce those who have the energy and the will to step up–oh yeah- and I have some money too.:P
Great advice Manny! And I believe your concepts to be absolutely essential to our well being, to build our individual “immune system” to protect us from succumbing to this BushCo malignancy.
I like the usage of malignancy, it sums up their effect on our country. Happy early New Year’s to you!
I believe this and believe it strongly- that there are deep ties between the people who have come here and made it their net home-whether there is an absence for a while or a burnout situation- or a move or what ever-it is still a home.And home is where they HAVE to take you in.
…we will eventually find that we aren’t that different from most other people, even our enemies. Just because someone is malinformed does not make them a bad person.
It is our duty as embracers of democracy to dispel with the bad information and replace it with the truth.
Does this sound really corny when coming out of me? Probably. But still, we should work for positive change through the truth. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
It is our families, careers, and friends that remind us why these fights are so important. Without those in our lives, the fight seems less important.
Great diary and peace to you and yours
It has been wonderful, family, friends, hugs, children playing, talking about the old days, retelling the old stories for the new generation.
My 3 year old grandson, asked over and over when he could open his presents at my house. Finally the moment came and he received a nice warm sweater and a book about penguins. He cast them aside and said they were “Nuffing.” He wanted toys. Later, when I took them and said, these are mine now, I’m putting them in my room, he changed his mind and decided they were good gifts after all. He said they were “not nuffing” and that he really did like them.
There was no discussion of politics for us. It was the time for silliness and fun but those concerns really never leave most of us. We just push them to the back of our minds for a brief time.
Looking forward to a great good year as I think of all the courageous people fighting for justice who have paved the way. Best regards to all for that great good year ahead.
Geeze…he’s only three, and look how quickly the baby responds on societal cue! I’ve seen 2 year olds sing/hum the McDonald’s theme. It’s really scary. They don’t mean it or really know what they are saying, of course, but still, they quickly learn that toys + McD’s=good and fun.
You handled that situation really, really well!