Yesterday, 12-30-05, I posted up a simple Diary, early in the morning, before leaving for work, of an e-mail I received about a new song/video View: I MISS YOU
by Tom Chelston, a six year Veteran Medic of the Navy and Marine Corp, this was called his ‘2005 Retrospective: “I Miss You” ‘. You can listen/download just the song HERE
Tom posted up another Video/Song he wrote a few weeks back called ‘BushWhacked’, you can view and listen HERE, if you missed it than.
This Talented Vet has a Dream lets help him reach it, pass the links on!
Our Collective ‘Dream’ will be Much Harder, but working Together we can Achieve!
There have been a number of Video’s produced about what has been going on in 2005. Bringing out similarities to 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, but in 2005 that which Many had been saying about what was happening because of the lying and corruptuion has started bringing forth the truth to those lies and much more!
2006 must not be just about the Politics of Control of our Society, but must be about Cleaning Up that which has existed, and we’ve allowed, for far too long, no matter Political Party. It also must be about rolling back this False Arrogance that Americans have about Us and the Rest of the World, we are No Better and No Differant, we are the Same Human Animal to be Treated as We Ourselves would want to be Treated!
As one of the Music Video’s say’s ‘A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words’ If that is true than
2000 [NOW PLUS] Speaks VOLUMES!!
The graphic above comes from Peace Takes Courage who have their own 2005 Retrospective New Video Up, New Animation
2005: The Year in Review
Peace Takes Courage has also produced HOLD ON, It’s HARD, NOVEMBER IN IRAQ
, I’ll Be Home For Christmas, EASIER TO LIE, Veterans, October in Iraq and a few others!
We have the Talents of Eric over at BushFlash who has given us many, such as his recent Prevailed, with the many he has produced stacked at Animations. Such as The Right Versus’s Cindy’s Truth, LIES, Thanks For The Memories and many others. Eric also hosts many other Videos at his site along with his own Commentary, if not a regular visitor you should visit every now and than, you won’t be sorry you did!
We have the Political Video Catches of Crooks and Liars too numerous to list here and many already visit and view!
We have Truth Out-Multimedia giving us Video Productions from a Veriaty of differant people such as The Prairie Chapel Road 12, Carly Sheehan: A Nation Rocked to Sleep, School of the Americas Protest, Arlington West: Veterans Speak Out, Veterans Day at Arlington West – Santa Monica, and Katrina: Dispatch from Mississippi, along with so many more. another site to visit on a regular basis.
We have Poets Against War with actions and contributions from a wide veriaty of talented deep feeling Poets. This group was founded after Laura bush Disinvited Poets to the Peoples House fearing they would Recite Prose against the Actions of her Whittle man[?]. Visit the site it’s well worth it!
We also have Individual endevors such as Vietnam Veteran and Musician ‘BOHICA’ who put up the following Diary at Daily KOS BOHICA’s [Diary]; Member of Veterans For Peace Chapter 72 using Fogarty’s Deja Vu (All Over Again) With Photo’s Past/Present
As BOHICA States: “”Iraq is not like Viet Nam.” You’ve all heard this by the apologists for the war.”
This was the Reason to put this together, couldn’t get Fogarty’s Song out of Mind!
We have James McMurtry’s “We Can’t Make It Here “-Band Version
There’s also Brett Dennen’s The Holidays Are Here (and We’re Still at War)
There are Many, Many sites that have logged the history, lies, corruption, actions, personal thoughts of the past year like AfterDowningStreet, RubDMC’s: Iraq War Grief Daily Witness and Oh So Many More!
Lets face it people, we here in the United States, have been way to Apathedic for Way Too Long, having allowed ourselves to be Controlled instead of Controlling those we hire to Represent Us, which in turn have brought Unpresedented Power and Control to those few who we Work For, the Corporations and the Individuals who run them! We no longer have a growing middle class but a dwindling one, we are already in a two tier society The Haves and the Have Nots, and it’s only going to get worse!
We have allowed the Creation of Another False Enemy ‘Terror’, while ‘Terrorizing’ others who Never deserved to be thus, which replaces the so called ‘Cold War’ enemy of the past, which means the few can Control by Fear, and Controling they are!
It isn’t only about Politics and Political Parties, people here must come together and join like minded people of this planet to bring about Direction that Helps Benefit All! We must not Allow the few to Dictate but to Lead, that’s why we put them in the front! We must Clean up this House called America and Strive to Regain the Respect of the rest of this World!
2006 is Not The Start but the Continuation of that which Many have given voice to for Ages!!
First Step, I Will Signature:
James Starowicz
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country’70-’71 COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace
VFP ‘Declaration Of Impeachment’
Sign On and Pass Link To Others
Guide to Impeachment and Censure Materials Online
Jurist Law-Legal News and Research
Impeach Bush Coalition-Sign On
Impeach Bush Checklist-Impeach Bush Coalition in html format so that everybody can easily cut and paste it onto their own blogs.
Granny D says – “Impeach The Son of a Bitch”
IMPEACH PAC Iraq War Lies… Increased Terrorism… $3 Gas… USA Patriot Act… Global Warming… Rightwing judges… Illegal Spying… Transfer of Peoples Treasury to the Few… Had enough of Bush and Cheney Corrupt Cabal?
Censure and Impeach
for your patriotism and service to our country. I stand with you all the way. Here’s to 2006 and beyond. May the “Force” be with us. Namaste!
For it those who Really Undersrtand, through Heart and Soul, that Lead the Fight for the Rights of All Us Human Animals!!
I will be adding more in referance to your comment later, need to do a few errons first.
Keep The Faith For We Shall Overcome!!!!!!
Celebrating[?] the end to 2005 tonight.
Tomorrow, instead of Football, take the time to Visit:
This is a Silent Honor Roll shown on the PBS ‘News Hour’, now Almost Daily, that was started at the Beginning!
As of Today, 12-31-05 there are 55 Pages with 5 ‘Honor Roll’ links per page!
If you take the Time to View ‘ALL’ the Pages/Photo’s and Information Instill This Thought Into Each American Military Face You See, ‘Try and Picture 30, 40, 50, 60 or More Iraqi Faces, Children-Women-Men, Killed for Each Of These Faces You Are Looking At’
This Must END!!!!!!!!!
like closed captioning for the broadband-impaired. I would love to know what some of the audio, video, and photographic links contain but with dial-up there is not way I am going to find out — not that I’m suggesting that you shouldn’t do diaries like this, just venting a little frustration at the lack of high speed service available in less populated areas.
visit the ‘TruthOut’ main link in the diary, this’ll take you to their media page where you will find DialUp links for each Production!
These will give you the Strong Feel of what’s out there!!
Thanks. I’ll check it out.