The thought just occurred to me that if W wants us to continually throw in our faces that “9-11 changed everything,” we have the perfect means in our power to de-fang this meme in 2006 and throw it back in his face.
Follow me over the jump.
Consider how the words “nigger” and “queer” have been handled by the black and gay communities.
Every time Bush or one of his minions does something evil, we respond with “What do you expect? 9-11 changed everything!” Do it often enough and the phrase loses any punch it has with the public and conservatives. It’s already evolved on this site into shorthand for the arrival of Big Brother. We need to carry that concept to our conversations with fellow citizens in the real world, especially conservatives that are already starting to have cracks in their worldview. It can be the tool with which we return responsibility and freedom to America:
Abu Ghraib? 9-11 changed everything.
Domestic wiretapping? 9-11 changed everything.
Horrendous deficits? 9-11.
Cuts to aid to the poor and student loans? 9-11.
Inept, criminal, racist Katrina response? 9-11.
Connect the dots for them.
It’s not cynicism, it’s pointing out their cynicism in running the country into the ground on the graves of the victims, their dishonoring our soldiers’ ultimate sacrifices by the way they started a war of choice for no damned good reason, their raping of the constitution at every turn.
9-11 changed everything? Damned right it did.
9-11 was the day the thugs came out of the shadows and hijacked our nation for their profits and power grab, while in their shock and grief our countrymen were unaware.
9-11 was the opening the vipers at home were waiting for to strike.
How DARE they tell us 9-11 changed everything and then abuse it like that?
9-11 changed everything can be the petard upon which justice arrives.
As the crimes unfold in the coming new year, just throw it back in their faces:
Abramoff revelations? Fitzmas? Enron?
9-11 changed everything.
Too many have paid too high a price for business between the rich and the powerful to go on as usual.
They all are going down in 2006.
9-11 changed everything…
Changed everything…
Change is gonna come.
It’s on the way.
Hear the roar?
That’s a nation arising from somnolesence,
the scales falling from its eyes,
finding out it’s been had.
And it’s mad as hell.
And it’s not gonna take it anymore.
9-11 changed everything.
Happy New Year to everyone at the pond!
And it’s gonna be a happy new year.
We’ve been waiting for it, praying for it,
aching for it.
Some have died for it.
It’s coming.
It’s almost here.
You can see it now, dawning over the horizon.
And when the sun rises
then the frogs will sing.
“Pigs (Three Different Ones)”
Pink Floyd
Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You’re nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying “keep on digging”
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find?
When you’re down in the pig mine
You’re nearly a laugh
You’re nearly a laugh
But you’re really a cry.
Bus stop rat bag, ha ha, charade you are
You fucked up old hag, ha ha, charade you are
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
You’re nearly a good laugh
Almost worth a quick grin
You like the feel of steel
You’re hot stuff with a hat pin
And good fun with a hand gun
You’re nearly a laugh
You’re nearly a laugh
But you’re really a cry.
Hey you White House, ha ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse, ha ha, charade you are
You’re trying to keep our feelings off the street
You’re nearly a real treat
All tight lips and cold feet
And do you feel abused?
You gotta stem the evil tide
And keep it all on the inside
Mary you’re nearly a treat
Mary you’re nearly a treat
But you’re really a cry.
If everything changed on 9/11, I hereby claim the rights to 9/12. After all, that’s the “day after”. The day they started planning, the first day on the road from D.C. to Baghdad. Leave us not forget the first item on Cheney’s energy policy committee list was “Iraq”; the firing of Paul O’Neill, and other casualties of bush; and the administration’s perennial “Red Queen” dance. One step up, two steps back on: 9/11 commission, Homeland Security, terrorists in Iraq, Patriot Act, and especially Katrina.
We were all too stunned by the events of 9/11. 9/12 we started waking up.
“You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” [Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk].
Forgot the link: Fallen Legion, Part II (extension of “casualties”, above).
A Summary of Useful Research & References on the
11 September 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon Bombings
The Complete 9/11 Timeline, Part I: 1979-Dec. 2000
September Eleventh Families for
Peaceful Tomorrows
A group of victims’ families dedicated to healing the wounds of violence. The organization is working with the international human rights group Global Exchange to establish a US government fund to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghan civilians hurt by the US military.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”