by Patrick Lang (bio below)
All you news junkies out there!! Count up on your fingers and toes the number of times this week you have heard anchors and “guests’ from the media mention the “White House Christmas Party for Journalists.”
Off-hand comments about what the president joked about, what Laura was wearing, who was there, little knowing smiles and insider smugness, that’s what we have been treated to this last week. Corporate media people and the “newsies” themselves evidently would throw themselves under the wheels of a Metro bus if they did not get an invitation. After all, how else would anyone in Washington, New York or Atlanta know they were important? Is that what happened to Hemmer and poor Aaron Brown? No invitation? Clearly, the money spent on that (or those) party(ies) is one of the best investments that any White House could ever make.
Amusing, but indicative of the incestuous relationships among the “power elite;” the “newsies,” lobbyists, members of Congress, West Wing types, PR people, and major financial interests. As the situation in Washington has developed (and now set into concrete) these groups are all really ONE group, and the way they barter, buy and sell the government and the information that provides a backdrop has become so solid that they can’t imagine any other way to “do business” (or bidness, if you prefer).
We now have major broadcast journalists sniggering on the air that “after all, this is how things are done” (meaning bribery of congressmen).
It will be interesting to see what happens to Abramoff. We should not feel too much personal animus toward him. He should be seen as merely a symbol of the continuing evolution of the journalistic/financial/lobbying/congressional/executive branch complex.
Pat Lang
Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann (interview), CNN and Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room (interview), PBS’s Newshour, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” (interview), and more .
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
Business as usual.
Just walked past a NY Daily News front page.
Bloomberg in a Santa hat and a huge pile of money.
Mayor doles out $1.5M in bonuses to campaign staffers including 400G to top manager.
Anyone doubt that his mayoralty is simply a business proposition?
An investment?
While he simultaneously tried…and apparently failed…to Scrooge the transit workers out of the dollar three-eighty they needed to survive in this unbearably expensive city?
Business as usual.
A good businessman invests in those who make him profit.
He ought to be in Attica.
Shame on this whole system.
The TWU called him on it.
And like EVERY frontrunner…he folded.
Call them always and everywhere.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
My gut reaction: That’s improper.
I read part of a piece the other day — but I can’t remember where — by a columnist who advocates that members of Congress be paid a million dollars a year.
Now that I agree with. And have for a long time.
About 20 years ago, I wrote a resume for a bank employee who was a member of the state legislature. He told me about his terrible struggle to:
also: I know that the two representative and senator who represent my district — and, geographically, it’s a huge district spanning the length of the west side of the state (a drive of at least 5-6 hours one way) — must PAY out of their OWN salaries the monthly rents and utilites for each of the three offices they must maintain in each of the larger towns spread out across the district.
If we want to attract the BEST of the BEST, we need to make it financially feasible so that — among many things —
At the highest level of office it won’t make a damned bit of difference HOW much you pay the officeholders, because the power inherent in a major mayoralty, governorship, a senatorial seat or…most of ALL….the presidency make it worthwhile for the truly rich to simply outbuy anyone who is not equally rich.
Left, right or center.
The entire system needs to be renovated.
Which will not happen because the beneficiaries of that rigged system control the mechanisms that would ALLOW it to be reformed.
Collapse, revolution or best…total exposure of the corruption.
Total exposure.
Not namby pamby, lets play pattycake Democratic you scratch my backside and I won’t expose yours style.
The real thing.
Let us pray.
AG link to SFrancisco paper. This just gets more disgusting every year. Some CEO made over a 1000% of what they did last year. As for bonuses, well the CEO from Morgan Stanley got a mere 11 Million dollars….and the kicker being he’s only been on the job 5 months. Upwards to 38 Million in bonuses and a little known fact apparently buried in many company records is that some companies pay the personal income taxes to boot for their CEO’ fucken sweet is that.
Wasn’t he crying about how the strike would just break the city financially just last week?
Mmmmhmmm. Who’s the thug, now?
And borrowed Santa’s hat, no less.
I contrast the party(ies) described with the description of the Fitzgerald grand jury meeting… a room looking like a seedy junior college classroom… the reports saying most of the jury were women, wearing pants…
Will reporters one day decide which world they should be living in, or is it really “concrete”
We haven’t heard much about the holiday parties for the contributors to the multiple defense funds… maybe that’s where the concrete is mixed.
The merry band of K street peddlers and those who have profited by the buying and selling of the government may find their futures very much in doubt on Tuesday…Abramhoff has been given until 3 PMEST to “put up or shut up” by the judge in his upcoming trial. NYT story here and Reddhedd’s take on it at Firedog Lake.
Bet there’s some soul searching going on re: New Years Resolutions. Plenty of room under the bus.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.
Mr. Lang:
Thanks for your thoughts. MSM types, in my view, bare much of the responsibility for the decline that our society is currently suffering.
Try as I might, my animus towards all involved in this mess has not been reduced. Guess I better use the energy in a constructive way, like staying involved with my local Dem Party chapter, working for a change in Congress (at least) next November.
CHICAGO (Daily Herald) Dec. 28 — Looking back on the year that was Illinois politics, the theme of 2005 can be boiled down to a single name: Patrick Fitzgerald.
Whether the U.S. attorney was in Washington indicting Vice President Cheney’s aide Scooter Libby, shot-gunning subpoenas through Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration, stopping in to watch former Gov. George Ryan’s corruption trial or shaking Chicago City Hall to the rafters with accusations of widespread hiring fraud under Mayor Richard M. Daley, his presence was felt.
“This guy, on volume, is all over the place,” said Paul Green, a political science professor at Roosevelt University in Chicago. “When you look at it, he’s the player. If there was a Time magazine politician of the year for Illinois, it would have to be Fitzgerald.”
Fitzgerald’s federal paperwork flew so fiercely that one Chicago public relations firm sent out its annual party invite in the form of a subpoena.
The National Law Journal – December 21, 2005
As special counsel for the Department of Justice, Patrick Fitzgerald has taken on some of the world’s most influential people by trying to uncover who divulged the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame. The matter encompasses the very reasons for the war in Iraq, while also striking at the heart of freedoms protected by the Constitution. For those reasons, Fitzgerald — alternately described as exacting, thorough, obsessive and mellow — is The National Law Journal’s 2005 Lawyer of the Year.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Somewhat tangental yet nevertheless indicative of the point Pat Lang makes about the sycophantic journalists at the top of their media heap being part and parcel of the same entity, the same problem, as the government they purport to report on, via Crooks and Liars, tvnewser reveals the odious Bill Bennett will be joining CNN as a political analyst.
oh for gods sake..replacing or having Novackula leave was one tiny step in the right direction and I guess they-CNN-couldn’t stand it they take another step backwards by hiring that racist, moralist hypocrite..WTF were they thinking hiring that bastard? TV news-so called-is so far beyond redemption it simply isn’t even funny.
Here’s a copy of the letter I sent to CNN earlier today.
Too bad that all these so called reporters are basically in bed with the WH and have become a very big part of the problem. It would have been nice instead to hear of some journalist(using the term loosely)proudly proclaiming she/he didn’t get an invitation-meaning they must have been doing their job correctly and pissed off the WH. Make it cool NOT to get an invitation.
Now THAT would impress me. (Bet Naomi Klein and Amy Goodman didn’t get one. 😉
He oughta be
In Attica.