Soj is celebrating in Romania right now. I’m just waiting for the Giants game. Go Big Blue.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
One of these weeks, we’ll find out if Eli is the genuine article.
A happy and healthy 2006 to all!
I’m waiting for the game too. Fingers crossed. I’m sticking close to home tonight.Actually sticking to the inside of these four walls :o) Feeling kind of quiet and reflective here after what’s been mostly a bad year. Seems bad all over. I know that good things happened and that I’m still optimistic but I can’t shake this feeling of having lived through one of the worst years of my life. We lost a friend yesterday. though we hadn’t seen her in quite a while because she’d pretty much gone off the deep end with alcohol and drugs. She left her three daughters with her ex or soon to be ex and embarked on a path of self destruction. Well…yesterday she succeeded in killing herself by acute alcohol poisoning. It seems like the last tragic gasp of a truly fucked up year with losses too many to count anymore.
I hope midnight passes quickly because I can’t take another minute of 2005.
Super, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a shitty way to end the year.
Who are the Giants playing anyway?
Thanks CG. It is a shitty way to end the year, but I feel heartbroken for her daughters. They have years of confusion and sadness and anger ahead of them.
The Giants are playing the Raiders out in Oakland. If they win tonight the win their division.
well, I had fun meeting you in DC. That’s something good from 2005. And Tom DeLay got indicted. And this site was launched. But, yeah, it was a lousy year. And losing your friend is a rotton exclamation point.
I hope Randy Moss doesn’t have a career day against Corey Webster.
Yes Sir. Many good times in between including meeting you and CG, Tracy, B. Feldspar, DJ, Steven D, and MLK and the rest.
Corey Webster…damn. So new I don’t even recognize his name. Then again, Moss doesn’t impress me very much anymore.
he was our 2nd round pick this year out of LSU. We didn’t have a 1st round pick because of Eli.
He’s been playing nickle back and getting burned routinely. Of course, Will Allen got toasted last week so…
My mother went that way 30 years ago. The doctor wrote “ethanolism” on the death certificate. Hope the new year brings much better times for you and yours.
Pity about your Mom Ed. What a way to go huh? Hard to understand wanting to drink that badly. Enough to poison yourself. It’s crazy.
Oh, and Btw, Eli is the real article.
Hey superman, I’m very sorry about your friend and what it will do to her daughters for no doubt a long time to come. It’s always the living who pay the heaviest price for something like this I believe.
Good things happened as Booman mentioned but with such unremitting daily outrage from bushco I’ll second your sentiment on being done with 2005 and hoping like hell that 2006 really is finally the gdamn turning point for the publics perception of the whole bush mafia.
agree with you about 205 in general. Lots of good things happened and I made a hoarde of new friends that are some of the best friends I will ever have. It was one of the toughest years though that I have lived through. Midnight went quickly here. We woke up our daughter who had fallen asleep and sipped champagne together all three talking about the new and looking forward and saying lots of hellos. The goodbye was real quick.
It’s already 2006 in France!
Happy New Year!
I definitely believe 2006 will be a very interesting year, which will bring about many changes …
I wish all Boomaniacs the best for this year, and I wish Booman Tribune to thrive and become more and more what it already is: one of the nicest meeting places in the blogworld!
And now, fireworks, please!
Allez les Bleus! Proud of my home country!
Meanwhile, here in maine we had our Sat nite potluck with the folks who were in state (not visiting family out of state). One person visiting from out of state would like to move to Maine, work on campaigns and is a licensed masseuse. All we have to do is find here a place to live for a few months and presto, campaign workers may get gratis massages. We debuted karaoke tonight and then broke out the guitar followed by an evil game of hearts while Santana played us into the new year…the year in which we Throw the Bums Out. Happy New Year to Boo Susan and the whole tribe here. Keep a going, we can do it. (See the What if diary if you haven’t already)
Hopefully..2006 will be better than 2005?? (how long has this blog been up??)
Go Broncos….K.C. Chief fan
Can’t say there’s a lot of hope tonight from the Raider Nation. What a shitty season!
Hoping someone can take a peek at the AP reporter scandal I just diaried before it disappears.
We were planning on going to SF tonight, but hear a levee broke, flooding & closing I80, so it’ll be a quiet home at home tonight.
Excellent coverage – thanks for diary on a lost chance for democracy through U.S. interference, keeping to football terms.
AP Severs Ties w/ NED Consultant in Haiti . . . ◊ by Arcturus
How Haiti’s Future May Depend on a Starving Prisoner
By Ginger Thompson with contribution from Régine Alexandre
Haiti's ex-prime minister, Yvon Neptune,
in handcuffs, as he was arrested last July,
suspected in the St.-Marc killings.
Thony Belizaire/Agence France-Presse
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
I see Absinthe removed their ad. Too bad, I was gonna celebrate the New Year by doing the obvious and pouring.
Happy New Year, Booman.
Corks are already popping on this side of the pond. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this site.
Keep on keepin’ on.
Don’t forget the leap second at midnight!
And may 2006 bring us a Democratic Congress!
on BooMan the pupdog’s New Year’s Eve plans.
Especially in light of those rumors involving a certain chihuahua that shall remain nameless.
We’re not Entertainment Tonight, you know. Or the White House.
Boo has positioned himself quite sensibily for the optimal acoustic sound quality in the room. He is enjoying some tunes.
we will now have a milk bone to celebrate Tiki Barber’s 95-yard rushing touchdown. It is the longest rushing TD in giant history and breaks a record set in November 1930.
I had forgotten how odd the Philadelphia rules are.
Happy New Year, everybody!
photo of my ass! I guess you forgot!
Meanwhile… back at the ranch… a little bit of snarkyness in response to bush’s dreams of a 2006 agenda.
Yes…Happy New Year to all the Tribbers. Anyone having any Champagne right now? I’m in Soggy LA. Just got back from a movie and getting settled in for the night.
I have some Billecart-Salmon Blanc de Blancs left… Please, have a glass!
That’ll work

Happy New Year M!
I’m clueless about football but I wish all a better 2006. (Sorry to hear about your friend, Supersoling.) I’m about 40 miles north of the “crossroads of the world” and maybe if I squint really hard…
Happy, happy New Year to one & all!
May we find ourselves on higher ground at this time next year.
Enjoy & be well.
Happy Happy 2006 Booers!!
And good riddance 2005! Come on… tick, tock, tick, tock… Begone with you. Thpfbtttt… 😛
Happy New Year!
Biggest stories of 2k5: Tusnami, Pakistani Earthquake, Katrina & Gaza Pullout (although that may prove to be less significant in the long run; a lot depends on the policies of the Israeli government from here on out.
Bonne et Heureuse Annee!
Je te souhaite une très bonne et très heureuse année, Catnip !
Et j’espère te retrouver bientôt ici…
It’s so good to see your sig again. I hope you are feeling well. You are still the All-Time Live-Blogging Champ, irreplacable. I’ve missed your wit and wisdom. I hope the New Year inspires you to share more of yourself with us.
A bright spot in 2005 – this site and all of the friends I’ve made here. Happy New Year and thanks especially to BooMan and Susan. Where would what’s left of our sanity be without Tribbles!
Some of the best was meeting a few of you IRL – Hi Tracy! Hi Leezy! (still pissed that I missed you in Austin, Super). One wish for 2005 (along with extravagant and widespread frog-marching) is to meet more of you. Meetup? Getogether? Camp out? I’ll be there!
Ah Supersoling…so sorry about the loss of your friend. As one in recovery for a very long time I can’t imagine being in that deep despair.
To all the gang here, those that I have met in person, especially Janet Strange, my guardian angel, you have made my journey more worthwhile. I love you all and a meetup this spring/summer would be great. Lets start planning!
Here’s to 2006 and frog marching the fuckers out of office.
ps…just so long a meetup is not held in Texas in August…lol!
Happy New Year to all Bootribbers!
You know that it is New Year in Australia when the temperature (I’m in Sydney for a few days) reaches 44.2 degrees Celsius (that’s 111.5 degrees F).
We’re looking forward to the cool change tonight.
Of course, this is nothing to do with climate change.
This is part of my husband’s collection of old greeting cards, mostly from about 100 years ago. It is amazing to look at them.. They were all sent to family members, his aunt saved them in albums.
Anyway, Happy New Year.
Oh my goodness well hello and good morning to any of you in the US…
I was up until 5am over at the folks house, just talking, drinking and eating. Romanians know how to string out a party for hours and hours – the secret is to keep feeding your face then drink then eat some more.
So when I got home I was bloated and tipsy, but feeling quite good. Hope all of your New Year’s went equally as well and let’s hope 2006 turns out to be a super good year for all of us!
Best Wishes to all – especially in Good Health or Sustainability in recovering from any illness at present.
In The Hague a lot of fireworks displayed throughout the city center and suburbs. To avoid nasty crowd troubles, the city is now renowned for supporting neighborhood party coordination. To avoid large bonfires in city streets, the city council has given permission for large bonfires on the beach of the North Sea. Nasty rioting has been prevented in the last ten years!
Eurovision television has the traditional
Johann Strauss Waltz Concerts
Austria btw will have EU Presidency first six months and Putin’s Russia will lead the G8 Nations on Finance and Economy. First item for discussion: democratic content of member nations and gas & oil distribution throughout the World – read U.S. and all Western energy consumers. I wonder whether there is any knowledge of assets to be found in the environment, climate and ecology.
Let 2006 be an EARTH YEAR :: have people unite globally to retake true democracy, whereby its leaders represent voters and not corporations.
● Eisenhower’s Message to his country!
Listeners all around the world can experience the New Year’s Concert live on the internet by way of Live-Stream beginning at 11:15 CET.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Happy January :o)
Goodbye 2005
Apparently I slept through the whole thing ;o) It’s better that way. I can’t really get into all the network bullshit celebrations they throw at you . Not to mention all the crap that passes for music these days.
To my friends here I resolve to redouble my involvement and my efforts to make a difference in the world. You fine people are such good family and compatriots. I can’t imagine not having all of you in my life now. Some very special ones more so ;o
My wishes for a healthy and peaceful New Year to all here at Booman Tribune.

Let us keep up the energy.