I had spent my whole adult life talking about negative situations, but never doing anything about them and going on about positive ideas but never doing anything about them, either. But I found the actions of this Administration to be so outrageous, and the war in Iraq to be so wrong, that they evoked feelings of anger and frustration so overwhelming that I HAD to get into action and create the peacepositive Peace Dove magnet, start peacepositive.net and donate as much of the proceeds as possible to charities that support peace, our veterans and their families.

From the start, response was overwhelming. People showered us with positive comments and support.  I especially received a ton of support from the communities at Booman Tribune, Daily Kos and My Left Wing.

It’s with great joy that I announce that our year-end donations to charities totaled over $500. Instead of the projected 20% of the net proceeds, we were able to donate 25% of the gross (that may not seem like a lot, but peace magnet businesses don’t exactly gross what Halliburton does). And it’s all thanks to you. Not to mention there are now hundreds of Doves flying an all-important message of peace on vehicles and fridges all over the country.

To keep the positive momentum going, we’ve decided to extend our holiday donation policy through the end of January. So instead of our minimum of 20% of the net going to charities, we’ll pass on 100% of the net until January 31st. So if you know of any peaceful procrastinators, let them know.

Thanks again for every thing and here’s to the safe return of all our troops as soon and as safely as possible.

Happy New Year and Peace positive always,

Mike and Lori

Click on the dove or right here to go to peacepositive.net.

(Crossposted at Daily Kos)