Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
My line in the granite: if the Dems don’t come out swinging against this, loudly, clearly, simply, I burn my voter registration card. This is it, there is no more give in me.
I’m so sick of watching them let the Rethugs twist their collective nuts because they’re oh so ‘fraid of looking weak on national security. If they’ll let this pass like they have every other grab for power over the last 5 years, they’ve learned nothing and they are as pathetic as they are portrayed. Lose ’em all.
I got news for ya Dems, compliant nut twisting is not an attractive attribute. It ain’t even centrist. Nobody but nobody wants to see that.
I’m with you on this. I would only add that I think it’s a problem that transcends partisan cowardice, aggression and preening. Even if Dems like Biden or Hillary or the broader DLC gang manage to achieve significant influence on public policy, as a whole I think the country will still be in very bad shape and still have bleak prospects for the future.
And too, even a partisan switch in the DC power matrix will not do anything to improve the performance of the MSM. They’re still going to be an entertainment-centric medium where news is a commodity manipulated for it’s emotional resonance rather than for it’s information value; where the spectacle of “HE said He said” (so-called) rhetorical jousting and “other people’s personal tragedies” always attract more viewers, (hence more ad revenue) than straight information does.
The corporate media understands money. It is, in the end, the one true motivator for them. As circulation drops, as viewership declines for the cable news channels, eventually they may start to get it.
I already wrote CNN and told them that the day William Bennett makes his debut as their newe political analyst is my last day as a CNN viewer. MSNBC is next, except for Olbermann, (though I have to say I really wish he’d get a job doing what he’s doing somewhere more reputable).
In many ways I think the failure of the MSM to do it’s vitally important (constitutionally protected) job does us more damage than even the failure of our government, because if the media had been doing their job the government would never have been able to go so far toward the abyss.
In general, at this point the relationship between the MSM & the high offices of governance seems to be a matter of symbiosis in the interests of corporate empowerment, rather than anything resembling the greater public interest on either end.
I think we’re well beyond the point of any possible counterbalance & we’re witnessing the dawn of some sort of seamless media-government chimera.
They keep getting worse because they’re allowed to get worse. Checks and balance should exist in the media too. I always think of Hardball and those newsertainment programs as embedded advertising content.
I agree completely with debraz and I’ve made no attempt to hide my disappointment in the Democrat’s lack of a definitive stand. I do it because I want the Democrats to stand for firm values. If, as a national party they can’t, then it’s time to find those who will.
On my tiny mind is a lot of thanks for all the ‘hard work’ that so many people do to keep this site going.You know who you are.
And I get kinda gushy mushy at this time of year,so pleez forgive me.
You are so right. I too am grateful for all those who keep this place running, especially BooMan, Susan and all those who keep the cafe running round the clock. Many thanks and kudos to you, Shycat for taking note of this.
Is “It” going to hit the fan this week or not??
Let’s see: Fitz vs. Delay, the Abramoff plea bargain thing, and GW vs. the U.S. Constitution. Lots of possibilities. What are the probabilities??
If Abramoff is going to plead it needs to be soon — he’s only got until the 9th. (Although I suppose he actually has until the jury is ready to come back with a verdict but that seems unlikely.)
But realistically, all the judge can’t make him “shut up” if he doesn’t “put up” tomorrow. Granted, its great incentive to do it — but what happens if they don’t come to a deal by tomorrow and then they come to a deal next Sunday night. Is the judge likely to not approve it? Litigators out there?
From a layman’s point of view, it would seem to me that while the judge may not impose any sanctions on him, it would be foolhardy to r antagonize the person who ultimately will be in control of the proceeding during trial.
Reddhedd at Firedoglake had a very interesting commentary on this a few days ago.
As an attorney, what do you think of her analysis? I find these issues particularly interesting, especially given the potential for very high profile and far reaching ramifications.
I read her analysis on that and I generally find her right on point. Of course, I’m a business acqusitions lawyer and not a litigator. I NEVER go to court. That’s why I wondered what the litigators thought. Technically the judge must approve any plea arrangement and can reject it. So, I suppose if they don’t come to a deal by tomorrow the judge can force a trial — but that’s unlikely. If its a decent plea deal, even if its at the last moment I think the judge would allow it. Be pissed about it, but allow it.
BTW — right now I think Firedoglake has the best legal analysis on the net.
“BTW — right now I think Firedoglake has the best legal analysis on the net.”
Couldn’t agree more, IMS, Redd is a former prosecutor, perhaps fed. They’re all over le affaire Plame (sp?), and there are some very knowledgeable commentators as well.
Texas appeals court to hear DeLay request for speedy trial
Joshua Pantesco at 2:39 PM ET
[JURIST] The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has agreed to hear arguments regarding the request of US Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) to speed up his money-laundering trial by either beginning the case immediately or dismissing the charges.
I do not know enough about mines to understand the reasons why the decision was made to wait over twelve hours before beginning to try to drill to them.
It is said that they will begin this process momentarily.
Caught part of a story on the TV news; apparently the mine is 3500 feet deep and they’re not convinced drilling would get to them in time even if they had started right away. This may be more for PR or for the families benefit.
And someone offline was telling me that drilling with the gas has danger of explosion. But they are drilling now.
It appears that this particular mine has some 46 or something safety violations. There was a sister of one of the miners who said that her brother had chosen that work because it pays $17 or $18 an hour, which is considered “good money” there, which I interpret to mean that they can afford housing.
Oh dear god-having grown up in coal country-there are ‘accidents’ all the time.
Mine safety is an oxymoron.
Miners drown,they burn,they suffocate,they are buried in the dust.
good song about this- –The Caves of Jericho-written by Richard Bell- recorded by The Band
One of the best mining songs is Eric Anderson’s Blind Fiddler from one of his earliest albums, circa mid/late 60’s. A poignant commentary of the harsh conditions and life of the miners.
Did any of you see “60 Minutes” last night?
I enjoyed the segment on Clinton in China .. site … you can sign up for his Foundation’s newsletter in the left column
BAGHDAD — The Bush administration does not intend to seek any new funds for Iraq reconstruction in the budget request going before Congress in February, officials say. The decision signals the winding down of an $18.4 billion U.S. rebuilding effort in which roughly half of the money was eaten away by the insurgency, a buildup of Iraq’s criminal justice system and the investigation and trial of Saddam Hussein.
Just under 20 percent of the reconstruction package remains unallocated. When the last of the $18.4 billion is spent, U.S. officials in Baghdad have made clear, other foreign donors and the fledgling Iraqi government will have to take up what authorities say is tens of billions of dollars of work yet to be done merely to bring reliable electricity, water and other services to Iraq’s 26 million people.
“The U.S. never intended to completely rebuild Iraq,” Brig. Gen. William McCoy, the Army Corps of Engineers commander overseeing the work, told reporters at a recent news conference. In an interview this past week, McCoy said: “This was just supposed to be a jump-start.”
So, we can kill thousands and destroy much of Iraq, but never intended to fully rebuild. I’m getting physically ill.
The rightist blog All Things Beautiful has the following Christmas/New year challange to the blogosphere: name the worst 10 Americans ever!So beautiful: let’s celebrate by remembering the worst ever…
Check those lists if you want to enjoy the real American hate.
Just got home is daily kos down?
it..loaded…my browser burped.
Matthews, Mitchell and Newsweek’s Evan Thomas on Hardball, talking about the spying thing.
So bad, so lame that I had to turn it off. No mention of the constitution or the rule of law.
The hacks and flacks just keep getting worse and worse.
My line in the granite: if the Dems don’t come out swinging against this, loudly, clearly, simply, I burn my voter registration card. This is it, there is no more give in me.
I’m so sick of watching them let the Rethugs twist their collective nuts because they’re oh so ‘fraid of looking weak on national security. If they’ll let this pass like they have every other grab for power over the last 5 years, they’ve learned nothing and they are as pathetic as they are portrayed. Lose ’em all.
I got news for ya Dems, compliant nut twisting is not an attractive attribute. It ain’t even centrist. Nobody but nobody wants to see that.
I’m with you on this. I would only add that I think it’s a problem that transcends partisan cowardice, aggression and preening. Even if Dems like Biden or Hillary or the broader DLC gang manage to achieve significant influence on public policy, as a whole I think the country will still be in very bad shape and still have bleak prospects for the future.
And too, even a partisan switch in the DC power matrix will not do anything to improve the performance of the MSM. They’re still going to be an entertainment-centric medium where news is a commodity manipulated for it’s emotional resonance rather than for it’s information value; where the spectacle of “HE said He said” (so-called) rhetorical jousting and “other people’s personal tragedies” always attract more viewers, (hence more ad revenue) than straight information does.
The corporate media understands money. It is, in the end, the one true motivator for them. As circulation drops, as viewership declines for the cable news channels, eventually they may start to get it.
I already wrote CNN and told them that the day William Bennett makes his debut as their newe political analyst is my last day as a CNN viewer. MSNBC is next, except for Olbermann, (though I have to say I really wish he’d get a job doing what he’s doing somewhere more reputable).
In many ways I think the failure of the MSM to do it’s vitally important (constitutionally protected) job does us more damage than even the failure of our government, because if the media had been doing their job the government would never have been able to go so far toward the abyss.
In general, at this point the relationship between the MSM & the high offices of governance seems to be a matter of symbiosis in the interests of corporate empowerment, rather than anything resembling the greater public interest on either end.
I think we’re well beyond the point of any possible counterbalance & we’re witnessing the dawn of some sort of seamless media-government chimera.
Yes! In a democracy, the compromising of a free press is a necessary precursor to tyranny.
They keep getting worse because they’re allowed to get worse. Checks and balance should exist in the media too. I always think of Hardball and those newsertainment programs as embedded advertising content.
I agree completely with debraz and I’ve made no attempt to hide my disappointment in the Democrat’s lack of a definitive stand. I do it because I want the Democrats to stand for firm values. If, as a national party they can’t, then it’s time to find those who will.
On my tiny mind is a lot of thanks for all the ‘hard work’ that so many people do to keep this site going.You know who you are.
And I get kinda gushy mushy at this time of year,so pleez forgive me.
You are so right. I too am grateful for all those who keep this place running, especially BooMan, Susan and all those who keep the cafe running round the clock. Many thanks and kudos to you, Shycat for taking note of this.
A big “Amen” to that!!!
Is “It” going to hit the fan this week or not??
Let’s see: Fitz vs. Delay, the Abramoff plea bargain thing, and GW vs. the U.S. Constitution. Lots of possibilities. What are the probabilities??
If Abramoff is going to plead it needs to be soon — he’s only got until the 9th. (Although I suppose he actually has until the jury is ready to come back with a verdict but that seems unlikely.)
Same day Alito’s confirmation hearings begin.
Uhoh … better set the alarm early that day!
He’s been given a “put up or shut up” order by the judge…tomorrow 3:30 PM…sphincters are tight in DC.
But realistically, all the judge can’t make him “shut up” if he doesn’t “put up” tomorrow. Granted, its great incentive to do it — but what happens if they don’t come to a deal by tomorrow and then they come to a deal next Sunday night. Is the judge likely to not approve it? Litigators out there?
From a layman’s point of view, it would seem to me that while the judge may not impose any sanctions on him, it would be foolhardy to r antagonize the person who ultimately will be in control of the proceeding during trial.
Reddhedd at Firedoglake had a very interesting commentary on this a few days ago.
As an attorney, what do you think of her analysis? I find these issues particularly interesting, especially given the potential for very high profile and far reaching ramifications.
I read her analysis on that and I generally find her right on point. Of course, I’m a business acqusitions lawyer and not a litigator. I NEVER go to court. That’s why I wondered what the litigators thought. Technically the judge must approve any plea arrangement and can reject it. So, I suppose if they don’t come to a deal by tomorrow the judge can force a trial — but that’s unlikely. If its a decent plea deal, even if its at the last moment I think the judge would allow it. Be pissed about it, but allow it.
BTW — right now I think Firedoglake has the best legal analysis on the net.
“BTW — right now I think Firedoglake has the best legal analysis on the net.”
Couldn’t agree more, IMS, Redd is a former prosecutor, perhaps fed. They’re all over le affaire Plame (sp?), and there are some very knowledgeable commentators as well.
Not to be sniggity, dada, but I believe that would be l’affaire Plame.
I’m sorry; blame the Virgo 😉
WW, I gots prolems wif englishe…K …itz cabin girlz falt…:{)
I do not know enough about mines to understand the reasons why the decision was made to wait over twelve hours before beginning to try to drill to them.
It is said that they will begin this process momentarily.
Caught part of a story on the TV news; apparently the mine is 3500 feet deep and they’re not convinced drilling would get to them in time even if they had started right away. This may be more for PR or for the families benefit.
And someone offline was telling me that drilling with the gas has danger of explosion. But they are drilling now.
It appears that this particular mine has some 46 or something safety violations. There was a sister of one of the miners who said that her brother had chosen that work because it pays $17 or $18 an hour, which is considered “good money” there, which I interpret to mean that they can afford housing.
Oh dear god-having grown up in coal country-there are ‘accidents’ all the time.
Mine safety is an oxymoron.
Miners drown,they burn,they suffocate,they are buried in the dust.
good song about this- –The Caves of Jericho-written by Richard Bell- recorded by The Band
One of the best mining songs is Eric Anderson’s Blind Fiddler from one of his earliest albums, circa mid/late 60’s. A poignant commentary of the harsh conditions and life of the miners.
ohh yeah I love Eric Anderson
Discussion of Bush’s recent framing on Iraq going on here, FYI
Did any of you see “60 Minutes” last night?
I enjoyed the segment on Clinton in China .. site … you can sign up for his Foundation’s newsletter in the left column
WaPo Link
So, we can kill thousands and destroy much of Iraq, but never intended to fully rebuild. I’m getting physically ill.
Audiophiles out there, what do you use for playback on your computer?
I’m using Winamp 5.111 with an 10 channel equalizer downloaded from yohng.
iTunes and Real Audio
The rightist blog All Things Beautiful has the following Christmas/New year challange to the blogosphere: name the worst 10 Americans ever!So beautiful: let’s celebrate by remembering the worst ever…
Check those lists if you want to enjoy the real American hate.