The following site alt.muslim was found when someone posted an Article from it on one of the few Yahoo Group boards I belong to.
The Article was:
Imagine if we were in a parallel universe in which Hollywood gave Arabs and Muslims a fair shake. Here are ten films (all based on true stories) that are just waiting for Spielberg’s magic.
{by the way; on #9, as I know the Corries my picks for Rachels Parents would be the Newman’s}
I have since been visiting and reading the writings posted there which just enhances that which I already knew about the Muslim Religion and those who believe in it’s teachings, especially those, who like in any Religious Ideology, are not Fundamentalists but truely trying to live by their Religious Teachings and Beliefs!
More below the fold.
A more recent Addition is this:
By Hesham Hassaballa, January 1, 2006
Some may object that I find such solace from the song of an American female singer. They may say that the only sources of solace should be God’s Word and the Prophet’s hadith. Of course this is true. God’s word and His Prophet’s wisdom is supreme. But the Prophet has also taught us that “Wisdom is the ‘lost animal’ of the believer. Wherever it may be, the believer belongs to it.” This means that we must find the wisdom to live our lives in accordance with God’s will wherever it may reside. And I found such wisdom in a song by Christina Aguilera.
As this is Jan 2nd and we got rained out of work, I just visited the site, thanks to Sharon’s Diary HERE putting the thought in my head to visit.
What follows is Good News reflection on 2005.
The Top Ten Good News Stories for 2005
Following you will find the 10 News Stories listed, visit site/link to read what’s below the header and the embedded links within each.
2. China bases its foreign policy on the spirit of Muslim admiral Zheng He
3. Aceh Rebels & Indonesian Government agree to peace accord
4. Cool heads prevail: Yemen dialogues with jailed extremists
5. The truth about Iraq and other Bush shenanigans emerges
6. Hollywood smells a little better
7. International effort to save the manuscripts of Mali
8. Bangladesh sends aid to USA: the Muslim response to Katrina & Kashmir
9. For ten years now, Kenya’s camel libraries bring books to the rural poor
10. A woman continues her struggle with a superpower
As you can see I’ve added the header embeds but again visit the site URL to read those below the header as well as any of the other writings that may be of interest.
At the very top you will find a few more links to sites of this Muslim Community effort. A couple look as though they are in the building process, on quick review.
Learn More about others for Better Understanding, for in the End ‘We Are All The Same!’
Thanks for this Jim.
Ignorance is the greatest cause of hatred and hostility. Fear is a close second I believe. Those two along with religeous superiority complexes have caused most of the worlds genocidal wars and oppression of cultures we deem inferior. Those of Muslim faith are no better or worse than Jews, Christians, Buddhists and so on.
As you say,
“We are all the same”.
Fear is a Tool-been used forever and ever by anyone who needs or wants to gain or maintain power.
A little story I read once,about a village in India,whose leaders were concerned about internal conflict.They invented a threat,in this case a tiger,and there was unity,against the external threat.It was all a lie, of course,just like any of these invented fears are lies,whether they are of other religious beliefs or ideologies.
It’s all a power play.
piece here the other day, but I didn’t think it would be so much of interest.
The Newmans might be a little old for Rachel’s parents, but they are such good actors, they just might pull it off. I was thinking maybe Sissy Spacek (who would have made the perfect Rachel a few years ago) and maybe Kevin Bacon, just to keep the universe in balance.
You’re right about the age of the Newman’s, but a couple in that mode would be Perfect!!
I met the Corrie’s here in Charlotte in the Peace Coalition building as the talk of Invasion of Iraq was building.
Talked to her mother more than her father, a Vietnam Vet also, because of his job.
We All knew about Rachel being in Palistine and what she was doing, and than the Tragic Murderous Events took place, and the Sadness and Silence.
Web held a Beautiful Memorial here and Learned how Terrific this Kid Was right from Childhood she had the Feelings and Compassion.
They moved from here shortly after, and the State Department has been giving them the Run Around Since!!!!!!
Thanks for the links Jim.
A dear friend – like a daughter to me – is Muslim from Pakistan. It has been so painful to watch a thoughtful, devout woman be harassed and maligned because of her religious beliefs and ethnic heritage. And we live in the SF area…home of liberalism and acceptance. yeah right…
Thanks for sharing the links….I’ll pass them on to others as well. The more that we accept each other the less hatred and violence everywhere.