Jack Abramoff “will plead guilty to three felony counts in Washington on Wednesday” [at 12:15pm ET – WaPo]… “pleading guilty to fraud, public corruption and tax evasion, setting the stage for prosecutors to begin using him as a cooperating witness against his former business and political colleagues. In exchange, Mr. Abramoff faces a maximum of about 10 years in prison in the Washington case,” reports the NYT.
Update [2006-1-3 11:36:26 by susanhu]: The WaPo has uploaded a copy of the charges (PDF). (I don’t see anything. Do you?)
In the Florida case, Abramoff is pleading guilty today “to fraud and conspiracy in connection with his purchase of the SunCruz casino boat line, and will face a maximum of about seven years’ prison time” (NYT).
The pithy Miami Herald story says it much more bluntly:
In Washington, [his plea deal] would involve providing information about his campaign fundraising and gifts showered upon certain Republican congressmen in exchange for legislative favors. He’s also likely to work out another deal on charges he and N.Y. businessman Adam Kidan defrauded lenders of $20 million to buy SunCruz Casinos.
Update [2006-1-3 12:35:10 by susanhu]: Adds a new A.P. story via MSNBC: “U.S. District Judge Paul Huck has scheduled a telephone status conference for later Tuesday. Four other charges in Florida will remain pending.”
“I believe he has to be giving up members of Congress. Otherwise, Abramoff is as high as you go,” Melanie Sloan, a former federal prosecutor and head of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told Bloomberg.
Some 220 lawmakers received at least $1.7 million in political donations from Abramoff, his associates and nine tribal clients between 2001 and 2004, according to [FEC and IRS] records. Of those, 201 are still in Congress. Republicans received $1.1 million, or 64 percent of the total.
“When this is all over, this will be bigger than any (government scandal) in the last 50 years, both in the amount of people involved and the breadth to it,” said Stan Brand, a former U.S. House counsel who specializes in representing public officials accused of wrongdoing. “It will include high-ranking members of Congress and executive branch officials.” (Bloomberg, Jan. 3, 2006, via ABC’s The Note)
NOTE: The pleas in D.C. (10 years) and Florida (7 years) will be made separately in what is called a “‘global’ arrangement.” And, Abramoff will be allowed to “serve prison time in the two cases concurrently,” as long as he cooperates. But, reports the NYT, “the sentencing will not take place until much further along in the investigation.” (Reddhead calls the concurrent sentencing a “pressure point” deal whose outcome depends on “the level of cooperation given by Abramoff.”)
The WaPo also has an interactive graphic of “The Abramoff Galaxy.”)
Update [2006-1-3 13:27:44 by susanhu]: Tonight, C-SPAN is airing a LIVE call-in program on the Jack Abramoff tribal lobbying investigation story. “Tonight’s topic: money flow from Abramoff clients to his personal projects.” (There’ll be another live call-in show later this week.)
Now, after more than two years of investigations, prosecutors have developed a list of at least a dozen lawmakers, congressional aides and lobbyists whose work appears suspect and who are now at the core of the case. With Mr. Abramoff’s cooperation, the Justice Department will have a potentially critical witness to alleged patterns of corruption or bribery within the Republican leadership ranks, which in some cases they believe also took the form of campaign donations and free meals at Mr. Abramoff’s downtown restaurant, Signatures.
Already, prosecutors have a key witness in Michael Scanlon, once press secretary to Mr. DeLay. (NYT)
For dossiers on the major players, Chocoate Ink recommends the Jack In the Box site. Yesterday, Raw Story‘s John Byrne broke an exclusive: “Firm knew Abramoff was paid by ex-DeLay aide before scandal broke, associates say.”
Watch as the Bush Crime Family frantically scurries around trying to do damage limitation work.
This is bigger than Abramoff and and some small time Texas exterminator named Delay. MUCH bigger., Organized crime at the highest levels, Israeli spooks galore, some of the supposed 9/11 conspirators appearing on an Abramoff owned gambling boat a few days before 9/11, Mohammed Atta (a strict Muslim…!!!???) being a regular on one of the casino boats…
I got yer Watergate burglars, yer smoking gun, yer tape gap, right HERE!!!
Take ’em all down, Jacky-boy!
And don’t go flying on any small planes anytime soon…
There’s a word missing from the counts against Abramoff — bribery. Does “public corruption” cover that? Does “fraud” cover his money laundering/slush fund activities? I’m concerned that he won’t take down Delay and Ney and all the rest if the charges don’t include that area of his activities. Could a legal expect bolster my enthusiam in this regard?
P.S. Love the photo; he looks so genuinely pained and remorseful — about getting caught!
Guess that’s the end of The Piggery
Jack, you knew it wasn’t kosher – erm the piggery and the money slush. But then, power corrupts absolutely.
Wonder if they serve special meals where you’re going.
Does this mean that we are getting the House back??
No. In fact, I predict that at least one of those caught up in this scandal runs for reelection claiming he is the victim of political dirty tricks and is reelected in a landslide.
Come on! where is that positive attitude? Of course we are getting the house back!!In addition i would bet that we also get the Senate. Ahhh, dont forget the other house, that which is White located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Well now, Jackie paper gets what’s hinted to be a ‘light’ sentence of only up to ten years and only has to plead guilty to three charges in column A and three in column B. Hmm, I guess Jack has a LOT to be thankful for as it sounds like he’s going to be telling lots of stories.
This is only the beginning, who gets it from Jack’s testimony? I guess that Delay is gone, Hastert is scared, Dana Rohrabacher (he’s just such a ripe crook) is gone.
I’m praying that the top ten on the list of Abramoff contributors get indicted. I want Richard Pombo and John Doolittle indicted.
Thenext months are going to be exciting to those who have the time to follow all this.
A maximum of ten years in prison? I wonder what he would have got if he had been caught selling an ounce of marijuana? Probably about the same time, right?
There’s another 7 for Florida .. let me edit my piece and make that more clear.
Deep down in the article at the NYT iy says, “One element of the deal is that he can serve prison time in the two cases concurrently, although the sentencing will not take place until much further along in the investigation.”
So he may “only” do 10 but they’re holding another 7 years in reserve if he fails to cooperate completely. He’s also looking to stay in the federal system because it’s, um, nicer than state facilities.
I already had the concurrent part of the deal in the story + the additional 7 years for Florida + a quote from the NYT + Reddhead about his need to cooperate … but i think peopel skimmed past that, so I put the # of years in parentheses to make sure people know that the feds are using their future sentencing recommendations as a hammer to make him cooperate.
http://www.jackinthehouse.org/ susan this is a very good site with over 15 people pictured and with links on each one and how jackieboy’s tentacles surrounded or caught so many repugs in the whole dirty web.
Thanks! I added it to the sto
With all of the possibilities, the news that he bargained for a max of 10 years sounds like either he’s giving everyone up or there will be a massive coverup.
Some comments from FreeRepublic.
and here’s one person who is probably about to get banned.
I think most of them know that mostly Repubs are going down. They’re changing the subject to term limits, saying that anybody who stays in Washington past 2 terms is bound to be corrupt.
“and here’s one person who is probably about to get banned.” Did you point him out to BT? Open minded trolls are welcomed!!
Nah, I don’t post over there very often 🙂
Was that you who posted over there? If it was, I did not mean to call you a troll. Thought it was a freeper with an open mind. SO,SO,SO sorry if it was you. Did not mean to insult you.
Nope, that wasn’t me, don’t worry about it. I just meant that I rarely post over there, so I didn’t want to do so in order to invite the fella (or gal) over here.
Good. Don’t invite them. I was just being kind of polite/ sarcastic.
If they come on their own…Oh well 🙂
Whew … hats are off to you, ejmw. That place freaks me out.
CNN is mostly doing disaster stories … dammit …
Here is MSNBC’s front page story. Not much new, I’m afraid.
Though this quote from Scotty McC is interesting:
I wonder if he’ll be singing the same song if / when Bush’s wiretapping order is found un-Constitutional?
One of the absolutely weirdest things about Abramoff is that the 9/11 terrorists were on board one of his SunCruz boats just days before the attacks.
I’m sure Abramoff (the individual) had nothing to do with them, but it’s still weird.
Glad he’s locked up now though, that’s for sure.
E-mail me please. TY!
The stench of foreign influence pedaling in re Russia energy executives, the questionable Malaysia trip for the mystery-shrouded Lexington Group (an Abramoff lobbyist-front business run by Khaled Saffuri, a long time protege of Grover Norquist), the President of Gabon, etc., etc., etc. may be the IED of the Abramoff scandal.
By the pricking of my thumbs, I think the foreign shennanigans may make more sensational headlines than the domestic entanglements. Money taken by US politicos and institutions for favors done (Katherine Harris, Greenberg-Traurig) and votes changed or promised (Conrad Burns) may play to a more attentive audience. But the international wrong-doing may have the potential to be the “bigger” crimes.
Still, I wonder how much the three Boulis murder suspects’ arrests had to do with the “thermostat setting” leading to Abramoff’s anticipated forthcoming career as an aria entertainer. Until these guys were hauled in and began cooperating, Neal Sonnet, Abramoff’s Miami attorney, was insisting his client was innocent of any SunCruz wrong-doing and had been duped by former friend and business partner, Adam Kidan.
Abramoff’s know-nothing days are over. And his say-nothing days, too.
This is about much more than lobbyists gone wild. This is a network that goes back to the Iran-Contra days. It ties into cases of Islamic funding, Chertoff’s clients the Cunningham scandal and more.
This is the result of the Iran-Contra scandal not getting an honest discussion back when it was first exposed.
International caviar trade is banned
I wonder how many sniper school scholarships were pulled at the same time.
I heard some swearing and yelling coming out of the living room, and when I investigated the commotion I found my husband watching Scottie’s press conference.
If anyone’s interested in watching Scottie twist in the wind (again), now’s your chance. :^)
Here’s Scottie’s press conference in a nutshell (I have no idea how much I missed in the beginning, but it’s laughable to think that it might have been of any significance)
-The president will be talking more about social security and the priorities he cares most about in early 2006 and during his SOTU address.
-An agreement was reached on a set of principles, the talks have been very clear with North Korea that they need to get rid of nukes. We’re going to continue to take action to stop illicit activities. (Drugs, counterfeiting U.S. dollars, and blah, blah, blah, long list of talking points with North Korea)
Will U.S. be asking for more funds? “We’re committed to democracy in Iraq . . .blah, blah, blah.”
Navy chaplain has gone without food for two weeks, how in the world can a devout Christian president allow (something or other) like this to happen? Blah, blah, blah . . .
Patriot Act is vital to saving lives. We need to set aside politics for out nation’s security. Do you think ACLU is irresponsible? Scottie: Blah blah blah
Scottie: Most economists would predict continued strong growth, blah, blah, unemployment down to 5%, home ownership at record levels, consumer confidence is up, but we must continue to act on policies that will keep our economy strong.
President participating in briefing on terrorism and work in 2006 – much progress was made in 2005 – blah, blah, blah so proud of all that progress, progress, progress, progress. We’ll be able to focus on counter-terrorism, blah, blah. President made it clear that decisions will be made by commanders on the ground.
What are the president’s limits of power? Scottie: We’re connecting the dots and the president has continued to save countless lives and we’re stopping the terrorists from additional actions. Intelligence activities are talked about openly and publicly (HUH?!)
Warrantless surveillance questions . . .Scottie says people are just engaging in politics – there is nothing to substantiate any abuse, and everything’s been addressed – and he rejects the reporter’s characterization. HIS words, not Scotties – beholden to special interests – abusing tools in Patriot Act. 4 major concerns receiving bipartisan support. 44 Democrats supported something, but they’re engaged in obstructionist tactics.
Is Chalabi right person for job? It’s up to the voters to make that decision. We’re building foundations for peace in Iraq for generations to come.
Elections in Bolivia – Congratulations!! We’ll see how the relationships move forward based on their feelings toward democracy.
Immigration funding – need to help San Diego stop flow of illegal immigrants – comprehensive reform.
Someone yelled something to him about his neutrality as he quickly exited the room, but I didn’t catch the comment.
Or should I say “Happy Abramukkah” as Hanukkah ends?
From Big Orange. (It’s good for SOMETHING, anyway…)
Bush’s connections to Abramoff. In 2002 Bush Obstructed Justice For Jack, Recount Bill NEVER PAID
There’s more.
MUCH more.
Like…after discussion of a number of emails between and among the major co-conspirators in any NUMBER of hustles…
Because of the senior approvals needed for so many of Abramoff’s schemes, Bush must be involved.
SO much more that all the king’s horsemen and all the king’s men will not be able to put Humpty Dumpty together again.
If…if the mainstream, media keep up their attack on BushCo. Which I think they will do, because the corporate fix is in.
About fucking time they woke the fuck up !!!
I mean…if you are going to run a criminal game,. at LEAST do not hire assholes!!!