On right now, a C-SPAN special: “Abramoff & Tribal Lobbying.” This week C-SPAN is airing a two-part LIVE call-in program on the Jack Abramoff tribal lobbying investigation story. Tonight: money flow from Abramoff clients to his personal projects. Today Abramoff indicated that he will plead guilty and cooperate in the government investigation. + C-Span’s Abramoff page. ALSO: Tomorrow morning’s Washington Journal is about Abramoff, with guest Alan Ota of the Congressional Quarterly. (And Janet Strange highly recommends this diary, “There are ZERO Democrats who took Abramoff money,” by dengre.)
Update [2006-1-3 23:17:2 by susanhu]: Part Two will be aired on C-Span on Wed. night starting at 5pm ET (again, three hours). And now C-Span is replaying the entire program that began at 5pm ET. So, you can catch it if you missed it online or on your TV.
For more background, see Oui’s diary, my earlier story, “Abramoff Makes ‘Global’ Deal,” and the NYT story.
And, don’t miss James Wolcott talking about Tweety’s “Power Bottom.” (No, silly, not that kind of bottom.) Here’s a tease:
His performance this afternoon after the announcement of the Jack Abramoff plea was a power-bottom tour de force. He gave the Republican establishment a complete pass. He insisted against all evidence under heaven and stars that this was not a partisan scandal, that 99% of elected officials were honest and upright, that “Duke” Cunningham was sort of a lone wolf, and that Abramoff was a Vautrin-like villain and corrupter of souls.
Okay, Matthews didn’t invoke Vautrin. He said Satan. I just threw in Vautrin for you Balzac fans out there. (More Wolcott)
Bradblog has a funny bit, “The Fedora is Back!“
And someone told Keith Olbermann that it looks like Abramoff has gained 40 lbs. He does look awful. The wages of sin ?
Bullet-proof vest
Awwww … nobody else watches C-Span at night ? :):)
OK, I’ll watch, I’ll watch! I like to do housework type things with the TV on and my excuse for not doing them lately is that I can’t find anything on TV I can watch – either I just can’t stand what’s on or it’s something that requires actual watching. But I don’t know how long I’ll last if it’s a call-in.
I think everyone should bookmark this dKos diary: There are ZERO Democrats who took Abramoff money. by dengre. We’re going to need it – the spin that Dems were just as bad as the R’s wrt Abramoff is already in full force. Be ready to counter it.
Sorry, no TV, and I have to go watch a great band. Not having a TV, I have to make do.
Have fun seeing the band!
But you needn’t have a TV … you can listen/watch on your computer.
It’s utterly riveting, imho.
I’m a political junkie, but I try to balance that with my other vices.
The link to dengre’s story doesn’t seem to work – I guess because it’s my hotlink version. I think this link will work.
I am watching tonight. Very interesting to say the least.
Good night Kids….talk to ya later….hugs
of Hanukkah, Jack Abramoff gave to me:
Happy Abramukkah everybody, 2006 will surely be the “Year of Scandal” as the BooMan has stated.
I would really like to see Rep. Roy and Gov. Baby Blunt, from here in Missouri, have there dealings with Abramoff and Delay come under scrutiny (with indictments) as part of Jack’s plea bargain.
This is priceless, especially the poor kid, a lifeguard who somehow knew Abramoff since he was 14, who pleaded the fifth while admitting that Abramoff called him out of nowhere and asked him if he would like to be head of an international corporation.
The e-mail from Abramoff to his rabbi asking for some kind of back-dated award so he could be admitted to a prestigious club where most members had awards is also wonderful.
We Jews call that “chutzpah.” (rough translation: the kid who kills his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.)
C-Span has outdone itself…. I missed most of the first hour, and hope they replay this later tonight.
You hit on some of the most fascinating segments. That lifeguard! What a character.
And the woman who headed the educational foundation … oh god … she got taken so badly.
I had actually read about most of this, but seeing it from the mouths of these people Abramoff scammed just puts a whole different face on it.
Yes. Darcy came over for a little bit and, looking at my TV, said, “What’s this?” I told her … and said she could switch channels. … but she immediately became immersed. (It was when the lifeguard and the Choctaw woman were talking.) She was stunned!
You’re right that it’s entirely different to hear these people speak.
P.S. I thought John McCain did a great job interviewing them.
BREAKING :: Abramoff Pleads QUILTY to Corruption, etc.
by Oui
Tue Jan 3rd, 2006 at 07:01:08 AM PST
Abramoff Makes “Global” Deal
by susanhu
Tue Jan 3rd, 2006 at 07:15:12 AM PST
After correction ::
Great stuff and excellent coverage SusanHu! Thank you for all your work.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
We wish you a Merry Fitzmas,
We wish you a Merry Fitzmas,
We wish you a Merry Fitzmas,
and a GOP-free New year…
Yee Haw.
Or words to that effect.
won’t nail Abramoff — Matthews has actually made appearances on behalf of Abramoff and his “charities”. (There’s a diary somewhere at Daily Kos, but wasn’t able to load to check it out — Bernie Ward reported it on his talk show this evening.)
And here’s the John Aravosis piece from over at AmericaBlog.