Hi folks — DJ asked to pass along her love to the BooTrib crew. Her computer is seriously FUBAR and in need of a new hard drive; I told her to check to make sure NSA didn’t plant any narsty virii on her computer. 🙂
She’s doing well in the Great NorthWet — met one of her neighbors who’s an “Operation Iraqi Freedom” vet…and he HATES Bush! He saluted her when he found out she’d gone to the DC March. Considering where she recently escaped from, she must feel like she’s in heaven.
Heloooo, is anyone there….can’t see for the smoke!
I am just on line for a last gasp before I collapse into bed after a long day of mooooooovvvvving. Mostly I am doing cleaning, packing and setting things up in new place, but boy what a weary lady I am tonight.
It’s good to just sit a spell at the computer, with nary a task left to do for today.
Did you see the horrible news about the miners? I was so happy for them when I went to sleep. Now I’m wondering if I should wake mister up to tell him (I wouldn’t really do that). What in the world were they thinking?
Yes, I checked on it as soon as I got up. It’s really terrible and no explanation I’ve heard of why it took so long to correct the story makes any sense.
I was listening to radio last night when they announced the news, about 12:30 am here. Sounds to me like the first news was not official but just rumours, but of course I haven’t seen tv coverage yet.
that the rumors weren’t correct and they made no annoucement to that effect but let people go on believing that they were true for three hours. That’s the part I don’t understand. Even if they couldn’t say definitively who was alive and who was dead, they could have made it clear that there were not 12 survivors.
I don’t know any of the details, I just heard a little blurb on the radio they were alive, then not too long later I heard it was not so….
I will wait with interest to hear the whole story.
Yes it was very bad this occurred, so sad for all the families.
I’m steaming mad that they made that announcement to the families (never mind us). The families had to be prepared for the worst — not believing it necessarily, but knowing that the worst was very possible.
There is almost 40 hours of no news, very little in the way of status reports. Then the big announcement of, really – the best news. 1 dead and that’s bad but far, far from the worst. It’s a managable grief.
They gather families in a church. The GOVERNOR is coming to celebrate. Joy all over the country.
Everyone relaxes their fear. We think it’s an actual miracle, because how do you barricade (with make-shift materials) against a gas? So the families are all together celebrating their New Years miracle.
And it was all wrong. Who did that? Who came up with the idea that all 12 were alive. For sure. So there was no question at all. What message did they get & how that made them make that announcement? Who could be so cruel?
Can you imagine how hard this is to accept now after they had hours to really, really believe the men were coming home?
Cool, coffee, no that would be tempting fate here. Usually I stay up for a bit, then lay down and fall asleep till 7 when I have to get up.
I have been thinking so much about my move and all the planning for each day I have been having these sleep gaps frequently.
I was very happy to see someone here now, I looked around last night and it was so empty in here.
I go back to sleep all the time after my morning coffee. Well, not ALL the time. But, whenever I want. For some reason, it doesn’t keep me from a nice early morning nap.
I am headed back to bed now, hopefully I can sleep a little, thanks for being here. See you both later today.
Have a great day and big hugs to you both.
(did I forget to tell you in that flurry of messages last night? I’m really sorry if so!!)
Yes, the last thing I did last night was to move the site back to the linux server. Wordpress is written to run in Linux — those are the directory structures & commands it expects to work with. And most of all, the most help is available for linux installations.
So, the url should be addressable soon (in fact, it looks like it is) but I haven’t moved any of the files there yet.
And after I do their still won’t be an AndiF, because I’ll have to recreate the database on the new server (which is how I lost that first article — everything is stored in the database)
I tried logging in (on a very different login page than was there yesterday?) and it said my username didn’t exist. I’m having an identity crisis now and must return to bed.
Second Nature — I completely trashed the files that you saw the other night. They weren’t working, so I’ve started over. In fact, I couldn’t get the email to work at all on that server.
So, everything is moving to a new server. I’ll upload the files tonight & I hope have it configured correctly this time (crossing fingers).
Sadly, I totally lost that first article. It’s gone forever.
I’m sorry you’re having so many problems, but I’m really looking forward to it getting off the ground. It’s going to be a great comfort to me and lots of other people.
ONe of the reasons I’m glad my husband went back to work is that I can resume my shameful habit of returning to bed after coffee and cereal. Just for 15 minutes or so but it makes a big difference in my attitude for the day.
Hot coffee.
or other refreshments.
Hi folks — DJ asked to pass along her love to the BooTrib crew. Her computer is seriously FUBAR and in need of a new hard drive; I told her to check to make sure NSA didn’t plant any narsty virii on her computer. 🙂
She’s doing well in the Great NorthWet — met one of her neighbors who’s an “Operation Iraqi Freedom” vet…and he HATES Bush! He saluted her when he found out she’d gone to the DC March. Considering where she recently escaped from, she must feel like she’s in heaven.
She misses everyone and will be back ASAP…
Got any absinthe? No, oh okay, good night then.
Right over there in the left column.
Looks like they are out of bosoms, though.
Absinthe and bossoms. They go together like fish and bicycles. 😉
Heloooo, is anyone there….can’t see for the smoke!
I am just on line for a last gasp before I collapse into bed after a long day of mooooooovvvvving. Mostly I am doing cleaning, packing and setting things up in new place, but boy what a weary lady I am tonight.
It’s good to just sit a spell at the computer, with nary a task left to do for today.
Midnight PT. Early reports wrong, fighting in the church.
Happy Birthday Louis Braille!
umm. Coffee & cereal. (sigh) (smile)
Good morning.
As usual, we have the place to ourselves.
How about some nice, hot oatmeal.
ummm, sure! I love oatmeal & coffee.
Did you see the horrible news about the miners? I was so happy for them when I went to sleep. Now I’m wondering if I should wake mister up to tell him (I wouldn’t really do that). What in the world were they thinking?
Yes, I checked on it as soon as I got up. It’s really terrible and no explanation I’ve heard of why it took so long to correct the story makes any sense.
I was listening to radio last night when they announced the news, about 12:30 am here. Sounds to me like the first news was not official but just rumours, but of course I haven’t seen tv coverage yet.
that the rumors weren’t correct and they made no annoucement to that effect but let people go on believing that they were true for three hours. That’s the part I don’t understand. Even if they couldn’t say definitively who was alive and who was dead, they could have made it clear that there were not 12 survivors.
Well, it sure sounded official when I went to bed. No reporter or family member I heard had any doubts that it was a reliable report.
I. am. astonished.
I would kill anyone who let me in for that crushing depression.
I knew this was a bad, evil investment company. But, this – this is the worst thing ever.
I don’t know any of the details, I just heard a little blurb on the radio they were alive, then not too long later I heard it was not so….
I will wait with interest to hear the whole story.
Yes it was very bad this occurred, so sad for all the families.
I’m steaming mad that they made that announcement to the families (never mind us). The families had to be prepared for the worst — not believing it necessarily, but knowing that the worst was very possible.
There is almost 40 hours of no news, very little in the way of status reports. Then the big announcement of, really – the best news. 1 dead and that’s bad but far, far from the worst. It’s a managable grief.
They gather families in a church. The GOVERNOR is coming to celebrate. Joy all over the country.
Everyone relaxes their fear. We think it’s an actual miracle, because how do you barricade (with make-shift materials) against a gas? So the families are all together celebrating their New Years miracle.
And it was all wrong. Who did that? Who came up with the idea that all 12 were alive. For sure. So there was no question at all. What message did they get & how that made them make that announcement? Who could be so cruel?
Can you imagine how hard this is to accept now after they had hours to really, really believe the men were coming home?
Not so fast, I am here to.. it’s 4 am here, but I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep so decided to get online. Nice to be an early bird for once.
although I’m sorry you weren’t able to sleep.
Are you going to try to get back to sleep or would you like some coffee?

Cool, coffee, no that would be tempting fate here. Usually I stay up for a bit, then lay down and fall asleep till 7 when I have to get up.
I have been thinking so much about my move and all the planning for each day I have been having these sleep gaps frequently.
I was very happy to see someone here now, I looked around last night and it was so empty in here.
(smell the coffee)(ummm coffee)
I go back to sleep all the time after my morning coffee. Well, not ALL the time. But, whenever I want. For some reason, it doesn’t keep me from a nice early morning nap.
I am headed back to bed now, hopefully I can sleep a little, thanks for being here. See you both later today.
Have a great day and big hugs to you both.
I’ll be leaving for work in a bit, so you might not see me for many hours. Have a good day. Get some rest. Enjoy your house.
If we were on your website, I could go back and put the “are” in my subject line, unlike here 🙁
(laughing out loud)
BTW, are you going to make an official switch over to a Linux host or see if you can get the email to work on the windows one?
(did I forget to tell you in that flurry of messages last night? I’m really sorry if so!!)
Yes, the last thing I did last night was to move the site back to the linux server. Wordpress is written to run in Linux — those are the directory structures & commands it expects to work with. And most of all, the most help is available for linux installations.
So, the url should be addressable soon (in fact, it looks like it is) but I haven’t moved any of the files there yet.
Yes, I can get to http://www.eat4today.com. But no AndiF account which makes sense since you haven’t moved the files.
And after I do their still won’t be an AndiF, because I’ll have to recreate the database on the new server (which is how I lost that first article — everything is stored in the database)
I tried logging in (on a very different login page than was there yesterday?) and it said my username didn’t exist. I’m having an identity crisis now and must return to bed.
Second Nature — I completely trashed the files that you saw the other night. They weren’t working, so I’ve started over. In fact, I couldn’t get the email to work at all on that server.
So, everything is moving to a new server. I’ll upload the files tonight & I hope have it configured correctly this time (crossing fingers).
Sadly, I totally lost that first article. It’s gone forever.
I’m sorry you’re having so many problems, but I’m really looking forward to it getting off the ground. It’s going to be a great comfort to me and lots of other people.
I can’t wait! I’m so excited that you are looking forward to it. I keep thinking about all the topics for articles and the conversations we can have.
Must get it going.
I so sluggish this morning, fewer words good. More coffee. Maybe nap.
sleep good. wake bad.
Coffee, nap, coffee — seems like a good plan to me.
Good morning Second Nature!!
ONe of the reasons I’m glad my husband went back to work is that I can resume my shameful habit of returning to bed after coffee and cereal. Just for 15 minutes or so but it makes a big difference in my attitude for the day.
New cafe here.