Yet again, I have to turn to Democracy Now! for a full representation of the facts of the Abramoff case. I scanned ABC’s The Note and NBC’s First Read, looking for word on the repercussions to Native American tribes and for Abramoff’s siphoning of tribal monies to train Israeli colonists’ sniper teams. Only Amy Goodman has the goods:
Yesterday Abramoff admitted to defrauding four Indian tribe clients out of millions of dollars. Those tribes include the Louisiana Coushatta, the Mississippi Choctaws, the Saginaw Chippewas of Michigan and the Tigua of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo in Texas. …
In all, Abramoff and Scanlon received more than $66 million in fees. Some of this money was secretly diverted to a variety of Abramoff’s personal projects including an Orthodox Jewish academy and an Israeli sniper school. Some money also went to pay off a personal debt. …
In 2002, Abramoff and Scanlon quietly worked with conservative religious activist Ralph Reed to persuade the state of Texas to shut down the Tigua tribe’s Standing Rock casino on the grounds that the casino violated Texas’ limited gambling laws. Abramoff then went to the Tiguas and promised to use his influence to reopen the casino, charging the tribe $4.2 million. …
Meanwhile, Abramoff and Scanlon collected millions of dollars from a Louisiana tribe to oppose all gaming in the Texas Legislature. During the 2004 Senate Indian Affair Committee hearings, emails were made public in which Abramoff referred to tribal members as “trogdolytes” and “morons”. In one email released by the Senate committee, Abramoff wrote to Scanlon, “I have to meet with the monkeys from the Choctaw tribal counsel.” …(DN!)
The Note gives the tribes a glance:
Abramoff: the politics:
The Washington Post’s Jonathan Weisman has former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calling on House Republicans to elect a permanent replacement for Congressman Tom DeLay (R-TX) as House Majority Leader while current House Speaker Dennis Hastert announced that he will donate to charity the tens of thousands of dollars that he has received from Abramoff’s Indian tribe clients. LINK
(Why is Hastert giving the money to charity? Why is he not returning it to the tribes?)
First Read references the tribes once:
“Over the past six years, Abramoff and Indian tribes he represented gave more than $4.4 million in political contributions to more than 240 lawmakers, nearly two-thirds to Republicans,” says USA Today.
Today, Amy Goodman interviews:
- Ben Nighthorse Campbell, former Senator of Colorado and former chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee (“Native American Tribes Attempt to Recover After Being Defrauded of Tens of Millions by Abramoff”)
- Arturo Senclair, tribal governor of the Tiguas of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo in Texas
- Peter Stone, a staff reporter for the National Journal, and
- ABC News’ Brian Ross who exposed in 1998 the horrific labor conditions in the U.S. territory of Saipan
In the mid-1990s Abramoff was on the payroll of Saipan officials aiming to stop legislation that would crack down on sweat shop conditions [including forced abortions and indentured servitude], which run rampant on the island. In 1997, Abramoff arranged a lavish trip to the island of Saipan for Delay.
Ms. Goodman also gets into the politics of the story as well, interviewing Judd Legum, director of research at the Center for American Progress.
And it’s not like these reports about the tribes are off-beat stories. Searching Google News, the only recent news stories about the funding of Israeli settler sniper teams appeared in publications like the Bay Area’s IndyMedia. However, this was originally reported by “Newsweek’s Mike Isikoff [who] reported last May that Abramoff diverted $140,000 from a charity ostensibly to benefit inner-city youths to militant Israeli colonists who had usurped land in the Palestinian West Bank …” From Isikoff’s May 2005 story:
The pitch worked especially well among a group of Indian tribes who, having opened up lucrative gaming casinos, had hired Abramoff to protect their interests in Washington. In 2002 alone, records show, three Indian tribes donated nearly $1.1 million to the Capital Athletic Foundation. But now, NEWSWEEK has learned, investigators probing Abramoff’s finances have found some of the money meant for inner-city kids went instead to fight the Palestinian intifada. More than $140,000 of foundation funds were actually sent to the Israeli West Bank where they were used by a Jewish settler to mobilize against the Palestinian uprising. Among the expenditures: purchases of camouflage suits, sniper scopes, night-vision binoculars, a thermal imager and other material described in foundation records as “security” equipment. The FBI, sources tell NEWSWEEK, is now examining these payments as part of a larger investigation to determine if Abramoff defrauded his Indian tribe clients. The tribal donors are outraged. “This is almost like outer-limits bizarre,” says Henry Buffalo, a lawyer for the Saginaw Chippewa Indians who contributed $25,000 to the Capital Athletic Foundation at Abramoff’s urging … (Read all)
Am I brushing this with too wide a stroke to allege that Abramoff is a racist who exploited the Native Americans to fund his rightwing politics? Am I right to denounce the MSM for not emphasizing the exploitation of tribes enough, rather usually casting them as hapless, inexperienced “new money” who got taken?
it was his racist comments about Native Americans that first got my notice. Before that, I had never heard of him.
People like Rohrabacher should explain why they said Abramoff was “a very honest man” and DeLay should explain why he said he was such a close friend, and they should do it in the context of these racist comments, and this rapacious double-dealing with the tribes.
It was staggering last night to listen to the testimony of the tribes’ reprseentatives before John McCain and the Indian Affairs committee hearing …
There was the truly GOOFY guy who had been a lifeguard (!) and was an old college buddy of Scanlon’s — and all of a sudden he headed a corporation. The Senators were aghast. (He looked just like someone who’d done too much coke or meth or something in his life … he wasn’t okay, although he seemed harmless enough.)
Then there was the woman who headed an (I think it was) educational foundation for NA kids, and she kept saying … but Abramoff had been on our Board of Directors for five years, he checked out, etc., etc….
CSpan did an incredible job of editing segments for us to view.
I hope they replay it once more tonight. Tomorrow night, CSpan is airing a new 3-hour show.
I should call a couple of the tribes around here and see if they were wooed by Abramoff.
One tribe — the Jamestown — are doing incredibly well. They have a casino and have used it to build all kinds of programs for their people, and have built exquisite architecturally fine buildings along the highway for conferences, their other businesses, an art gallery, and on and on…
The entire record of the hearings is on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee website. Huge files.
I remember that kid’s testimony. It was hilarious.
On your first comment, theat was the same time I ran across him and had the same reaction.
McCain’s reaction to the lady who didn’t question the sniper school donations was fun to watch. He kept asking her, didn’t it seem unusual… alarm bells…..?
The other good one was the reaction to Abramoff forming a seperate corporation that owned his house.
Racist? Kind of brings a whole new meaning to ‘divide & conquer,’ doesn’t it? Use the funds of a prospering oppressed people to further oppress another.
I’d forgotten about the Isikoff article.
Juan Cole has an excellent post about this. He reminds, for the benefit of the terminally clueless, that the settlements in the West Bank are illegal under Int’l law, and goes to note that “Iran has reacted more properly in the aftermath to the 8-year-long Iraq-Iran War (which Iraq launched) than Israel reacted to the 1967 war (which the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza did not launch).”
He also criticizes Isikoff’s piece:
Thanks for the DN heads-up; I slept through it this morning.
of Abramoff’s activities will redeem him in the opinion of most of those of the US public who are aware of the story, not to mention judicial leniency.
Fascinating, Arcturus. Thanks for posting that.
Btw, did you ever catch Frontline’s “Israel’s Next War?“
It’s one thing to read about the rabid settlers. It’s quite another to SEE them on camera, and follow their insane, militant attempts to kill Palestinians.
You can watch the full show online.
NO, I haven’t seen that. Will have to look for it to re-air, as I’m afraid I’d crash this old clunker of a computer.
There’s a great documentary I saw last fall on soldiers of the occupation. Don’t remember either the name or the filmamker, but could search for it if there’s interest.
The original footage was shot for the IDF when the filmmaker, at the time an Israeli soldier, was stationed in the occuied territories. The army abandoned the project, & he was able to salvage some footage & later shot more, re-visiting his army buddies years later both in their homes, & again in the occupied territories w/ another army buddy who remained in service.
It’s chilling, showing not only the horrific toll Israeli policies exact on the Palestinians, but also the severe emotional scarring it leaves on the young soldiers, several of whom are later disguted by the things they had done. Something we’re likely to see as well in our returning Iraq war vets.
It’s Bushco. Racist, militant, criminal. I think your brush stroke, instead of being overbroad, renders a very accurate perspective on the scope of this criminal activity. The details, including ties to lawmakers and the Bush Crime Family (BCF) remain to be depicted.
There’s more coming. I can hear it when I put my inner ear to the ground.
Abramoff is the key.
He connects 9/11, Israel, organized crime and BushCo. If the total rot that appears to have set in at the Enron/Halliburton/Bechtel level of big money/Intel/PermaGov has not already totally spread throughout the entire corporate structure of America…and it is not a good bet that it hasn’t…then he is going to bust things wide open.
If it has, then they will cauterize this little opening; a couple of hustlers and functionares will do some time…because that is all that these Abramoffs andf DeLays really are, mid-level bagmen and errand boys… and AmeriCorp will keep right on pounding out its mistakes on the asses of the rest of the world until it is militarily and economically defeated.
Physician…heal thyself.
Or the rest of the world will eventually do it for you.
Bet on it.
The backstories into possible motives are always fascinating. Abramoff, Norquist, Rove and several others find their roots in the College Republicans group that advocates supremacy over compromise.