Abramoff & Tribal Lobbying – 8pm-11pm ET (probably repeated at 11pm ET): This is the second show in a two-part LIVE call-in program on the Jack Abramoff tribal lobbying investigation story. On Tuesday Abramoff pled guilty and said he will cooperate in the government investigation. Tonight: charges of influence peddling stemming from the investigation. Listen live via the Web site (click on “Watch”) or on C-Span TV. ALSO in the news:

The lesson Jack Abramoff taught me

By Doug Bandow, DOUG BANDOW’S commentaries and essays will be published in two collections by Town Forum Press in 2006.

I’VE LONG BEEN involved in the public eye, but only as a largely unassuming policy nerd. A couple of weeks ago, however, I found myself spotlighted as a player in l’affaire Jack Abramoff — Abramoff is the lobbyist who pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion.

Luckily, I missed the real action — so I won’t be joining him in the dock. Instead, I accepted occasional payments to write on issues of interest to him. But that association cost me a think-tank post and a newspaper column. … Read all at LAT

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P.S. “Artist Binds Feet in Desert, Loses Key