Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The 4th Amendment, indeed any of the amendments, even a constitution is not necessary for generation of additional revenues to large corporations, nor for the efficient operation of a military dictatorship.
Yeah. Why don’t we just close down the government completely? Privatize the postal system, USCIS, West Point, &c? Think how little tax we would have to pay if there were no I-95 to have to do upkeep on! Hell, we could even lay the President off. Who needs him?
hijackers were in the U.S., living in with an FBI informant, and we didn’t know they were here communicating with al-qaeda members abroad.
Of course, we had been monitoring the Yemen safehouse even prior to the 1998 African Embassy bombings, which was how we knew bin-Laden had a role in those bombings, and also how we knew about the meeting in 2000 in Kuala Lumpur, where the USS Cole bombing was prepared.
So, if they were calling a San Diego apartment of one of our FBI informants we probably would have known about that, Dick. And we just might, possibly, might have been able to convince a judge to allow us to listen in on those communications.
Defying early forecasts of easy confirmation, the Senate recessed for the holidays without approving Ellen Sauerbrey, President Bush’s lamentable choice to head an important State Department agency that coordinates emergency relief for refugees of foreign wars, persecution and natural disasters. Her nomination has yet to clear the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, raising at least a glimmer of hope that she may not get the job.
Like all too many Bush appointees, Ms. Sauerbrey has political connections that seem her most obvious credential.
Bush has not learned from the Brownie-fiasco:
The worry now is that Mr. Bush will bypass the Senate and install Ms. Sauerbrey on his own by using a recess appointment, the same tactic he used to make John Bolton the United States ambassador to the United Nations.
But maybe Congress has:
In the wake of the bungled response to Hurricane Katrina by a similarly uncredentialed appointee, Congress has become more sensitive to charges of this kind of cronyism. A few weeks ago, the Foreign Relations Committee bowed to a request from Senator Barbara Boxer and put off its planned vote on Ms. Sauerbrey.
Please sign up in support to Neutralize HR 4437. By the American Immigration Lawyers Association the United States needs a sensible solution like the “Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act s 1033 sponsored by Sen. McCain and Kennedy. Let your Senator hear your concern HERE
speaking of dems, I just became officially impressed. I received a message today from our district’s(CA-50…Cunningham)top candidate. I had been deeply disturbed that all her “meet the candidate” gatherings have been at homes of wealthy consituents and asked for a minimum donation(mostly around $250). This prompted me to write an email asking why and the response was that she needed to raise money but there would be many more open type gatherings in the near future. Nothing so far so I wrote again Monday and really let her have it. I am trying to make a long story short but did ask her why she didn’t feel she needed the grassroots just the money people. Were those contributors going to knock on doors, make phone calls, pass out flyers, etc?
I went home for lunch a bit ago and she had left me a message. She was a tad defensive but was very willing to talk to me and answer all my questions. Left her phone# to call her back. She scored a few points on that one and I will call her back. I will let you all know how it turns out. Oh and she felt there is not much interest in townhall meetings right now but maybe further into the campaign. We shall see.
Did you see this, another disclosure from Risen’s book from the LA Times?
In a clumsy effort to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program, the CIA in 2004 intentionally handed Tehran some top-secret bomb designs laced with a hidden flaw that U.S. officials hoped would doom any weapon made from them, according to a new book about the U.S. intelligence agency.
But the Iranians were tipped to the scheme by the Russian defector hired by the CIA to deliver the plans and may have gleaned scientific information useful for designing a bomb, writes New York Times reporter James Risen in “State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration.” (snip)
Top New York Times officials also refused to publish a news article about the reported CIA plot to give intentionally flawed nuclear plans to Iran, according to a person briefed on the newspaper’s conversations by one of the participants. That person said the New York Times withheld publication at the request of the White House and former CIA Director George J. Tenet.
“He [the Russian] was the front man for what may have been one of the most reckless operations in the modern history of the CIA, one that may have helped put nuclear weapons in the hands of a charter member of what President George W. Bush has called the axis of evil,” the book contends.
Two nuclear weapons experts who say that they have no knowledge about whether the covert effort described in the book occurred added that a deliberate flaw in the plans could have been easily found by the Iranians.
“Iran has excellent scientists and any information related to weapons designs could move its program ahead,” said a European nuclear weapons expert, who refused to allow his name to be used because his government prohibits comments on nuclear weapons or designs.
David Albright, a former weapons inspector for the IAEA, agreed with the other expert that the plans could have shaved many years off Iran’s nuclear effort.
Juan Cole has a great piece today on Abramoff.
I half-heard someone on NPR while driving suggesting a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for Washington — not sure what he was thinking, but it sounds like something to be applied to both politicians & lobbyists!
When I read the article this morning my first thought was that once again it seems to show how insufferably arrogant the American mind set is-that no other country could possibly have any brilliant scientists to see the flaw or figure this out.
This administration is power mad but also their incredible arrogance in believing they are absolutely right on everything has led to such an incredible myopia regarding their policies that this arrogant myopia has become one of the real dangers to this country. That must be why bush can say with a straight face that 2005 was swell for the economy and things continue to improve daily on the job front, etc.
So we ripped up the garish green carpet in the master bedroom to get to the oak hardwood underneath and discovered that the foam underpad had been locked in place by staple-mad demons. Thousands of staples in three, count them, three different sizes in zig-zag lines every two feet across the floor. We ripped up the foam pad — shredded it actually — and discovered more staples from a prior carpeting that had been hammered flat into the wood floor.
So visualize this: Me on my butt, leaning over, a hammer in one hand and a heavy duty scraper in the other. I position the edge of the scraper next to a staple and tap, tap, tap the hammer ever so gently to get under the staple and ease it out of the floor far enough so I can grip it with blunt pliers. With the pliers I lever one end and then the other, gently, gently — otherwise the staple snaps and leaves sharp bits still in the floor. Then needlenose pliers and more lever action are required to get the bits out. Sometimes the bits break off leaving a sharp little head too short to be gripped by any tool. I get mad and hammer the sucker even with the floor and then use a nail setter to hammer it deeper so I can just put wood putty in the hole and no one will ever know.
I’ve done this most of today and yesterday and the day before. Last night, I dreamed about removing staples as a punishment in home improvement hell; the floor stretched off to infinity.
Been there, done that…this may be a tad late, but, run – do not walk- to the nearest Hardware Store and get on one of these…they don’t increase the fun aspect but w/ a bit of practice they simplify the task…esp w/ staples.
I have one of those. These aren’t heavy duty staples. They’re thin and fragile. When I tried the tack remover, the staples broke in the middle and I ended up prying up the ends with the needlenose lever action. Maybe I lacked the proper technique and you could advise me further. It’s not too late at all; I’m going to find the same situation under the living room rug, too!
Here ya go…wish I could show but hopefully this will help. The way I do/did it is :
If the staple is imbedded solidly, don’t try and get it out with one pull, try this:
slide the blade of the ‘cats-paw’ under it at one side [ie: one of the vertical penetrations], gently “lever” out the vertical leg;
move to the other side, hook ‘cats-paw’ onto staple,slowly twist/rotate CP, making sure you have a grip on the staple, and voila!’ve got it.
Takes a bit of practice and patience, and you will probably still need those ‘needle nose’ pliers for some…but it works a lot better than a putty knife.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – An airline passenger with the words “suicide bomber” written in his journal was arrested when his plane arrived in San Jose, California, on Wednesday, but the words appeared to refer to music, the FBI said.
“A male was observed by his fellow passengers as having a journal and hand written on the journal were the words ‘suicide bomber,”‘ FBI spokeswoman LaRae Quy said …
Umm…I don’t want to sound nieve but wtf did they arrest him for? People this stuff is getting out of hand. I find it deeply disturbing. What if someone has terrets syndrome and has tics that make them fidgety? Does that make one automatically suspiscous? Yeah I know those two words but jeez. Police state?
He got arrested “on suspicion” and, after the FBI investigates, the charges will most likely be dropped. Of course, he’ll still end up on the no-fly list, I betcha. Hope his livelihood doesn’t depend on flying.
The thing that bothers me is the guy’s bags got x-rayed, he got x-rayed, him and his bags got sniffed by dogs; how exactly was he supposed to get a bomb on board in his backpack? Same for the poor fellow that did get shot; what’s the point of all the pre-flight security if they don’t think it works?
Now, the latest tactic is security is supposed make small talk with you and if you act nervous then you’re suspicious. Heck, if airport security is talking to me of course I’m going to get nervous. It’s a perfect Catch-22. Next they’ll be advising security that if you appear too calm then you’re suspicious.
I’d like to post a few comments on the front page diary by ePluribus Media about immigrants but on my computer the borders are blown and it’s way to annoying to try and read the comments or bother to post. Anyone else having that problem with that diary?
I bet there are a lot of neocon’s popping the corks on champagne to celebrate the possibility of the truly crazed Netanyahu being able to gain control of the Israeli government.
For my sins I guess I happened to see bush giving a speech at the Pentagon? today and listened to some of it..which of course as usual was a crock of shit. Same old/same old except he seemed to be slurring his words more again and blithering on(although that’s nothing new)about ‘Saddamists’ and such. Also saying how wonderful things were going in Afghanistan. It continues to amaze me how gdamn clueless the poor bastard is or how clueless he wants to be. When speech was over he thanked who ever was in the audience-I was wondering just who was there as they showed no audience and there was no applause at all..and he just abruptly walked out of the room. Walked right past Cheney who happened to be their and Condi -just walked right past them or strutted past them as if they weren’t there..weird.
According to Fulghum and Butler, “Defense industry officials and uniformed officers are expressing concern about the lack of informed debate.”
Is Bushco doing to the Pentagon what they did to the Justice Department? The hacks are promoted, the career guys demoted or retired, and … abracadabra! Bush is about to wish he listened to Jack Murtha last December. The congressman was giving Bush a Christmas present: how to save your Presidency.
The armed forces are going to replace W and Dick, I think, and even Don and his new appointees in the line of succession won’t be able to hang on to their deck chairs.
You think the American people are sick of this shit? Imagine what ACTUAL soldiers must feel! They’re putting their soldiers’ lives on the line for these swindlers.
Dick Cheney is giving a speech at the Heritage Foundation. He is expected to say that we don’t need the 4th amendment anymore.
Do i have to listen? Will he scare me about terrorists?
My fav NPR show is on — To The Point.
but to reassure you that he and Bush are working hard to protect you day and night. They haven’t allowed a terror attack on the US in over four years!
Funny though, he didn’t mention that there were no attacks in the seven years between 1993 and the end of Clinton’s presidency.
The 4th Amendment, indeed any of the amendments, even a constitution is not necessary for generation of additional revenues to large corporations, nor for the efficient operation of a military dictatorship.
Yeah. Why don’t we just close down the government completely? Privatize the postal system, USCIS, West Point, &c? Think how little tax we would have to pay if there were no I-95 to have to do upkeep on! Hell, we could even lay the President off. Who needs him?
Send him a bumper sticker. He can then visualize his future.
Cheney just said “on the political front (in Iraq), every benchmark has been met successfully.”
or this one?
From the Presidents SOTU in 2004.
I’ve always wondered. Which mission??
here we go.
C-Span2 replays last night’s program at 03:18 PM EST
C-Span does part 2 tonight, starting at 5pm (probably replayed immediately after, like they did last night for part 1)
Hope they show more hearings footage.
Matt Continetti , Weekly Standard, The
Michael Crowley , New Republic
hijackers were in the U.S., living in with an FBI informant, and we didn’t know they were here communicating with al-qaeda members abroad.
Of course, we had been monitoring the Yemen safehouse even prior to the 1998 African Embassy bombings, which was how we knew bin-Laden had a role in those bombings, and also how we knew about the meeting in 2000 in Kuala Lumpur, where the USS Cole bombing was prepared.
So, if they were calling a San Diego apartment of one of our FBI informants we probably would have known about that, Dick. And we just might, possibly, might have been able to convince a judge to allow us to listen in on those communications.
all rise and applaud Dick Cheney.
per Reuters AlertNet
per Haaretz flash, said he didn’t feel well, still conscious
(his heart hole surgery was scheduled for tomorrow)
. . . what heart? maybe a covert implant to polish up the new image of this ‘Man of Peace’ (retch) </snark>
“When covering the Sabra and Shatila massacres, I did not give equal time to the murderers who carried out the massacres.” -Robert Fisk
NewsMeat has the list from the FEC of who Abramoff gave money to. Count the Dem’s.
Spread the word.
And DeLay’s name appears many times.
What’s up with this?
Bush has not learned from the Brownie-fiasco:
But maybe Congress has:
So what’s next, Bush decides to write her appointment into the signature line on the next bill he signs?
Forgot the link for the above.
It is an editorial in NYT today.
Please sign up in support to Neutralize HR 4437. By the American Immigration Lawyers Association the United States needs a sensible solution like the “Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act s 1033 sponsored by Sen. McCain and Kennedy. Let your Senator hear your concern HERE
speaking of dems, I just became officially impressed. I received a message today from our district’s(CA-50…Cunningham)top candidate. I had been deeply disturbed that all her “meet the candidate” gatherings have been at homes of wealthy consituents and asked for a minimum donation(mostly around $250). This prompted me to write an email asking why and the response was that she needed to raise money but there would be many more open type gatherings in the near future. Nothing so far so I wrote again Monday and really let her have it. I am trying to make a long story short but did ask her why she didn’t feel she needed the grassroots just the money people. Were those contributors going to knock on doors, make phone calls, pass out flyers, etc?
I went home for lunch a bit ago and she had left me a message. She was a tad defensive but was very willing to talk to me and answer all my questions. Left her phone# to call her back. She scored a few points on that one and I will call her back. I will let you all know how it turns out. Oh and she felt there is not much interest in townhall meetings right now but maybe further into the campaign. We shall see.
THAT’s what is on my mind. Elections ’06!
Did you see this, another disclosure from Risen’s book from the LA Times?
Juan Cole has a great piece today on Abramoff.
I half-heard someone on NPR while driving suggesting a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for Washington — not sure what he was thinking, but it sounds like something to be applied to both politicians & lobbyists!
When I read the article this morning my first thought was that once again it seems to show how insufferably arrogant the American mind set is-that no other country could possibly have any brilliant scientists to see the flaw or figure this out.
This administration is power mad but also their incredible arrogance in believing they are absolutely right on everything has led to such an incredible myopia regarding their policies that this arrogant myopia has become one of the real dangers to this country. That must be why bush can say with a straight face that 2005 was swell for the economy and things continue to improve daily on the job front, etc.
Anyone know where Rubdmc is today? I am missing Iraq War grief daily.
I’ve been looking as well.
But every now and then, he does not post (also missing were 22, 24 and 26 December).
Well, I just worry because the pictures are so telling and all. I don’t trust this administration whatsoever!
And especially today, with this headline on BBC’s site:
Iraq’s deadliest day since poll
So we ripped up the garish green carpet in the master bedroom to get to the oak hardwood underneath and discovered that the foam underpad had been locked in place by staple-mad demons. Thousands of staples in three, count them, three different sizes in zig-zag lines every two feet across the floor. We ripped up the foam pad — shredded it actually — and discovered more staples from a prior carpeting that had been hammered flat into the wood floor.
So visualize this: Me on my butt, leaning over, a hammer in one hand and a heavy duty scraper in the other. I position the edge of the scraper next to a staple and tap, tap, tap the hammer ever so gently to get under the staple and ease it out of the floor far enough so I can grip it with blunt pliers. With the pliers I lever one end and then the other, gently, gently — otherwise the staple snaps and leaves sharp bits still in the floor. Then needlenose pliers and more lever action are required to get the bits out. Sometimes the bits break off leaving a sharp little head too short to be gripped by any tool. I get mad and hammer the sucker even with the floor and then use a nail setter to hammer it deeper so I can just put wood putty in the hole and no one will ever know.
I’ve done this most of today and yesterday and the day before. Last night, I dreamed about removing staples as a punishment in home improvement hell; the floor stretched off to infinity.
Been there, done that…this may be a tad late, but, run – do not walk- to the nearest Hardware Store and get on one of these…they don’t increase the fun aspect but w/ a bit of practice they simplify the task…esp w/ staples.
I have one of those. These aren’t heavy duty staples. They’re thin and fragile. When I tried the tack remover, the staples broke in the middle and I ended up prying up the ends with the needlenose lever action. Maybe I lacked the proper technique and you could advise me further. It’s not too late at all; I’m going to find the same situation under the living room rug, too!
Here ya go…wish I could show but hopefully this will help. The way I do/did it is :
If the staple is imbedded solidly, don’t try and get it out with one pull, try this:
Takes a bit of practice and patience, and you will probably still need those ‘needle nose’ pliers for some…but it works a lot better than a putty knife.
Hope this helps…good (p)luck!
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – An airline passenger with the words “suicide bomber” written in his journal was arrested when his plane arrived in San Jose, California, on Wednesday, but the words appeared to refer to music, the FBI said.
“A male was observed by his fellow passengers as having a journal and hand written on the journal were the words ‘suicide bomber,”‘ FBI spokeswoman LaRae Quy said …
Umm…I don’t want to sound nieve but wtf did they arrest him for? People this stuff is getting out of hand. I find it deeply disturbing. What if someone has terrets syndrome and has tics that make them fidgety? Does that make one automatically suspiscous? Yeah I know those two words but jeez. Police state?
He got arrested “on suspicion” and, after the FBI investigates, the charges will most likely be dropped. Of course, he’ll still end up on the no-fly list, I betcha. Hope his livelihood doesn’t depend on flying.
The thing that bothers me is the guy’s bags got x-rayed, he got x-rayed, him and his bags got sniffed by dogs; how exactly was he supposed to get a bomb on board in his backpack? Same for the poor fellow that did get shot; what’s the point of all the pre-flight security if they don’t think it works?
Now, the latest tactic is security is supposed make small talk with you and if you act nervous then you’re suspicious. Heck, if airport security is talking to me of course I’m going to get nervous. It’s a perfect Catch-22. Next they’ll be advising security that if you appear too calm then you’re suspicious.
shot for running off a plane crazy off his meds
shot for being a wacky old homeless lady with a screwdriver
what’s more, so few even seem to notice
I keep thinking to just leave.
But I will not
i will not
let them win
I’d like to post a few comments on the front page diary by ePluribus Media about immigrants but on my computer the borders are blown and it’s way to annoying to try and read the comments or bother to post. Anyone else having that problem with that diary?
Israeli PM Sharon has massive stroke/hemmorage.
I bet there are a lot of neocon’s popping the corks on champagne to celebrate the possibility of the truly crazed Netanyahu being able to gain control of the Israeli government.
For my sins I guess I happened to see bush giving a speech at the Pentagon? today and listened to some of it..which of course as usual was a crock of shit. Same old/same old except he seemed to be slurring his words more again and blithering on(although that’s nothing new)about ‘Saddamists’ and such. Also saying how wonderful things were going in Afghanistan. It continues to amaze me how gdamn clueless the poor bastard is or how clueless he wants to be. When speech was over he thanked who ever was in the audience-I was wondering just who was there as they showed no audience and there was no applause at all..and he just abruptly walked out of the room. Walked right past Cheney who happened to be their and Condi -just walked right past them or strutted past them as if they weren’t there..weird.
But what about Pentagon Dissent Discouraged on Spending, Force Structure?
According to Fulghum and Butler, “Defense industry officials and uniformed officers are expressing concern about the lack of informed debate.”
Is Bushco doing to the Pentagon what they did to the Justice Department? The hacks are promoted, the career guys demoted or retired, and … abracadabra! Bush is about to wish he listened to Jack Murtha last December. The congressman was giving Bush a Christmas present: how to save your Presidency.
The armed forces are going to replace W and Dick, I think, and even Don and his new appointees in the line of succession won’t be able to hang on to their deck chairs.
You think the American people are sick of this shit? Imagine what ACTUAL soldiers must feel! They’re putting their soldiers’ lives on the line for these swindlers.