Were Christiane Amanpour’s telephone calls illegally intercepted by the NSA?
In a recent interview with the author of the CIA tell all book,“State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration” NBC’s Andrea Mitchell pointedly asked James Risen if the NSA is sweeping up information about US reporters in it’s illegal spy operation. Risen didn’t seem to know the answer to that question. then she asked a doozie out of the blue:
“MITCHELL: You don’t have any information, for instance, that a very prominent journalist, Christiane Amanpour, might have been eavesdropped upon?”
Risen hadn’t heard about that. Apparently, neither has Amanpour or CNN.
Well, what do we make of this? Just a misplaced rumour? There are 21 members of Congress who seem to think that there just could be something to the report. They have written a letter to the President demanding any information on the matter.
This is just the type of thing we all expected to discover from the NSA spy scandal. Perhaps, if true, it will give the media a good jolt into reality and result in deeper and more truthful reporting of the NSA mess.
The big media companies are still under the influence of the Bush administration, but if reporters begin to feel that thrill of personal fear at the prospect of being under top secret surveillance perhaps we will begin to see more spurts of real reporting.
Raw has this story under “developing” and I’m sure glad that they picked it up. We need to watch this story closely. While Dubya lured all those ex government officials to the White House to “listen” to their advice, (yeah, right) things just may be heating up over the NSA scandal. Stay tuned.
Update [2006-1-5 22:8:50 by Nag]: The Bush government apparently has so many enemy lists and spy programs that they are categorized into subcategories. Thanks to Rumi who mentioned this list and Dada who found the link for me, here’s the info about the list of journalists identified for evesdropping:
“The journalist surveillance program, code named “Firstfruits,” was part of a Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) program that was maintained at least until October 2004 and was authorized by then-DCI Porter Goss. Firstfruits was authorized as part of a DCI “Countering Denial and Deception” program responsible to an entity known as the Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC).”
Here’s an article from Capitol Hill Blue about Dubya’s extensive dossiers on political enemies that could number 10,000! I have a feeling that this is just the tip of the iceburg.
Update [2006-1-6 8:36:56 by Nag]: “Firstfruits”
When I first tried to search the term “Firstfruits”, the term given to the surveillance of reporters, all I could find were religious references. I have since gone back and looked at some of those links and have discovered that “Firstfruits” refers to the Jewish feast day that takes place the day after Sabbath during the week of Unleavened Bread, or Passover. The offering of firstfruits consisted of the first juice and ripe produce of the season, and the firstborn of every household was to be offered to God.
Firstfruits is third of seven feasts of Isreal said to be “shadow prophecies”; firstfruits foreshadows the resurrection of Jesus, the Lamb of God, the ultimate Passover sacrifice.
Now why would a secret surveillance program involving journalists be called “Firstfruits”? Are the journalists to be offered as sacrifices in order to form a Christian government in the US? The more I think about this the more bizarre it seems. If anyone has any ideas on this, fire away. I think that the connection is not accidental and could be another perversion of faith by the wacko Christian right that is operating out of the White House.
I mentioned this on a different diary today and can’t wait to find out more about this. What I’m really wondering is why Andrea Mitchell even brought this up? And if anyone seriously believes that all or most reporters(except maybe Faux newsies)aren’t being spied on I think they are going to be in for a surprise-especially the reporters who have been thinking they somehow escaped the eye of the paranoid thugs in the WH.
I know what you mean about this, I’m on the edge of my seat to find out the whole story. Why would Andrea Mitchell ask such a wild question unless there’s something up? Risen claimed to know nothing about it.
It would be nice to have solid proof out there to make it personal for reporters. Will this prompt more gutsy reporting? In the meantime, it’s not unexpected, but will be explosive if proven.
Maybe BushCo was tapping Amanpour’s husband, James Rubin from State Dept?
I’m certain her husband if not the target was a wonderful bonus for them-sort of a twofer.
There also was a surveillance program and database of dissenting journalists that BushCo kept called Firstfruits
Wow, I knew he had enemies lists, but didn’t know that there was a specific list for journalists. Thanks!
Rumi, I’ve been searching and can’t find the anything but biblical references for “Firstfruits”. It’s strange and I wonder what kind of mysterious meaning the term would have for an enemies list?
Anyway, I was wondering if you had a link. Thanks… I’m off to search some more. Maybe Google is boobytrapped. I don’t trust them like I used to.
Here you are Nag:
Google results
Thank you, Dada!!! I will probably add an update and will credit your links. π
Sorry I was late getting back to this π There isn’t much out yet about it but it’s piecing together. Pay close attention to those religious references you come across and make note of the political connections between the religious programs associated with them.
If my guess is right, there has been a small group that has worked both in various administrations and the private sector with a long term goal. It’s real close to the neocons Pax Americana but includes religious interests dedicated to ensuring Biblical prophecy is pursued. It’s not just an American thing but different groups would be pursuing a common goal for different reasons. Good chance it ties in with the Plame case too.
‘They’re building a new temple in Israel, I hear.
If you’re right, this whole chapter in the NSA saga has taken a turn for the bizarre. I may not have the time to poke around too much today, but I need to go back to those religious references and try to see the connection. If I find anything interesting, Ill post it here or post a new diary.
An administration who keeps dossiers and voluminous lists of its political enemies and then admits to a massive illegal spying program is either dumb in the extreme or confident that they can get away with anything.
The turn was taken long ago and now we are seeing the results. This seems to be words of chosen people, covenants old and new, revelations and discernment. Those who were driven out and dispersed to other countries will reunite in a chosen land as children of their families and products of the giving of and the proof of the first fruits.
My guess is the the project of firstfruits was a way to see into the heart of those around them to discern their true intentions and level of faith. I’m hoping that some who are more knowledgeable in the history of religion will help clarify this. I’m speaking from what I’ve found and what I’ve learned from Fundamentalists/Evangelicals.
I also think that the “sacrificial” quality of the term “firstfruits” may apply. Perhaps journalists will be the first citizens “sacrificed” to further God’s work, personified by George (God’s work) Bush. Any way it’s interpreted, it’s horrifying.
It’s all part of the popular With us or against us philosophy of leadership in government.
And now BushCo wants to indict the NYT for publishing the story about the NSA spying in the first place: LINK
Shouldn’t they finish indentifying and convicting the Plame leaker first?
Really takes a lot of balls doesn’t it…to try and make the NYT the bad guy for finally reporting on bushco’s illegal activities…that’s what I call a real diversionary tactic.
I thought it was almost kind of poetic, in a scary and twisted kind of way…
Their diversions are getting like a thin vaneer and much easier to see through. Every day that Bush is in power, they will continue to push the envelope. The real scary thought is that people who will go this far to get power may not be willing to give it all up in 2008.
Excellent work, and I’m sorry I missed this the first go round.
My ref for the Congressmembers On The Ball: