“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” –George W. Bush, Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
i think ‘catapult the propaganda’ would be a great user name.
It sounds like a song by The Clash or Green Day, actually. 🙂
Sounds like a great weapon for a demented Bush version of my “Age of Empire” game!
we would need an enormous catapult in order to launch all the BushCo. propaganda.
Teenage Darcy and I used to play “DOOM” all the time … and we’d download “Hacks” for the games so that certain monsters appeared as Barney — and we’d kill Barney after Barney, giggling the entire time.
I wonder if anyone’s done any hacks for “Age of Empires” series. It’d be SO apt to have a Bush / Neocon hack.
Yeah, I like that series, but right now it’s taking a back seat to you-know-what.
Civilization II had a feature where all the unit names were pulled out of a text file you could edit. I suppose if you really wanted to you could go in and modify some of the unit names, maybe renaming the Barbarian civilization “Republicans.”
Kind of like catapulting dead cows over the city walls?
I would like to say George W. Bush wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up him, spit on his boots and made fun of him for trading Sammy Sosa to the Cubs, but honestly, the only explanation for him is that he knows damn well what the truth is. Otherwise how could he do such an effective job of bypassing, maneuvering around, obfuscating and covering up the truth? I mean, if he were just clueless he’d end up telling the truth once in a while by random chance, wouldn’t he?
No kidding.
CNN is droning in the background with him speaking right now. There is not ONE sentence without at least one lie!
I hope Susan will put up the transcript.
Here’s the LINK.
Heh. It’s so funny. Laugh a little, people!
(How come none of our affilites sells barf bags?)
And Brownie was doing a ‘heck’ of a job too… good company Rice and Rumsfeld are in… says it all right there with that one word.
See if you can find a supplier of barf bags and have then printed with the BT logo, specifying they are for use only in case of an emergency or if a Republican is speaking on television. (There must be such a place. Madman Moskowitz over at KSER gives out personalized barf bags to people who contribute during KSER’s pledge drives.)
You might also see what it costs to ship a shovel via UPS, and if it’s not too cost-prohibitive, offer them through the site store, with “For Shoveling The Republican Platform” on the spade. This of course is an old joke; Harry Truman was once rumored to have climbed up onto a manure spreader during a rural stump speech and said “I do believe this is the first time in my life I have ever given a speech from atop the Republican platform.”
Hmm, perhaps it’s time for a new sig line.
Sometimes you hear a great line from unexpected sources that’s so right on that it brings a blast of happiness to your soul. The other day Fresh Air’s critic Ken Tucker nailed “American Idol”: “The spectacle where the talentless judge the overreaching”. Love it.
BBC World radio – an interview and Q&A session «« LIVE Internet »»
Lance Cpl. Edward A. Schroeder II (23)
Company L, 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment,
4th Marine Division, Marine Forces Reserve
His son died as one of fourteen marines on August 3 near Haditha in Iraq.
Too much focus on dying, not on life that was lost. In terms of his father, lives wasted in a war of choice and not of necessity.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
CLEVELAND (OH) (WaPo) Jan. 3, 2006 — Early on Aug. 3, 2005, we heard that 14 Marines had been killed in Haditha, Iraq. Our son, Lance Cpl. Edward “Augie” Schroeder II, was among them.
Lance Cpl. Edward "Augie" Schroeder II
in Iraq. Courtesy Paul Schroeder
The words “hero” and “patriot” focus on the death, not the life. They are a flag-draped mask covering the truth that few want to acknowledge openly: Death in battle is tragic no matter what the reasons for the war. The tragedy is the life that was lost, not the manner of death. Families of dead soldiers on both sides of the battle line know this. Those without family in the war don’t appreciate the difference.
This leads to the second reaction. Since August we have witnessed growing opposition to the Iraq war, but it is often whispered, hands covering mouths, as if it is dangerous to speak too loudly. Others discuss the never-ending cycle of death in places such as Haditha in academic and sometimes clinical fashion, as in “the increasing lethality of improvised explosive devices.”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Well folks, I am doing my part to catapult the propoganda. I have printed out tons of bumper sticker size IMPEACH flyers. Every time I go to the store I stick a few here and there. Go for a can of soup…IMPEACH. Get that loaf of rye bread IMPEACH, need some creamer grab the word IMPEACH. See, I learned something from ol Georgie Boy…repeat, repeat, repeat.
Me too. I made a bunch of “Impeach” signs a couple feet wide and I’ve been putting them in visible roadside locations. None of them have been taken down yet, and it’s simple and legal. People need to say the word: Impeach.
Ok, booman, where is the site thingy to order coffee mugs???? I placed a call and even wrote an email to your friend. Getting no where at all in this fenzy I am in here…:o) So thought I would do something I never do and that is oder online!!!;o( Now I can’t find the damn thing! Please put it back up so at lease I can place my *** order…:o) Thank you so much…and good morning.
ok, sorry, I went to the STORE…there it is…sorry for the rant…
ok, now drinking my morning coffee will be a pleasure now!!!!! looking forward to the product to arrive…I have not ordered online, but for you, I did just that very thing. HUGS!!! hope it helps some.
thanks Brenda. It is fun to drink coffee from the Froggy cup!!
Hey Man, I ordered 2..one for me and one for a gift. As soon as I can muster enough money together witout strain, I plan on ordering another one or so. I am looking forward to them coming.
You’ll love it. It’s just the right size … bigger than the average cheap cup, but not over-sized.
And it’s well-made. If I zap it in the microwaver for 3.5 minutes, with a teabag, I can pick up the handle without burning my fingers (as opposed to some cheaper cups I have).
Hey Susan, I like that idea of not burning….
I have bought articles twice this week, so will have to hold off buying more till later on. There are a few books I want to order from powels too, besides the one the lies my teacher told…for book club review. I want to get risens book and a couple others too. I am an advid reader. bout time I bought to help others out!
footnote: Thanks for everything booman…hugs and also to you susan…
Booman, if nobody else, will think these are funny:
Ferocious Frege
Vindictive Wittengstein
Hurtin’ Bertrand
Stormin’ van Orman
Arrogant Aristotle
Liable Leibniz
Killer Kant
See right here to find the full selection! (Including the Nefarious Neitzsche!)