This is it folks. The hearings start this week on Alito and I feel we must do whatever possible to stop this nomination or we will rapidly see our once great country sprially rapidly into that deep dark hole of Fascism. This is it and this is my small little contribution to the cause.
Dear Senator Feinstein,
I write to you today on the subject of Bush’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Justice Alito. Senator, I know you will not prejudge and most likely I will receive the pat form letter/email back from you. I still must try to instill in you how much the future of our country is at stake here.
I write to you not so much for me but for my nine year old grand daughter and the future of her rights as a citizen. There is no doubt in my mind that Alito would help to overturn Roe v. Wade and that he believes that is perfectly legal for the President to spy on US citizens without a warrant.
We cannot stand by and allow the Bush Cabal to stack the Supreme Court for the next thirty years or more with these bigoted, neocons that are rapidly turning our once great nation into a fascist state.
ANyone that votes for this nominee shall lose my support not only financially but with my vote. We need our Democrats to step to the plate and grow a spine and stand up to the Republican propaganda machine run amock. It is the highest form of Patriotism to dessent and to proudly wear the label of obstructionist. The future of our country is at stake here Senator. Please do the right thing and not only vote no but show the Republicans that we are not going to allow this nominee even a hearing until the NSA Spying scandal is investigated.
Thank you Senator for your service to our country. We need now more than ever.
Del Mar
Let’s keep the heat on!
Are we ready for an all out fax bomb to our representatives and/or the Judiciary committee to demand that they not go any further with these hearings until there is an investigation into the NSA Spying Scandal?
Yes we are ready for that and more. Been emailing with MTracy and CabinGirl about a possible/likely trip tp DC at the end of the month for this. We all do what we can and you certainly hold up your end Aloha.
Thank you my friend. I was motivated by people like you and Tracy and Cabin Girl. Let me know if/when you are going. I already have plans to take my grand daughter to Cirque de Solei on the 21st but just might be able to swing the following weekend.
Great letter leezy, think I’ll add a Senator faxing project to my to-do list for Monday.
I think faxes are great, since someone has to spend time to deal with them on the receiving end. I should think it would have more of an impact than emails.
Thank you North DD! We can do this, I just know we can. America is waking up and seeing what the Cabal of Fascists in the White House are really up to!Let’s keep the pressure on them! Thanks for reading!
I’m off to fax ALL of the members of the Judiciary Committee. (Hell, they all represent me when they are vetting a possible Supreme Court justice – whose decisions will affect every citizen of this country for decades to come. If they don’t know this they should.)
My first political sit-down-and-write-a-lot-of letters act was to do the same protesting the nomination of Bork. It worked once . . . 🙂 I have hope.
Great letter, Lee. I have a list I’ve compiled of all of the Judiciary Committee members with snail mail addresses (useful in the header of your letters even if you’re faxing rather than mailing), phone and fax numbers, and email addresses. I could post it here if it would be useful. It’s long, so I thought I’d ask first if you want me to.
YES!! Please post list here, especially of the Judiciary Committe. I believe too that faxing gets much more attention because someone has to pull ALL the faxes of that machine. Let’s get busy!!
Working on it. I’ve decided to make it a diary, so people can hotlist for reference, and so you won’t have one of those long comments Susan doesn’t approve of in your diary. Back as soon as I get it done to post a link here.
In the meantime, here’s some good info from the American Geriatrics Society with tips on contacting legislators WRITING TO YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.
Thanks Janet and great idea to make it an action diary of it’s own. I am off to cook for the kids today and in return I do my laundry over there plus get in some quality time with the grand Leezy.
Thanks for all you do.
Here’s the link to “Judiciary Committee: Phone, Fax, and email info”
More bad news about Alito
And more crap about Repugs expecting Alito to be confirmed
Excuse this in advance but that MF’r needs to fall to put it lightly as I bite my friggin tongue.
If it’s the last fucking thing I do I will be in DC to let them know that this Goddamned American will not stand for shit like this. They will not have my country. They will tell no woman, domestic or foreign that they cannot cotrol their own bodies.
Don’t get me fucking started.