Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Yeah, I live about 40 minutes from downtown Detroit and I don’t think I’m even going to bother going there for any of the festivities. Though I will admit that the downtown has improved considerably since the Lions moved back (though the football team has not improved).
If I were a player, I’d much rather go to the Pro-Bowl than the Superbowl. I’m just sayin’.
actually in sunny, flood-washed California right now. In Palo Alto at a friend’s house, soon to visit other friends and to pick up my stuff and hi-tail it and myself to Wisconsin by next week’s end.
That’s why you haven’t been hearing from me lately.
a few days ago. They’ve been blaring his story all week long. Culprit: one Latino guy who may have caused the death of a young black man a few years back–but there were “no witnesses” and no proof. But he was a suspect.
Maybe this time, the mother of the young black man said, the witnesses will come forward.
Too late for the cop, though.
I’m just amazed. In five years, EPA becomes majority Latino, and Paly is now just Asian Americans and whites. And where are Da Folx?
I voted for reading book(for the upcoming Boo Book Club) and I used to be a rather rabid football fan…I mean I kept a notebook and would write down all kinds of odd facts/statistics every week, who did what for years and bet on teams etc. Honestly I have a Joe Montana Christmas tree ornament…and actually my football watching started to decline when he retired. Along with idiots like the egotistical Deon Sanders acting like he was a one man football league…and it certainly didn’t help when he supposedly found Jesus.(as if he’d lost him) This is rather like my decline and rather rabid interest also in boxing which I now wonder why I ever was interested in that so called ‘sport’. Even though I usually managed to win money on my betting on boxing matches-which made a lot of guys pissed off at me and would say I made a lucky guess as if women couldn’t know anything about boxing stats/boxers.
just as long as you don’t suddenly lose your interest in blogging!!
As for football, the Pats are always a pleasure to watch in the playoffs. Their coach is the best coach in the history of the league. We won two super bowls for the Giants as their defensive coordinator, although Parcells helped (a little).
And 3 with the Pats. And they are always so well prepared and have so many wrinkles to their game plan. They aren’t the most talented bunch, but they are smarter and they play at the highest level I’ve ever seen.
The Jags are going to need to run the ball or they are doomed.
Nice of you to say boo but being here is a whole different thing..the other two are pretty violent sports really and I just gradually lost the taste for them. This is different unless we count the sometime meltdowns of civility and a kinda general contrariness by some that seemed to effect the blogging here during December-was that strange or what.
Besides even if my interest did wane following the football and boxing pattern it would be over some fifteen years or more from now that that would occur.
I’m spending some quality time with my laptop and waiting through the Seahawks’ bye week.
Oh, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that the Bugman is out as Majority Leader. Won’t be long before he gives up his re-election bid, if not his seat, is what I’m thinkin’. We should definitely paint this as another example of Republican fiscal irresponsibility. He could have done this a couple of months ago and saved us taxpayers a pile of money.
You may as well ask me who I’m hoping wins the International Fly-Swatting Tournament. All I know is, my husband gets frisky every time the Eagles do well. Comparing my sex life to last year’s, I’m assuming they stunk up the joint this season?
Totally off topic if I may. One of the folks who volunteers at the local Dem office showed the wife and I a novel, inexpensive way to protest our continued presence in Iraq. Remember the little toy soldiers all good little boys played with when they were young? (That question crosses all generations in the good old U.S.A. that I am familiar with.)
Go to your local discount dept store and buy a bag of them for a couple of dollars. At home put “Bring Me Home” tags on the bottom of the bases. When you are out and about, deftly leave an overturned toy soldier in a semi-conspicuous place in the various shops that you frequent. Folks will pick up the toy, read the tag, and then whatever. I like to think of it as planting seeds. Our friend said she read about a group of Pissed Off Moms around St. Louis Mo. that had come up with the idea.
Vote for any of those slugs? I think not! I am waiting for the baddest defense in the NFL…The Chicago Bears! I was happy to see the Redskins win though. Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Damn straight. I hope the giants win tomorrow so the Bears can smack little Eli all over the map like they did Michael Vick on the coldest night ever three weeks ago!
Knee deep in George R.R. Martin’s A Feast of Crows, the 4th book in the Fire & Ice series. At 700+ pages, I may not come up for air until the middle of next week. It’s been three or four years since the last book (I believe) and I’m having a difficult time coming up to speed on the hundreds of characters that have been mentioned in the first 250 pages. I keep referring back to the appendix trying to sort through all the houses to find who someone is or pouring over the maps to discover where the current action is taking place. But, other than that, it’s a good read.
by Neal Stephenson, vol. 3 in the Baroque Trilogy (not as thick as the other two) and Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke (why doesn’t anybody like this book? I do!)
Listening to Saint-Saens’ Piano Concert #2 in G-minor.
Mr. Anom has been absolutely livid ever since the Longhorns won and provided Bush a moment of joy. (Nothing against the Longhorns other than the connection to Bush) Since then, Mr. Anom has carried those angry feelings into the NFL playoffs, and in doing so, he designed our strategy for selecting playoff teams.
(Petty as this may sound) we entertained ourselves yesterday morning by trying to determine “Six Degrees of Bush and the NFL” – where we compared the potential win of each team to the amount of joy it might provide Bush. From there, we supported each team that Bush was most likely to oppose. (It was all based on snarky speculation, but it was an amusing way to pick teams since we don’t have any other stake in the games.)
We simply will not be satisfied until Bush exhibits the same amount of emotional anguish as LBJ during the Vietnam war. But he likely feels more anguish over football games than he does about the state of the nation/world.
Well, our pre-selection guidelines automatically ruled out any teams from Texas, Florida or New England (so yesterday’s game between the Pats and Jags was a tough call, what with Pappy and Jeb).
As far as the Giants game . . . we were kinda thinking along the lines of the 2004 NY election results, coupled with the Hillary factor. Those two components alone pulled us toward the Giants, but our selection process is specifically designed for ongoing debate (even if we think of something mid-game. . . :^)
OK, as long as you also appreciate that I entered this thread with no prior knowledge of any team(s) you support, and I went out of my way to phrase my comment in a manner that would leave the door open for me to support either GD team of your choosing. That being said . . . GO GIANTS!
(pitifully shuffles off to a corner to go STFU and stop thinking 🙁
I’ve got to do a diary with my long-brewing essay on what football would be like if it were run by liberals. I’ll polish it up and have it ready for Superbowl time.
I’m not a sports watcher for the same reason I’m not a concert goer or sex watcher. I like sports, music and sex, but I’ve always been more of a hands-on kind of guy.
fantasy sports is like fantasy sex — not bad, but a poor substitute for the real thing. 😉
(Please tip your wait staff…)
Oh, and I’m reading Annie Duke’s book — she alternates between writing about her life growing up and her experience during the Omaha Hi-Lo tournament at the 2004 WSOP. Actually an interesting read; I wasn’t aware her dad was Richard Lederer of Anguished English fame. One of these days I’m going to screw up my courage and actually play a live game…
couldn’t help myself…
where’s other?
I’m working on my 2nd diary, which may or may not ever see the light of day.
jacksonville has to be the most annoying team in the league. Does anyone outside Jax actually like them?
I feel pretty ambivalent towards them. They just kind of bore me.
I’ve never met a die hard Jags fan. Ever.
i felt sorry for all the Eagles fans last year. They finally got to the Super Bowl, and their reward was a trip to Jacksonville.
This year’s booby prize? Detroit.
Yeah, I live about 40 minutes from downtown Detroit and I don’t think I’m even going to bother going there for any of the festivities. Though I will admit that the downtown has improved considerably since the Lions moved back (though the football team has not improved).
If I were a player, I’d much rather go to the Pro-Bowl than the Superbowl. I’m just sayin’.

actually in sunny, flood-washed California right now. In Palo Alto at a friend’s house, soon to visit other friends and to pick up my stuff and hi-tail it and myself to Wisconsin by next week’s end.
That’s why you haven’t been hearing from me lately.
May also visit with the Bay Area Kossacks, too…
did you hear the ‘copters last night? more violence in East Palo Alto.
I’m over the creek in Menlo Park.
but Palo Alto native…
How do we expect to stop the cycle of violence when our own government resorts to violence with little to no provocation?
(Oh, and I’m rooting for NYG for you, BooMan… 🙂 )
a few days ago. They’ve been blaring his story all week long. Culprit: one Latino guy who may have caused the death of a young black man a few years back–but there were “no witnesses” and no proof. But he was a suspect.
Maybe this time, the mother of the young black man said, the witnesses will come forward.
Too late for the cop, though.
I’m just amazed. In five years, EPA becomes majority Latino, and Paly is now just Asian Americans and whites. And where are Da Folx?
I voted for reading book(for the upcoming Boo Book Club) and I used to be a rather rabid football fan…I mean I kept a notebook and would write down all kinds of odd facts/statistics every week, who did what for years and bet on teams etc. Honestly I have a Joe Montana Christmas tree ornament…and actually my football watching started to decline when he retired. Along with idiots like the egotistical Deon Sanders acting like he was a one man football league…and it certainly didn’t help when he supposedly found Jesus.(as if he’d lost him) This is rather like my decline and rather rabid interest also in boxing which I now wonder why I ever was interested in that so called ‘sport’. Even though I usually managed to win money on my betting on boxing matches-which made a lot of guys pissed off at me and would say I made a lucky guess as if women couldn’t know anything about boxing stats/boxers.
just as long as you don’t suddenly lose your interest in blogging!!
As for football, the Pats are always a pleasure to watch in the playoffs. Their coach is the best coach in the history of the league. We won two super bowls for the Giants as their defensive coordinator, although Parcells helped (a little).
And 3 with the Pats. And they are always so well prepared and have so many wrinkles to their game plan. They aren’t the most talented bunch, but they are smarter and they play at the highest level I’ve ever seen.
The Jags are going to need to run the ball or they are doomed.
Nice of you to say boo but being here is a whole different thing..the other two are pretty violent sports really and I just gradually lost the taste for them. This is different unless we count the sometime meltdowns of civility and a kinda general contrariness by some that seemed to effect the blogging here during December-was that strange or what.
Besides even if my interest did wane following the football and boxing pattern it would be over some fifteen years or more from now that that would occur.
Well there was a longwinded answer to your post.
Help me out here, Choco,
I meant to make a note of the title and date for the next Boo Book, and of course completely dropped it out. Dumb.
Hey M…the book is ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ by James W. Loewen and I think the date is Feb. 11?
I’m spending some quality time with my laptop and waiting through the Seahawks’ bye week.
Oh, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that the Bugman is out as Majority Leader. Won’t be long before he gives up his re-election bid, if not his seat, is what I’m thinkin’. We should definitely paint this as another example of Republican fiscal irresponsibility. He could have done this a couple of months ago and saved us taxpayers a pile of money.
You may as well ask me who I’m hoping wins the International Fly-Swatting Tournament. All I know is, my husband gets frisky every time the Eagles do well. Comparing my sex life to last year’s, I’m assuming they stunk up the joint this season?
Oh, and the book is Ruth Rendell, 13 Steps Down.
— Seahawks fan
OOPS Susan, didn’t somebody else say those words and lived to regr…never mind!
Totally off topic if I may. One of the folks who volunteers at the local Dem office showed the wife and I a novel, inexpensive way to protest our continued presence in Iraq. Remember the little toy soldiers all good little boys played with when they were young? (That question crosses all generations in the good old U.S.A. that I am familiar with.)
Go to your local discount dept store and buy a bag of them for a couple of dollars. At home put “Bring Me Home” tags on the bottom of the bases. When you are out and about, deftly leave an overturned toy soldier in a semi-conspicuous place in the various shops that you frequent. Folks will pick up the toy, read the tag, and then whatever. I like to think of it as planting seeds. Our friend said she read about a group of Pissed Off Moms around St. Louis Mo. that had come up with the idea.
Keeping my mouth shut till it’s all over. Not easy.
But I did vote ;o)
If you’re a Kos member and support the Impeach Campaign, please recommend this diary by John T
Vote for any of those slugs? I think not! I am waiting for the baddest defense in the NFL…The Chicago Bears! I was happy to see the Redskins win though. Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Damn straight. I hope the giants win tomorrow so the Bears can smack little Eli all over the map like they did Michael Vick on the coldest night ever three weeks ago!
Oh boy,
you’re really testing my resolve to keep my mouth shut pal ;o)
We’ll see.
Go to sleep ;o)
Knee deep in George R.R. Martin’s A Feast of Crows, the 4th book in the Fire & Ice series. At 700+ pages, I may not come up for air until the middle of next week. It’s been three or four years since the last book (I believe) and I’m having a difficult time coming up to speed on the hundreds of characters that have been mentioned in the first 250 pages. I keep referring back to the appendix trying to sort through all the houses to find who someone is or pouring over the maps to discover where the current action is taking place. But, other than that, it’s a good read.
by Neal Stephenson, vol. 3 in the Baroque Trilogy (not as thick as the other two) and Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke (why doesn’t anybody like this book? I do!)
Listening to Saint-Saens’ Piano Concert #2 in G-minor.
Good morning!
Mr. Anom has been absolutely livid ever since the Longhorns won and provided Bush a moment of joy. (Nothing against the Longhorns other than the connection to Bush) Since then, Mr. Anom has carried those angry feelings into the NFL playoffs, and in doing so, he designed our strategy for selecting playoff teams.
(Petty as this may sound) we entertained ourselves yesterday morning by trying to determine “Six Degrees of Bush and the NFL” – where we compared the potential win of each team to the amount of joy it might provide Bush. From there, we supported each team that Bush was most likely to oppose. (It was all based on snarky speculation, but it was an amusing way to pick teams since we don’t have any other stake in the games.)
We simply will not be satisfied until Bush exhibits the same amount of emotional anguish as LBJ during the Vietnam war. But he likely feels more anguish over football games than he does about the state of the nation/world.
So….that means you’re pulling for the Giants since Bush doesn’t give a flying ____ about New York?
Mouth still shut…almost
Boo, you just see who I saw?
i didn’t see Pepper #52, but I did see Mr. Carson #53.
Got it wrong
Ugly football so far.
Mouth now open.
Jaw on the floor.
Well, our pre-selection guidelines automatically ruled out any teams from Texas, Florida or New England (so yesterday’s game between the Pats and Jags was a tough call, what with Pappy and Jeb).
As far as the Giants game . . . we were kinda thinking along the lines of the 2004 NY election results, coupled with the Hillary factor. Those two components alone pulled us toward the Giants, but our selection process is specifically designed for ongoing debate (even if we think of something mid-game. . . :^)
OK, I appreciate all that but will you just root for the GD Giants and quit thinking so much?! ;o)
OK, as long as you also appreciate that I entered this thread with no prior knowledge of any team(s) you support, and I went out of my way to phrase my comment in a manner that would leave the door open for me to support either GD team of your choosing. That being said . . . GO GIANTS!
(pitifully shuffles off to a corner to go STFU and stop thinking 🙁
Have I told you lately how much I completely appreciate you?
If not, let me take this opportunity to say I’m quite fond of you ;o)
(joyfully dances back from the corner of shame . . .)
You’ve obviously learned a great deal from parenting your daughters, SuperMichael. Thanks for the kindness :^)
I’ve got to do a diary with my long-brewing essay on what football would be like if it were run by liberals. I’ll polish it up and have it ready for Superbowl time.
I’m not a sports watcher for the same reason I’m not a concert goer or sex watcher. I like sports, music and sex, but I’ve always been more of a hands-on kind of guy.
(Be polite and thank your straight man.)
fantasy sports is like fantasy sex — not bad, but a poor substitute for the real thing. 😉
(Please tip your wait staff…)
Oh, and I’m reading Annie Duke’s book — she alternates between writing about her life growing up and her experience during the Omaha Hi-Lo tournament at the 2004 WSOP. Actually an interesting read; I wasn’t aware her dad was Richard Lederer of Anguished English fame. One of these days I’m going to screw up my courage and actually play a live game…