Sen Patrick Leahy (D-Vt), on C-Span‘s Washington Journal, said the White House “was not interested” in giving him, a member of the Judiciary Committee, a three-hour meeting with SCOTUS nominee Samuel Alito. The latest:
- NYT: “Issues and (Possible) Answers: A Primer on the Alito Hearings” (via Memeorandum)
- WaPo: Democrats Ready to Go After Alito — High Court Nominee’s Memos Opposing Abortion Likely to Be Focal Points at Hearings — Senate Democrats are expected to attack Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. on multiple fronts at the confirmation hearing that opens at noon today” (Meme)
- AP: “Senate Hearings to Begin for Samuel Alito“
Fox News: “Democrats Hit Possible Snag Ahead of Alito Hearings“: “A key witness to the character of Judge Samuel A. Alito has been removed from the … Democrats’ testimony list, Stephen R. Dujack, editor of The Environmental Forum magazine and fellow Princeton University alumnus, was expected to testify about a controversial student organization [the now-defunct Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP)] that counted Alito as a member. Dujack confirmed to late Friday that he was no longer testifying, but said he could not elaborate. …”
The hearings start at noon ET (pre-show 11:30). Listen/watch online or on TV. Reports C-Span: “The multi-day confirmation hearings … are expected to last all week, possibly into Saturday. First up: A series of opening statements by the 18 members of the Senate Judiciary Cmte. Next: The introduction of Samuel Alito and his opening statement.” (Note: NPR is carrying the hearings live at noon ET. You can also listen via Seattle’s NPR station, KUOW, which has great online listening options.)
See BooTrib resources and easy action items.
I have set the Tivo to record the hearings in case we want to sift through Alitos non answers later.
Hey new Tivo user! Tip: Be sure to set your recordings for “basic” quality. There’s going to be hours of this and basic is fine for this sort of recording. Don’t want to run out of room on the HD before you get it all.
Thanks for the tip! I will go check the setting now before I go off to work. Have a great day!
This is great! It will make it really easy for you to pick it apart in detail for us all! 🙂
Sounds like the Bush adminsitration wants a food fight over the Alito nomination. This is just petty, but if there is one thing we’ve learned about Rove, even his pettiness is employed for a political purpose. I suspect a desire to chanbge the subject from the NSA and Abramoff/DeLay scandals.
God, every day they were parading Harriet around the Senate … but no way with Alito?
The Senators, as I recall, were incredibly kind and circumspect in their comments about Harriet. They were ladies and gentlemen.
The only ones who crucified Harriet were the Ann Coulters.
There’s no excuse not to give the members of the Judiciary Committee a meeting to which they are entitled, and required to make this most critical decision.
I would think that the refusal to let Leahy vet Alito properly should be enough reason for him to FILIBUSTER this nomination.
Here’s a new “No to Alito” tool:
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper and contact your congress critters — all with one click.
Also: gathered 300,000 signatures in their Anti-Alito petition — in a day!
They’re shooting for 500,000, please sign if you haven’t already:
Move’s stop Alito petition
People for the American Way have sent over 60,000 letters to the Senate:
Save the Court Petition
American Rights at Work also
Oppose Alito Petition
Defending the Constitution’s Stop Alito Petition…
Democratic anti-Alito petition:
Democratic Party’s Reject Alito Petition
Stop the NRA is also getting in on the party:
Stop the NRA’s Oppose Alito Petiton
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
When is the media going to get the memo about Alito being bad for the United States as a whole with his pro-government, pro-corporation, anti-person rulings. Its not just about abortion…
(ps- I know they’ll never get the memo unless Rove is the one sending it out…)
Their “PRO-Alito” Campaign Gears Up:
Wing-nuts are preparing to swarm.
We really need to pull out all the stops on this one.
Now I have a double-edged action for you. Go to this link and use their internet resources (glut them up with traffic) to voice our Anti-Alito message!
They will have trouble getting as many “PRO” messages out because of the increased traffic, and if we work hard their resources will be sending MORE ANTI-Alito messages than messages in support.
Yeah… I’m evil!
Here is the “BROKEN LINK” to their “send message” resource just so they can’t trackback to this message so easily and see what we are doing:
Poke around at the “other sides” site and you will also this great resource to send Email’s to all of the local newspapers in your area (BROKEN LINK again):
They will have their resources sucked up and abused so they can’t get as many messages out.
Glut their systems with Anti-Alito messages and by the time they figure out what is going on… Well, the hearings will be over!
Yes… I am really evil!
I just sent today’s stories links + the link to the 12-diary series to mailing lists in Washington state.
Aren’t those townhall folks just swell? I sent emails and printed letters to my representatives.
And it’s so easy, I think I’ll just go back and hit them with all 12 days worth of anti-alito letters. Thanks CM1!
I abuse their links all the time.
Because they really do have it organised to perfection. You can send out 5 “letters to the editors” (LTE’s) at a time to your local papers, radio stations, and TV stations.
The key to the LTE’s is to keep them to 200 words or less so they can fit them on their pages easily. Any longer and they will likely either edit it OR not use it all.
In ten minutes I sent out an Anti-Alito Emailer to almost all of the media in our State the other day.
Click on 5 of the media choice “boxes”, choose continue, paste in your letter, click on send, then click on “Back” in your browser a couple of times and choose 5 other media outlets… Rinse and REPEAT AS NEEDED! In 10 minutes or less every media outlet in your area has Anti-Alito messages in their inboxes, and all courtesy of the right wing-nuts bandwidth!
:}(evil grin)