Next Monday, 16th of January 2006, Martin Luther King Jr day, the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans would like to have your support in the form of warm, cheering bodies.
Also helpful would be any news that any of you might have on traveling to New Orleans. Are the airlines flying there, yet? Other tips?
Please spread the word.
I would love to go, but I can’t…I have long-standing travel plans that conflict with it 🙁
I do have a friend who went down to NOLA for a week in late December. I don’t know a lot of the details…I’m going to be meeting up with her on Wednesday though, and we’ll talk about it, so if I get any good info, I’ll let you know.
As far as airlines, I’m not totally sure, but Orbitz does list flights to NOLA as available (and they are surprisingly cheap, at least from here (DTW)).
City of New Orleans Departs Chicago 8:00 PM Arr NOLA 3:32 PM
Dept NOLA 1:45 PM Arr Chi 9:00 AM
$100 each way
Sunset limited from Jacksonville still out of service.
San Antonio, TX 1:00 am, Arr NOLA 4:00 PM
Dept NOLA 11:55 am Arr San Antonio 3 AM $62 each way
Crescent from DC via Atlanta running, with delays, and relatively pricey, few seats left.
Airlines are indeed flying into New Orleans. Thanks for posting about the march. We intend to start in the lower ninth, which is the traditional route for the march, to demonstrate and support the right of return of all citizens.
An injunction has stopped bulldozing in the lower ninth for now, though the pressures are building to shrink the city, which means destroying working class neighborhoods, and keeping out the working class native sons and daughters of New Orleans.
We are fighting this, and would welcome any support.