Froggy Bottom Cafe – Monday Moaning Edition
Real live host on duty today!
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning everyone! I don’t know why the Cafe looks so tall and skinny this morning, yikes!
Don’t you just love Mondays?
Yes, Mondays are the best. I’m anxious to get back to work after a long weekend of doing just what I want to do.
Am I detecting a tad bit of sarcasm there, katiebird?
No, wishful thinking.
Skinny is just a matter of how wide you’ve got your browser.
Tall is because you used auto format so it puts lines in wherever there are line endings. If you use HTML format, it only puts in lines where there are codes that tell it to (like div tags and br tags and table tags).
Somehow I think this TMI for so early in the day.
But I just discovered you can’t go back and choose HTML format when you edit. Bummer. I knew I would forget something.
Depending on how much it bothers you, you can edit it to delete some of the extra blank lines.
It’s not a big deal until the 3rd or 4th time you forgot to hit “html-formatted”…then it takes up more than a screen’s worth of real estate (can you tell I made the same mistake for awhile before anyone told me?)
It’s gonna be a great day here…sunny and 60 degrees. Gotta make 3 little changes to a paper, and then I am out the door for a nice long dog-hike!
Good morning SN.
That’s a very neaty-keen coffee image.
We got a sort of live one anyway. Gotta go in an hour or so. I was hoping you guys wouldn’t gab so much and fill up the overnight waffle house!
I’ll watch it for you while you’re at the appointment and make sure no one feels lonely — I’m always happy to do anything that helps me avoid work :).
Sorry to enable your slacking. Or glad I could help. Just pick one.
Good Morning
Hope everyone is doing fine this morning.
Yep, I’m doing fine…it’s bright and sunny and heading into the mid-sixties today. Not bad for January!
It’s the same here except I think we will get up to the 70’s. I was in a cleaning frenzy yesterday and I’m just trying to get a few things I missed today.
I’m leaving for the day — love to all!
The combination of a dreary day and CG’s mentioning her “nice long dog hike” makes me want to go somewhere really great and hike.
A portion of the Devil’s Corkscrew on the Bright Angel trail viewed from the South Kaibab Trail
Grand Canyon NP
Looks like a great place to be at sunrise!
Thanks again for the wonderful hiking pictures Andi – they make my days!
Sadly, being at that exact spot at sunrise isn’t too likey because there’s no camping on that trail so getting to that spot at sunrise would involve hiking in the dark.
But being in the Grand Canyon at sunrise is something I have done several times and it is indeed wonderful.
Love your diary photo and headline, SN. And we’ve had muuucchh longer diaries than this.
I’ve got my first Peace Pilgrim diary ready to go, but I haven’t posted it yet. There’s a lot of reading in this series, since I’m reprinting most of a whole pamphlet, but I think it’s worth it. Hope so, anyway. Some people may want to just read and think about it, others may want to chat. We’ll see.
Also MUST get back to work by this afternoon. Hey! Just 4 Today, I will work at the library. Thank you, katiebird!
do not set a good example — think of the needs of other people who want to be able say “hey, she’s not working, why should I?”
Host is back. What did I miss?
Just me checking ever once in awhile to see if anything had changed. Looks like we are having a very quiet Monday morning.
Very peaceful…perhaps everyone has gone back to bed? Oh yeah, work…some of you do work.
Wishing I was home with my coffee and puttering in my garden! Perfect Northern CA weather yesterday – a little cool but sunny so I planted another dozen lettuce plants. My snow peas finally needed to be staked and the pansies are starting to bloom.
Picked fresh from the garden salad last night from mature lettuce plants!
Oh well – it is Monday – lots of work and meetings today – ewwwwwww!
I’d rather be gardening or hiking with Andi!
gosh, fresh lettuce from the garden sounds wonderful. Makes me want a salad for lunch.
We can’t grow lettuce in the summer here – too hot. so we grow them in the winter or very early Spring.
Our weather has been so blasted warm that my lettuces have bolted! Now bitter and will have to be pulled up. ^%*^%# climate crisis.
Also, have I mentioned the drought here?
It gets so blasted hot here in NC that by mid-june I have given up on growing anything. We’re experiencing a drought here as well, but the dry and sunny winter sure feels nice.
Yeah that’s the thing – it is “lovely” weather – in the 70’s here, clear skies. Very pleasant for dog walks and working in the garden.
But it’s not right. I’m enjoying it and at the same time find it very disturbing.
By mid-June, vegetable gardens are pretty much done here too. The eggplants and peppers soldiered on last summer though. Okra can stand the heat too, if you like it well enough to plant it (fried is the only way I’ll eat it).
We get a fair amount of morning fog…and I have an East facing bed that I might use this summer.
Droughts – yuck! We did put in a major drip system and low flow drip sprinklers this year. Just conservation until the next CA drought.
Bolting lettuce – we had 2 bolt this past week when it turned warm! I’m still trying to figure out timing so that I get a continuous harvest…or too much at once!
as Florida Mom would sing if she’d been a boomer. Being a New Dealer she’s more partial to “I Left My Heart in San Diego.”
A winter blow much like we’ll be having in the Sound these next few days, at the entrance to Deception Pass.
Rural areas lose power frequently in high winds due to tree damage. Only a week ago we got to test our ups with our newish flatscreen monitors that we finally got around to plugging in to it. It’s nice to have time to shut down, not to mention enough light to get to flashlights and kerosene lamps.
I’ll be busy in the shop today cranking my little portable heater, as Puget4 heads off to her Away Job. I’ll look into the Alito activism later and see if there’s a way we can work ourselves in. But I can’t bear to follow the hearings real-time.
I can’t bear to watch all that self-serving bloviating either. And as always, great photograph.
I won’t have it on either — there are some things that worse than paying attention to work.
Love the photo, too.
Sometimes just watching a storm blow through it feels nice and cozy inside.
You and Puget4 Stay safe and dry…
We’re not exposed to anything like what’s in the picture! We’re tucked under a lightly wooded hill and sheltered on another side.
It’s not much worse around the house than this:

Good morning all.
Blue skies today here in the NYC-area. And a sunny bit of news this morning in the office; the organization I work for celebrates a mix of US and international holidays. I had forgotten we are off tomorrow on the occasion of Eid Al Adha – the feast of the sacrifice.
Nothing better than an unexpected day off. What are you going to do with it?
It is great, though I’m afraid that most of this windfall of time will be for housekeeping.
However, if it’s sunny, I hope to make a long leisurly walk along the river (Hudson) and maybe get a few shots of the view.
Still can’t see the photos because of these damned filters! Good morning to all. It will actually be in the 40’s today here in NY. (No more snow dino!) I wish that I could hike with Andi and CG, but court is calling. I’m still so surprised about Kansas/Nancy. I’ll have to find some of her books.
Check out her peace diary on the reco list. And enjoy the sunshine while you can.
Thanks! I’ll have to get over to that diary.
kansas recommends Nancy’s “Truth” series which has lots of juicy liberal stuff in it. Starts with The Whole Truth. And just so you’ll know–kansas is surprised, too!
One of me may be crazy.
That sounds good, thanks!
Here I knew a secret that I didn’t know was a secret so by the time I found out that I knew a secret that bunches of othe people didn’t know and could have had that wonderful “I know something you don’t know” feeling, I couldn’t have it any more.
So, in knowing a secret that you didn’t know was a secret you unwittingly practiced self-control and made yourself look good, although the pleasure factor was absent.
Ah but I would have only looked good if the people who didn’t know the secret knew that I knew a secret but wasn’t telling what I knew.
Hey, I’m in the same boat. I knew the secret but didn’t know it was a secret, otherwise I would have made sure everyone knew that I knew a secret but had far too much class to tell.
Is there someone else we can out? Can I tell everyone who you really are?
Can I tell everyone who you really are?
Can we think of any reason why anyone would care?
Hmmmm…not unless you really were Sue Johanson from the Sunday Night Sex Show or something equally as cool. We can always dream.
because I have no idea who you are talking about. We do have a Sunday night sex show here on ocassion but it has never involved anybody named Sue.
And on that note I’m taking the dogs for a
walk over my lunch break.
That’s one of the unfortunate drawbacks of going to bed so early. You miss Sue Johanson.
as long as I don’t miss one of our sunday night sex shows, I am okay with that.
Life is hard.
On the other hand, you don’t any longer run the risk of choking on all that virtue.
Is Marmotdude on vacation? Did he go home to visit Marmotmom and Marmotpops?
hibk that it was a secret I would have reveled in being a puffed up, obnoxious boor about it.
Marmotdude is a marmot and is showing how he is superior to humans in dealing with crappy weather.
talking about myself in the third person.
Second Nature is very hungry this morning, but she finds nothing nutritious in the house and is tempted to make a friend bologna sandwich unless her friends stop her. Maybe Second Nature should go to the grocery store salad bar instead.
fried bologna…not friend. But if any friends want one I’ll surely make you one too.
Or visit Eat 4 Today and make a plea for support!
the technical term for this is blogwhoring.
A great blog – and everyone should read….
Just dropped a plug over at my site and will email to others today as well.
Thanks everyone that is participating there – very informative and helpful for me as the spouse of someone watching their diet.
If you want to take the easiest political action you’ll take all day, check out Duke’s diary LINK: about NY (R) Pete King’s bill that has put humanitarians at risk. All you have to do is send an email to him thanking him (hiding your natural snark, of course) for going to the effort to make sure that doesn’t happen.
the new sweetener I see in my health beverage (Diet Coke)?
Is it strokes at age 52, or babies that get to keep their gills for life?
See 2nd paragraph here
At the ND Bootribbers B&B we don’t allow cigarettes or cigars, and we don’t allow any diet sodas.
Our feeling is if people want to poison themselves they can do it elsewhere.
well I’m mostly migrated to black & green tea these days. May as well make it unanimous.
I can’t wait for a Tylenolesque ad campaign:
[HTML ps–How do I get my “inline” command to stop creating a new line? My source begins div style=”display: inline;]
Try putting a <br> tag after each paragraph that is before the paragraph with the div tag. I think the auto format tries to get it all on one line and then decides to break at the div tag.
well I’m mostly migrated to black & green tea these days. May as well make it unanimous.<br>
I can’t wait for a Tylenolesque ad campaign: <div style=”display: inline; color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: large;”>Stop. Think. Splenda.</div>
well I’m mostly migrated to black & green tea these days. May as well make it unanimous.
I can’t wait for a Tylenolesque ad campaign:
Monday moaning indeed. The Spring semester starts next week and I’m technically back at work starting today. Must make syllabuses, negotiate lab schedules (which will probably require a dreaded “meeting”).
But, but, but – Alito must be stopped! Which means that I must watch C-SPAN (like that’s going to stop him).
OK, TiVo set. Must make syllabuses. Will watch tonight if I’ve got enough work done at the paying gig to justify it.
De-lurking to say hi and grab a quick cup of coffee. I don’t do it during the work day often — but the live blogging of the hearings is distracting me so I might as well take a little break.
Nice picture at the top — I like that its long. Looks like a poster on the wall of the cafe.
Hi everyone! Just wanted to poke my head into the cafe to say hello. I haven’t been at my work desk since the 27th of December so I’m having loads of fun on this Moaning Monday.
Happy New Year! Hope you’re all doing well.
Hope you had a great vacation! You’re back just in time for Alito hearings!
Let the floodgates of protest open on all fronts!!!
btw, thanks for the tag, I posted my reply here 🙂
ManE! I saw you slip into Duke’s diary and rec it, so I knew you were peeking. I hope you’re having a really nice time. Desklessness is next to godliness.
I read you wrong. You’re BACK at your desk. Allow me to say: poor baby.
I’m pretty sure you read me correctly, I need to brush off my keyboard (and brain) cobwebs and re-learn how to communicate! Glad to be back though, I was starting to go through news withdrawls.
There you are!
Hope you had a great break and got some good rest – your energy level is very much in demand this week (or, any other week, for that matter).
I had a fantastic break, spent it relaxing and then took a trip with friends to L.A. for a few days. I spent New Years in front of the castle at Disneyland, that was phenomenal. As for energy levels…well, I’ll see what I can muster up. I find my adrenaline skyrocketing anytime I hear bile spewed forth from the Bush War Council minions. Time to fight!
Nothing like it. A long(ish) break, going away with friends.
Watch out for adrenaline-shock, there’s plenty of bile coming this way. And it doesn’t seem to let up.
We just got our spring break schedule at school and already booked rafting for April spring runoff!
Tuolumne River – Wild & Scenic
This is the ultimate one day run for rafters – almost all Class IV & V for 18 miles! And that picture doesn’t do it justice….try the next one!
BIG Water = BIG Smiles
Wow does that look exciting, and scary!
is always good and I am very excited for you but I’m glad to be sticking with our “you do the whitewater rafting; I’ll do the steep dropoffs hikes” split.
That cup of coffee earlier did the trick. I decided to go out for lunch today to escape the Alito hearings, which were getting on my nerves. But then I decided that I would, instead, go for a long walk and pick up a salad on my way back. I think I’ve been inspired by Katiebird. Now, back to work. Cloaking device re-activated.
High hopes this morning were dashed that a certain warmongering, torture justifier would have his foot amputated… via the neck. 🙂
I’ve been awol due to a virus, bloodhound that is, and Damnit Ryan was in town and welll… shit… it’s just been super busy. But I’ve missed you all.
My son totally impressed the testers and teachers today. I think they had his “special fred sched” all ready and he blew them away. He’s going to be in ADVANCED regular ed algebra and geometry classes. His reg. ed math teacher thought he was “brilliant” and would be a delight in her advanced math class. It’s a new beginning, folks smile.gif Just doing a few hours here and there because they’re not quite ready for him. They have to totally revamp their plans. I was so happy, I was walking on air. I keep telling people, he’s smart and in some areas “gifted” it just he’s autistic and needs someone to facilitate getting him to and fro classes and helping him navigate the cafeteria. The rest… is a cinch… well sorta…
Huge victory for the little guy today smile.gif Having him ace the hardest teacher’s one on one exam… was akin to raising the Stanley Cup.
Hey, this computer is hella slow still (something is amiss with the apts. jack/phone line or somethin) it’s always something eh?? So I probably won’t be doling out the fours. I’m playing ketchup mega time here.
Just been wicked hectic here, but regardless you’ve all been in my dirty thoughts.
DJ…that’s awesome about Wes! You must be so damn proud of that guy. Give him an attaboy from all of us.
I just opened the Froggy bottom Lounge…..please come over and post your comment there. Everyone will be so damn happy to hear from you. It’s been too long, girl!