Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
just got in from work. Lindsey Graham said something today that just dumbfounded me. Talking about Alito’s anti-abortion statements, Graham said they were understandable because Alito was applying for a job in the Reagan administration. Graham said that when you apply for a job you say what the person doing the hiring wants to hear.
I couldn’t believe my ears.
Graham wants a guy on the Supreme Court who has no moral convictions that can’t be compromised for a good job offer?
I read that somewhere else and chalked it up once again to those good old fundie values that has now come out and actually endorsed out/out lying to a prospective employer…doesn’t that just play up the fact that these fundie and repug whackjobs believe lying is actually a good wonder they are so fucken morally bankrupt and seem to have no clue. The follow through on that of course would be to ask well if he lied to get that job why won’t he lie in the Senate hearings and tell them anything they want to hear to get the job on the Supreme Court ….or is that to logical a leap for any reporter?
And of course just imagine the outcry by repugs if some democrat said lying was simply an expedient way to get a job…I can just see Bill the Gambler/Racist Bennett going on tv and being indignantly outraged at those vile democrats right?
Imo, the entire issue will be studiously avoided. In any case, how does a liar answer that question truthfully? At what point can he be believed?
The entire hearings process then threatens to take form as an utter travesty that no serious participant would wish to dignify through engagement. Best just to avoid the whole issue ..
If there were such an entity as the anti-christ embedded in our political arena, I suspect it might be Lindsay Graham. This guy is a consummate fraud, an expert at seeming to be the voice or reason, yet concealing a heart of darkness that any even cursory examination of his voting record and the projects he’s thrown himself into will reveal. He would have been the head witch-burner had he lived in that era.
He’s a born betrayer, and never to be trusted.
(Note; I’m not a religious person. Use of the term anti-christ is only to emphasize that I think Graham’s true nature represents all that is inimical to the best interests of humanity as a whole.)
I got my weekly email listing who is on his show this week and tonight is the author James Risen.
Other than that I’m pondering the apparently age old question of why in the hell there are literally over a Billion fucken recipes out there and I cook the same 5/6 things over and over and over again…even though I have over a dozen cookbooks and access of course the to-many-to-count cookbooks on the Internet…why in the fuck is that? Is this some form of bizarre cooking insanity? Seriously why do people do this as I know I’m not the only one who wonders what the fuck to cook for dinner and then does the same old shit.
It’s one of those cosmic questions like where does the other sock disappear to in the dryer?
Get some boneless chicken breasts, cut into strips if not already cut. Smear them with garlic, dribble Jamaican Jerk sauce over them, roll them around a bit, and then either saute them in a bit of butter or spray a pan with some oil spray and put them in the oven for a few minutes.
No, you’re not the only one. Personally, I do it because I’m an incredibly lazy cook & have no one to impress.
I’m also of the impression that socks go missing in the drier because they never actually existed. They’re magic socks that only appear real up to a certain temperature. Then: poof!
Many thanks to everyone participating in the ‘open Alito threads’ today — enabling me to catch up on the little I missed (both purposely & not).
Now: as a New Yorker, shall I hector Chuckie Schumer on Alito as much as I did on Roberts? He certainly seemed less conciliatory today. No movie reviews, at least.
Let’s see: Do I relate to a guy who was convicted in a Victorian court of the crime of homosexuality? Do I relate to a guy who couldn’t keep his wienie in his short-shorts and stay married to the same women for more than ten years? Do I relate to a guy who cut off his ear? Do I relate to a guy who blew out his brains?
Are these people really trying to promote the sale of their beverage? Or is this some kind of stealth campaign to convince me to never try this possibly-illegal-in-the-US party drink? Bring back the buxum babe, I say. Pyschopathic images of Van Gogh do not inspire trust.
Not being technically oriented…this may be a dumb question….but I’m curious.
Okay so I went crazy at today…and I clicked through from the partner button.
How do they know that the click and shopping cart came from here? I put a comment on my order to make sure that it was part of the partner program with boomantribune….
Am I just paranoid that you won’t get credit? Is there really a technical way to tell where the order site comes through?
With your mouse cursor, hover over a link from here to Powell’s, and notice the ‘partner/30079’ part of the link.
That is the part that identifies Booman as being the ‘linker’. When you open the link, you won’t see that part in your address bar anymore. I’m guessing they store a cookie (mmmmm…cookies) on your machine with the referring site ID.
Then, when you place an order, they just look up who referred you in the cookie, cross reference that with their partners database, and give the partner credit.
IANAL, but I don’t think that cases like that would be very easy to prosecute. There are just too many things that are subjective.
Proving intent is one of the hardest things to do in criminal justice (if not the toughest). You would have to prove that the intent was to annoy, and you would also have to prove that the person was anonymous (for example, I don’t use my real name, but you could figure out my real life identity in about 10 seconds if you want to).
Preparing myself for a conservative government. Had a heated discussion with a conserv relative this past w/e, who is positively glowing. He thinks social programs are abhorrent — it’s every man for himself, and wants to reverse SSM. All week long the media has been polling and the conservs have a slight lead. Martin’s campaign has sucked BIG TIME, with new scandals emerging every day. And the worst? I’ve moved (this summer) into a strong conserv riding. And the signs are on every neighbour’s yard. I’m finding it hard to think good thoughts as I drive through my neighbourhood. Really going to throw up. Help!
Good news though; with Canada having only 10% of the U.S. population, in 5 years or so when we can vote, we’ll be 10 times the help to you as our loss to the U.S.
I’ve been in Las Vegas for a week and got home to DC today. Now I can’t sleep. And I didn’t sleep well in LV because I kept waking up at Eastern time. Argghhh.
Georgia. . .yours?
I just heard that he’ll be at an event or events in Kansas City on January 17!!
I don’t have all the details, but if you’ve purchased a Democracy Bond, you can see him for sure.
I love Howard Dean.
just got in from work. Lindsey Graham said something today that just dumbfounded me. Talking about Alito’s anti-abortion statements, Graham said they were understandable because Alito was applying for a job in the Reagan administration. Graham said that when you apply for a job you say what the person doing the hiring wants to hear.
I couldn’t believe my ears.
Graham wants a guy on the Supreme Court who has no moral convictions that can’t be compromised for a good job offer?
Apparently. Ends, meet means: he was conveying a strategy — taking his coaching onto the field, so to speak.
I read that somewhere else and chalked it up once again to those good old fundie values that has now come out and actually endorsed out/out lying to a prospective employer…doesn’t that just play up the fact that these fundie and repug whackjobs believe lying is actually a good wonder they are so fucken morally bankrupt and seem to have no clue. The follow through on that of course would be to ask well if he lied to get that job why won’t he lie in the Senate hearings and tell them anything they want to hear to get the job on the Supreme Court ….or is that to logical a leap for any reporter?
And of course just imagine the outcry by repugs if some democrat said lying was simply an expedient way to get a job…I can just see Bill the Gambler/Racist Bennett going on tv and being indignantly outraged at those vile democrats right?
How could you get hired if you didn’t lie?
Nice catch. I sure as hell hope someone asks him if he is just telling the Senators what they want to hear rather than speaking the truth.
Imo, the entire issue will be studiously avoided. In any case, how does a liar answer that question truthfully? At what point can he be believed?
The entire hearings process then threatens to take form as an utter travesty that no serious participant would wish to dignify through engagement. Best just to avoid the whole issue ..
If there were such an entity as the anti-christ embedded in our political arena, I suspect it might be Lindsay Graham. This guy is a consummate fraud, an expert at seeming to be the voice or reason, yet concealing a heart of darkness that any even cursory examination of his voting record and the projects he’s thrown himself into will reveal. He would have been the head witch-burner had he lived in that era.
He’s a born betrayer, and never to be trusted.
(Note; I’m not a religious person. Use of the term anti-christ is only to emphasize that I think Graham’s true nature represents all that is inimical to the best interests of humanity as a whole.)
I got my weekly email listing who is on his show this week and tonight is the author James Risen.
Other than that I’m pondering the apparently age old question of why in the hell there are literally over a Billion fucken recipes out there and I cook the same 5/6 things over and over and over again…even though I have over a dozen cookbooks and access of course the to-many-to-count cookbooks on the Internet…why in the fuck is that? Is this some form of bizarre cooking insanity? Seriously why do people do this as I know I’m not the only one who wonders what the fuck to cook for dinner and then does the same old shit.
It’s one of those cosmic questions like where does the other sock disappear to in the dryer?
becomes a wire coat hanger in the closet in my experience.
When you figure out why we cook the same stuff…let us know…aaacckk chicken is soooo boring no matter what I try!
Get some boneless chicken breasts, cut into strips if not already cut. Smear them with garlic, dribble Jamaican Jerk sauce over them, roll them around a bit, and then either saute them in a bit of butter or spray a pan with some oil spray and put them in the oven for a few minutes.
First start the grill then throw the chicken out the F’in window. Gently sear a 14oz. porterhouse on the grill.
No, you’re not the only one. Personally, I do it because I’m an incredibly lazy cook & have no one to impress.
I’m also of the impression that socks go missing in the drier because they never actually existed. They’re magic socks that only appear real up to a certain temperature. Then: poof!
Forget cooking tonight. Order a pizza.
Many thanks to everyone participating in the ‘open Alito threads’ today — enabling me to catch up on the little I missed (both purposely & not).
Now: as a New Yorker, shall I hector Chuckie Schumer on Alito as much as I did on Roberts? He certainly seemed less conciliatory today. No movie reviews, at least.
Let’s see: Do I relate to a guy who was convicted in a Victorian court of the crime of homosexuality? Do I relate to a guy who couldn’t keep his wienie in his short-shorts and stay married to the same women for more than ten years? Do I relate to a guy who cut off his ear? Do I relate to a guy who blew out his brains?
Are these people really trying to promote the sale of their beverage? Or is this some kind of stealth campaign to convince me to never try this possibly-illegal-in-the-US party drink? Bring back the buxum babe, I say. Pyschopathic images of Van Gogh do not inspire trust.
Hey, it’s ‘edgy’ 😉
Not being technically oriented…this may be a dumb question….but I’m curious.
Okay so I went crazy at today…and I clicked through from the partner button.
How do they know that the click and shopping cart came from here? I put a comment on my order to make sure that it was part of the partner program with boomantribune….
Am I just paranoid that you won’t get credit? Is there really a technical way to tell where the order site comes through?
Okay…I’ll go back to being dumb AND quiet.
With your mouse cursor, hover over a link from here to Powell’s, and notice the ‘partner/30079’ part of the link.
That is the part that identifies Booman as being the ‘linker’. When you open the link, you won’t see that part in your address bar anymore. I’m guessing they store a cookie (mmmmm…cookies) on your machine with the referring site ID.
Then, when you place an order, they just look up who referred you in the cookie, cross reference that with their partners database, and give the partner credit.
Cool I see that now…it was kind of unnerving not knowing and I have no clue…
I think I’ll still comment all my orders from Powell’s when I go through the links here…just cause I’m a techno wimp.
I’m sure there’s no harm in putting it in the comment. Better safe than sorry 🙂
Galiel over at My Left Wing has an article about how annoying someone on the internet, if done anonymously, is now illegal. Any comments??
most of us are criminals now.
you mean you weren’t one before? 😉
I am trying to keep a low profile
(cough) email
so far, Abu Gonzales has not noticed. Fortunately, they are not exactly the crispiest fries in the bag up in Washington.
IANAL, but I don’t think that cases like that would be very easy to prosecute. There are just too many things that are subjective.
Proving intent is one of the hardest things to do in criminal justice (if not the toughest). You would have to prove that the intent was to annoy, and you would also have to prove that the person was anonymous (for example, I don’t use my real name, but you could figure out my real life identity in about 10 seconds if you want to).
Preparing myself for a conservative government. Had a heated discussion with a conserv relative this past w/e, who is positively glowing. He thinks social programs are abhorrent — it’s every man for himself, and wants to reverse SSM. All week long the media has been polling and the conservs have a slight lead. Martin’s campaign has sucked BIG TIME, with new scandals emerging every day. And the worst? I’ve moved (this summer) into a strong conserv riding. And the signs are on every neighbour’s yard. I’m finding it hard to think good thoughts as I drive through my neighbourhood. Really going to throw up. Help!
you have our deepest sympathies.
Good news though; with Canada having only 10% of the U.S. population, in 5 years or so when we can vote, we’ll be 10 times the help to you as our loss to the U.S.
“Oh, Canada, please don’t be like George Bush….”
I’ve been in Las Vegas for a week and got home to DC today. Now I can’t sleep. And I didn’t sleep well in LV because I kept waking up at Eastern time. Argghhh.
but after spending a week in Vegas, you get no sympathy from me 🙂
I was there for work, so not too much fun to be had. Plus I really dislike Las Vegas. Not too much into bright lights, big city… 🙁
At least you get to go somewhere somewhat interesting for work.
All I get to go to is a cube 🙁
(and mine sucks much worse than this one)
Try this
Works for me every time. You’ll never know what hit you and you’ll sleep like a baby, counting all your winnings in your dreams ;o)
Thanks, I’ll give it a shot after I take the tylenol PM if that doesn’t work. 😉
Just in case anyone missed it, US seizes Guardian journalist in Iraq. Article here.