30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
Glad to see you working on the Picket for Peace initiative, I hope to get more involved soon. I’m still trying to transition back from the vacation. Paz amigo!
Wow. We are all about peace this week, huh. I never remember slogans. I’m going with my favorite anti-war slogan — shouted by Damnit Janet. “Suit up, or shut up.” Too negative for Peace Pilgrim. And for local anti-war group — I rolled it out on a war-monger-heckler yesterday in my booming drill sergeant voice (oh yeah, I got one somewhere down deep). Okay. Out for now.
What a cool site….and the only sticker I didn’t see out of all of them was one t-shirt I have that has 7 different peace signs as envisioned by various artists..I also have the t-shirt that says Peace is Patriotic and the Oriental sign for Peace(all courtesy of my sister of course)
Now I want one of each of these..too many good signs not enough time/money…
With God on our Side lyrics Bob Dylan – singer: Joan Baez
Oh, my name it ain’t nothin’, my age it means less
The country I come from is called the Midwest
I’s taught and brought up there, the laws to abide
And that the land that I live in has God on its side.
Oh, the history books tell it, they tell it so well
The cavalries charged, the Indians fell
The cavalries charged, the Indians died
Oh, the country was young with God on its side.
The Spanish American war had its day
And the Civil War too was soon laid away
And the names of the heroes i’s made to memorize
With guns in their hands and God on their side.
The First World War, boys, it came an it went
The reason for fightin’ I never did get
But I learned to accept it, accept it with pride
For you don’t count the dead when God’s on your side.
The Second World War boys, came to an end
We forgave the Germans and then we were friends
Though they murdered six million, in the ovens they fried
The Germans now too have God on their side.
I’ve learned to hate Russians all through my whole life
If another war comes it’s them we must fight
To hate them and fear them, to run and to hide
And accept it all bravely with God on my side.
But now we got weapons of chemical dust
If fire them we’re forced to, then fire them we must
One push of the button an’ shot the world wide
An’ you never ask questions when God’s on your side
Through a many dark hour i’ve been thinkin’ ’bout this
That Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss
But I can’t think for you, you’ll have to decide
Whether Judas Iscariot had God on his side.
So now as I’m leavin’, i’m weary as hell
The confusion I’m feelin’ ain’t no tongue can tell
The words fill my head and fall to the floor
That if God’s on our side, he’ll stop the next war.
With that I guess my favorite peace phrase – 1969 revised 2003 “Give Peace a Chance” from song of the same name by John Lennon.
Sorry – thinking about immoral wars depresses me and reminds me of people that died in the first immoral one that I knew about.
Silly girl – who can be brought down by reading Bob Dylan and mentally hearing give peace a chance. Not I, Sillycat, never. Nothing gets me higher than a Dylan song.
…a time of economic uncertainty, corruption in a Republican White House, an ill-conceived quagmire of a foreign war, vague and disturbing threats from external enemies, Presidential enemies’ lists, fears about who has nuclear weapons and who’s going to use them — yep, 1973. I never imagined that I’d miss Nixon!
One of the last political quotes I read by Dr. Thompson concerned an imagined choice between a vote for Nixon & a vote for Bush. He was ready to vote Nixon in a heartbeat.
I was certainly impressed by that statement, to say the least. Apparently, too, he had personal acquaintances with both.
Alas, all three — Hunter, Phil Ochs & Nixon — have traveled to the other side, as well as an individual I’d deeply appreciate hearing from: William S. Burroughs.
And now: time for the ritual burning of white sage to clear the air after another day of Alito.
Good evening to all; hope you’re all doing well. We’ve experienced a very warm January day here in the Catskills, absolutely bathed in clear sunshine. Stepped out this evening to gather firewood by the light of the moon, catch a glimpse of Orion & hear the coyotes send their mournful song over the valley.
Well I’m glad to hear you got some sunshine. It must have be the same stuff that was here on Saturday and then scampered off for more interesting climes.
Finally made it over the link for the Immigration diary by Duke…man what a lot of work went into that dairy, great diary. As I posted there, can we make a recess appointment and make him Immigration Secretary?
I came home and fell totally asleep. And I guess I really needed it. I’m still tired, but not desperate tired. (sigh) I need to go post my progress on the Just 4 Today thread at eat4today and read Andi’s Recipe & Ductape Fatwa’s rant (bowing to Andi) — I’ll do that in a minute. I also need to read today’s Peace Pilgrim diary.
But, I’m going to come here for giggles. Make me laugh.
I just got home a few minutes ago. I’m zonked. BUT you might want to know that The People’s Choice Awards are on. Not my favorite awards show, but it will do for background noise tonight.
I knlw. I’m all over the place. Checking my e-mail address alll the time. Also interesting, her husbsnd has been doing genealogical research for some time. So I will probably get a lot of help in that area.
Hey Cruz :o)
I just read this post from you. What amazing news for you! Incredible.
See how things like this happen? It’s just the best news Ive heard in a long time.
How great for you and your family.
Thanks for your live blogging earlier, I really appreciate it. My workplace blocks all streaming audio / video, so the blogs are all I have during the day.
I was happy to help out this morning to the extent I could.
But, this experience made me more sure than I’ve ever been that Armando does NOT have a real law practice with real clients that make demands on his time.
Armando’s real life clients are of no concern to me, so long as he continues to offer up his legal opinions for my eager eyes to read 🙂
IIRC, out of spite somebody ‘outted’ Armando’s real life identity, with the intent of getting him in trouble for the amount of time he spends blogging. I don’t think it worked.
It’s clear from the amount of time that he blogs that he wasn’t going to get in trouble for it. So whoever did that was just stupid. I’m not casting disparagements on him — it was a compliment. After trying to live blog, I realize how it takes up ALL your time and you can’t do ANYTHING else. I can listen and do other things, but to type summaries really means that you can’t do anything else. And I’m a really good multi-tasker, so I KNOW he can’t do anything else either.
I really appreciate Booman and Susan’s time on this. You have to do try to do it to appreciate it.
I’m still watching it (well, it’s on in the background).
I don’t want to make the cafe all political tonight, but I thought I’d offer up this :
I like what Biden did. But I think I only liked it because I know what is going to come later with Feingold and Schumer. Biden was good humored, but extremely condescending. Whenever he made a point, he made sure that Alito had no chance to offer a rebuttal.
Whether or not that was a piece of strategy, or just because Biden looooooves the sound of his own voice, I think it was an effective team attack tactic.
I’m not sure anybody else is up, so cafe political talk can’t be bothering them. I heard/saw a lot of complaints about how the Democrats didn’t hit him hard enough, but I thought their attack seemed coordinated (or as coordinated as the Democrats can ever be since its like herding cats). I was really impressed by Feingold.
I had to leave for a meeting in the middle of Graham so I missed Schumer.
I’m not sure of the whole procedure. Maybe Booman will summarize it tomorrow morning. It sounded like they all go through another round of questioning. I’m not sure if they vote then or not.
I consider myself lucky to have 2 Democratic Senators, who vote the way I would want them to the grand majority of the time (though Stabenow puts herself on a short leash sometimes).
seems to be good at this point, it will be dependent on funds tho. I just moved into a 1-bedroom apartment over the weekend so I’m trying to figure out how my budget is going to work. I should be getting a decent tax return, so I’m hoping for a cushion that will make it work.
I’m watching Nightine and they just had on the former NSA guy who wants to testify to Congress about the spying. Apparently he received a letter today from the NSA in which the NSA says that he may NOT testify to Congress because some congressmen don’t have a security clearance to hear what he would say.
He should petition to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
I am not a (whoever knows a lot about this stuff), but all of those people do have clearance to hear about that kind of thing. And that would at least get things rolling.
Or, I believe he could testify to a grand jury, but one would have to first be set up to investigate an offense that was at least tangential to the NSA wiretapping. That hasn’t happened, to my knowledge.
OK, I didn’t hear any senator say the word filibuster today and I didn’t hear any commentators talking about it in a serious way. But I think it’s too early. Based on the performance of the Repubs today I predict that he will be voted out of committee — we can only hope on a partyline vote. The dems seemed pretty coordinated to me, but you never know if they’ll stick together.
I say this about the repubs because they seemed intent on using up all their time talking about what he believed without letting him say anything. Since they don’t care what he says to Democrats, nothing he says in response to Democrats will affect their decision to vote him out.
But maybe he’ll really screw up tomorrow and tell them that he believes that any lawmaker who was ever in the same room with Jack Abramoff deserves to go to jail. But I wouldn’t count on it.
( CSpan is still on. But its Jon Kyl right now, so you might want to wait for DiFi 🙂
IMHO, too early to tell.
Dems came out firing, which is good. Alito did not have good answers for many of their questions.
I don’t think there were any vocal hints of a filibuster. But judging by the general attitudes of the Dems and the way that Alito was acting, I would be surprised if there is not one.
(click the peace frog above for a cool website with peace symbols)
What’s your favorite “middle-finger” slogan or bumper sticker for the Bushistas?
And while your at it, don’t forget to get a BooTrib sticker to support the site.
was hand-scrawled on cardboard, held high by a young girl. It said:
“No Iraqi ever left me on a roof to die”
I posted it here a long time ago, but lost the link to the image. 🙁
Hey Manny. Happy New Year.
I haven’t clicked the peace frog yet. Wanted to say hi first. Here goes.
Glad to see you working on the Picket for Peace initiative, I hope to get more involved soon. I’m still trying to transition back from the vacation. Paz amigo!
Glad to hear you’ll be back when you get rolling. I’ve learned that there is a Mannee”G” in “OrGanization.”
Wow. We are all about peace this week, huh. I never remember slogans. I’m going with my favorite anti-war slogan — shouted by Damnit Janet. “Suit up, or shut up.” Too negative for Peace Pilgrim. And for local anti-war group — I rolled it out on a war-monger-heckler yesterday in my booming drill sergeant voice (oh yeah, I got one somewhere down deep). Okay. Out for now.
What a cool site….and the only sticker I didn’t see out of all of them was one t-shirt I have that has 7 different peace signs as envisioned by various artists..I also have the t-shirt that says Peace is Patriotic and the Oriental sign for Peace(all courtesy of my sister of course)
Now I want one of each of these..too many good signs not enough time/money…
With that I guess my favorite peace phrase – 1969 revised 2003 “Give Peace a Chance” from song of the same name by John Lennon.
Sorry – thinking about immoral wars depresses me and reminds me of people that died in the first immoral one that I knew about.
Time to make a silly comment and picture instead…sorry to drag the cafe down with the last comment….
Peace Mission = Not Impossible
I personally love all expressions of passion, whether it’s through a song, poster, photo, etc.
(i love the mouse, btw)
Silly girl – who can be brought down by reading Bob Dylan and mentally hearing give peace a chance. Not I, Sillycat, never. Nothing gets me higher than a Dylan song.
Brushstroke Peace Poster Project circa 2003.
Very good source for ideas and potential signs, etc.
Welcome back Manny!
link is a keeper, thanks dada! Feliz Año Nuevo to you and yours, it’s great to be back.
Neat stickers… Haven’t seen some of those designs and sayings since the ’70s. Wish we had learned something back then…
If you haven’t already unrecommended the earlier cafe, please head on over. Gracias!
…a time of economic uncertainty, corruption in a Republican White House, an ill-conceived quagmire of a foreign war, vague and disturbing threats from external enemies, Presidential enemies’ lists, fears about who has nuclear weapons and who’s going to use them — yep, 1973. I never imagined that I’d miss Nixon!
Where’s Phil Ochs when we need him?
One of the last political quotes I read by Dr. Thompson concerned an imagined choice between a vote for Nixon & a vote for Bush. He was ready to vote Nixon in a heartbeat.
I was certainly impressed by that statement, to say the least. Apparently, too, he had personal acquaintances with both.
Alas, all three — Hunter, Phil Ochs & Nixon — have traveled to the other side, as well as an individual I’d deeply appreciate hearing from: William S. Burroughs.
And now: time for the ritual burning of white sage to clear the air after another day of Alito.
Good evening to all; hope you’re all doing well. We’ve experienced a very warm January day here in the Catskills, absolutely bathed in clear sunshine. Stepped out this evening to gather firewood by the light of the moon, catch a glimpse of Orion & hear the coyotes send their mournful song over the valley.
Well I’m glad to hear you got some sunshine. It must have be the same stuff that was here on Saturday and then scampered off for more interesting climes.
Absolutely. What reached us has probably scampered off too; I see that the clouds have rolled in.
Of course, I did nothing with our blessed hours of sunshine but run errands, eavesdrop on the Judiciary Committee & join in on the threads 😉
Finally made it over the link for the Immigration diary by Duke…man what a lot of work went into that dairy, great diary. As I posted there, can we make a recess appointment and make him Immigration Secretary?
Give us a link so we can all read it..or point me in the right direction.
a link to Duke’s diary. It’s long but definitely worth the read.
thanks..a good read.
I came home and fell totally asleep. And I guess I really needed it. I’m still tired, but not desperate tired. (sigh) I need to go post my progress on the Just 4 Today thread at eat4today and read Andi’s Recipe & Ductape Fatwa’s rant (bowing to Andi) — I’ll do that in a minute. I also need to read today’s Peace Pilgrim diary.
But, I’m going to come here for giggles. Make me laugh.
Fancy meeting you here.
Go read this this thread. It’s got everything — flowers, laughs, poems, wise sayings, and Brother Feldspar.
I just got home a few minutes ago. I’m zonked. BUT you might want to know that The People’s Choice Awards are on. Not my favorite awards show, but it will do for background noise tonight.
Some of you might have read “My Family’s secret FBI files for Nazi War Crimees”, which I wrote some time back.
Well, my sister Pavi was looking into the family, and came across that diary through Google. She replied and I am waiting answer from her.
Saw her once in my life and I was nine.
I am so thrilled!!! I found my old lost sister and the only brother I have!!!!!
That’s really wonderful. I hope connecting with them will be everything that you could want it to be.
Hope so. Thanks!
That is so exciting cruz! I’m so happy for you!
Thank you Olivia!
That IS so cool. Congratulations!
W o w. What truly wonderful, wonderful news! I’m so pleased for you, cruz. You must be ecstatic. Many blessings!
I truely am. Can’t wait to hear from her.
I’m sure it won’t be long ..
Awesome! That is fantastic news.
I knlw. I’m all over the place. Checking my e-mail address alll the time. Also interesting, her husbsnd has been doing genealogical research for some time. So I will probably get a lot of help in that area.
On finding your long-lost family. That is great that your newly discovered brother in law is doing this kind of thing too.
If you missed it, check out mole33’s diary, Saving My Family History and Remembering the Holocaust: The Tale of a Synagogue
He has been doing family research also, as you will see and might be able to give you some tips.
I read his diary earlier this morning. That is a great thing he is doing with the Green Sinagog.
Hey Cruz :o)
I just read this post from you. What amazing news for you! Incredible.
See how things like this happen? It’s just the best news Ive heard in a long time.
How great for you and your family.
Thanks Super. Best news I had all year 🙂
I’ll just high five what everyone else has said.
It’s been a brutal 3 days an I gotta get some rest..be well all…
Thank you for a truly lovely parting image, dada. Take care & rest well.
the break, dada. Thanks for the pic, looking forward to your return soon. 🙂
Take care of you too.
Great Peace sign website.
I think I just found my new Tatoo above ;o)
Peace Frogs
Time to stoke the fire here & wish you all good night.
See you soon!
Pleasant dreams. Anybody else awake?
I’m still up…for at least a little while longer.
Thanks for your live blogging earlier, I really appreciate it. My workplace blocks all streaming audio / video, so the blogs are all I have during the day.
I was happy to help out this morning to the extent I could.
But, this experience made me more sure than I’ve ever been that Armando does NOT have a real law practice with real clients that make demands on his time.
Armando’s real life clients are of no concern to me, so long as he continues to offer up his legal opinions for my eager eyes to read 🙂
IIRC, out of spite somebody ‘outted’ Armando’s real life identity, with the intent of getting him in trouble for the amount of time he spends blogging. I don’t think it worked.
It’s clear from the amount of time that he blogs that he wasn’t going to get in trouble for it. So whoever did that was just stupid. I’m not casting disparagements on him — it was a compliment. After trying to live blog, I realize how it takes up ALL your time and you can’t do ANYTHING else. I can listen and do other things, but to type summaries really means that you can’t do anything else. And I’m a really good multi-tasker, so I KNOW he can’t do anything else either.
I really appreciate Booman and Susan’s time on this. You have to do try to do it to appreciate it.
I agree, I did some live-blogging during (I think) the Roberts confirmation hearings, when I happened to have a day off.
It is really, really hard to pull off. Pull off well, at least. Kudos to you!
ditto E’s thanks for your live-blogging earlier. I just caught the replay on CSPAN. It was….interesting.
I’m still watching it (well, it’s on in the background).
I don’t want to make the cafe all political tonight, but I thought I’d offer up this :
I like what Biden did. But I think I only liked it because I know what is going to come later with Feingold and Schumer. Biden was good humored, but extremely condescending. Whenever he made a point, he made sure that Alito had no chance to offer a rebuttal.
Whether or not that was a piece of strategy, or just because Biden looooooves the sound of his own voice, I think it was an effective team attack tactic.
amazed at how rude Orrin was to Kennedy during his commentary. Their parliamentary rules are a farce under the Republican leadership.
I’m not sure anybody else is up, so cafe political talk can’t be bothering them. I heard/saw a lot of complaints about how the Democrats didn’t hit him hard enough, but I thought their attack seemed coordinated (or as coordinated as the Democrats can ever be since its like herding cats). I was really impressed by Feingold.
Who’s bothered?
The Cafe is for all subjects. If they don’t like it they can……..
they can turn up the juke box REALLY LOUD.
I managed to catch Feingold earlier. He’s the man.
I heard that Schumer also hit Alito pretty good. I don’t know if I can stay awake long enough to catch that replay though 🙁
It sounds like they made some good headway into the important bits : presidential power, ethics, and (to a lesser extent) privacy and abortion.
How does it work from here? Do all the judiciary committee members go through again, then vote?
I had to leave for a meeting in the middle of Graham so I missed Schumer.
I’m not sure of the whole procedure. Maybe Booman will summarize it tomorrow morning. It sounded like they all go through another round of questioning. I’m not sure if they vote then or not.
are welcome in the cafe, always 🙂
btw, your dumb ass Senator is on C-Span right now.
I changed the channel for a reason… that man irks me on the same level as the Chimp.
Wow. That’s bad.
I consider myself lucky to have 2 Democratic Senators, who vote the way I would want them to the grand majority of the time (though Stabenow puts herself on a short leash sometimes).
You’re lucky. I have Kit Bond (who appears to me to be drunk most of the time) and Jim Talent(less).
If I was Kit Bond, I’d be drunk most of the time too.
You are going to be at the SoCal meetup in March,
Aren’t you?
seems to be good at this point, it will be dependent on funds tho. I just moved into a 1-bedroom apartment over the weekend so I’m trying to figure out how my budget is going to work. I should be getting a decent tax return, so I’m hoping for a cushion that will make it work.
Budjet, Smudjet.
Your a liberal.
I also happen to be a victim of the Bush economy.
reality based liberal I meant
Can’t you just sell some ManEe bonds to China or something?
I better get crackin’ soon before they give Bush the middle finger.
Too late.
I’m sure that Bush is ready and willing to enter into a period of M.A.M.F. with China.
(Mutually Assured Middle Finger)
Liberals like to spend but they look at the income side too (unlike conservatives!)
Middle aged women in baggy night clothes…..
come on ;o)
Now I’m off to LaLa Land.
You fine people hold down the fort ;o)
I’m watching Nightine and they just had on the former NSA guy who wants to testify to Congress about the spying. Apparently he received a letter today from the NSA in which the NSA says that he may NOT testify to Congress because some congressmen don’t have a security clearance to hear what he would say.
He should petition to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
I am not a (whoever knows a lot about this stuff), but all of those people do have clearance to hear about that kind of thing. And that would at least get things rolling.
Or, I believe he could testify to a grand jury, but one would have to first be set up to investigate an offense that was at least tangential to the NSA wiretapping. That hasn’t happened, to my knowledge.
gone all day, missed live blogging, missed CSPAN, so my question: are ya hearing any rumblings as to filibuster on scalito?
hey, don’t be so loquacious!!!
Picky, picky.
OK, I didn’t hear any senator say the word filibuster today and I didn’t hear any commentators talking about it in a serious way. But I think it’s too early. Based on the performance of the Repubs today I predict that he will be voted out of committee — we can only hope on a partyline vote. The dems seemed pretty coordinated to me, but you never know if they’ll stick together.
I say this about the repubs because they seemed intent on using up all their time talking about what he believed without letting him say anything. Since they don’t care what he says to Democrats, nothing he says in response to Democrats will affect their decision to vote him out.
But maybe he’ll really screw up tomorrow and tell them that he believes that any lawmaker who was ever in the same room with Jack Abramoff deserves to go to jail. But I wouldn’t count on it.
ah!!! much better!
See you in the next cafe
( CSpan is still on. But its Jon Kyl right now, so you might want to wait for DiFi 🙂
IMHO, too early to tell.
Dems came out firing, which is good. Alito did not have good answers for many of their questions.
I don’t think there were any vocal hints of a filibuster. But judging by the general attitudes of the Dems and the way that Alito was acting, I would be surprised if there is not one.
OOPS! My bad, Kohl is on now, not DiFi.
I heard he was pretty good too.
Here’s the link to the all-night thread.