All Night and into the Morning at the Froggy Bottom Diner
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Self serve bar!
you take your whiskey glass and peruse the diaries. Adios amigo.
Good night!
Have a great night everyone, see you all tomorrow. Hopefully there will be some substantive progress in the scAlito hearings. Paz!
Good Night — thanks for hosting.
I’m going to turn in in about 10 minutes.
I gotta start gittin’ up earlier in the day!
Better talk fast 🙂
More details from today — CabinGirl and others had a long discussion about Alito’s wife and whether she was a zombie.
that would explain quite a lot of R behavior
Let’s see, what else.
The women on the liveblog thread all privately felt that Russ Feingold was really hot but we didn’t dare say that out loud after giving Booman such grief yesterday when he claimed to be so taken by Christy Whitman’s pantsuit.
This is it for me. See ya tomorrow.
Yep, I’m out too. Good night everyone!
OMG I must have really missed something important then…
but ha ha, ya got a chuckle out of me
I think the last time I watched any CSPAN was before the Christmas season.
Biden talks great, if’n he could put some of that energy into actually doing something… well, who knows something good might happen…
G’night. Talk to you tomorrow, I’m sure 🙂
I just want to let everyone know, my computer completely crashed. It can’t find system files at all. Luckily mr katiebird just built me a new machine, but I wasn’t quite ready to make the move.
So I may be an irregular here for a day or two until I get everything loaded on the new machine.
reminds me I need to do backup soon.
btw MsNDD and I saw Capote last night, we both thought it was a great movie. Philip Seymour Hoffman was absolutely superb. Good luck at the Oscars!
Yes! Back your stuff up.
And thanks for the nice words about Capote.
An overseas acquaintence mentioned converting his metal lathe to computerized controls. He gave me links which I perused, and it looks really doable for the kind of money I can afford.
–But it turns out to be just like the rest of America–a piece of cake if you either know or else can afford to buy everything.
Now I really need another beer!
Join me for the ritual early morning FBC coffee?
Coffee. head spinning. coffee.
You head is probably spinning from going back and forth between email, bootrib and eat4today.
and breakfast.
Breakfast before blogging!
Thanks Andi, I could use that coffee today, but I’m still on my coffee-ban – so I’ll just take in the smells. I’m getting ready to head out into the … FREEZING RAIN, which has completely coated my driveway and the road and the highway. With cars in ditches everywhere. Oh joy. I hate mornings like these. Grrrrr.
AKA reason #14 for why I love working at home.
Be careful!
… and most other days too. 🙂
Hugs to you! {{{Andi}}}
Take care, Oliva. Arrive in one piece.
I’m going to take it slow. I figure if I make it down the driveway it’s a good sign. 🙂
{{Olivia}} I hate freezing rain. And I really hate driving in it.
You’re very brave.
Just 4 today, what are you going to do?
New cafe here.