In her ePluribus Media article FEMA Decisions Have a Name, BarbinMD takes a hard look past the cold numbers of the Heritage Foundation-inspired FEMA downgrading of the once considered critical factors. As BarbinMD writes:

We’re all familiar with the grim realities in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina; over 1000 dead, more than 160,000 homes and businesses destroyed, major medical centers, schools and universities no longer operational, the majority of the population displaced…on and on. Now let’s put a human face on some of these once “critical” sectors that were suddenly, “not truly vital.”

In her piece, BarbinMD concentrates on a handful of true stories to remind us what happens when the foundations of our infrastructures are allowed to crumble and disintegrate:

This story is an attempt to put a human face on people affected by this decision, and while doing so, remembering that the 2006 hurricane season begins in just five months. Will FEMA’s mission be accomplished this year? As it has for more than 20 years, FEMA’s mission remains:

…to lead America to prepare for, prevent, respond to and recover from disasters with a vision of “A Nation Prepared.”

ePluribus Media editors, fact-checkers, and contributors include: Kfred, WanderIndiana, Lilnubber, cho, HeyThereItsEric, Stoy, SawcieLackey, Susie Dow, JeninRI, Standingup, Nancelot, XicanoPwr, and NCYellowDog

Please read FEMA Decisions Have a Name and tell us:   Is your town or city ready for an emergency?  Could these human tragedies happen there?