Much has been written/blogged/posted attempting to make the case for the impeachment of George W. Bush. Here’s something I just came across, written by Hassan Nafaa, a professor of political science at Cairo University.
Perhaps more than any other in the world, the US system of government is equipped with robust methods for enforcing the application of and respect for the rule and processes of law. The best testimony to this was the Watergate scandal…When one compares Nixon’s misdeeds with those of Bush today, one cannot help but to wonder whether these mechanisms will be set into motion again, thereby delivering the people of the US and the rest of the world from his immense evils.
more below
The writer then states
“If, on the other hand, the American people decide to oust the current president, whom they have tested over the past four years, this decision will herald the end of the age of the neo-cons and, perhaps, the beginning of the collapse of their evangelistic imperialist project.”
The writer is convinced that if Bush is NOT impeached, more tragic events will occur. As a result, the writer also states that it is the
US Congress should act now to rescue the world from this peril.
Also, it is necessary to
conduct a deeper probe into this president’s background in order to identify those psychological factors that combine to make him one of the greatest threats to international peace and security.
I distinctly remember more than a few posts/comments that said, in effect, (paraphrasing)George W. Bush is nuts.
The writer then goes into biographical information, such as Bush’s growing up as spoiled and pampered, his marriage, and the so-called conversion to Christianity.
there was the preacher talking about how Moses first balked at accepting God’s call upon him to lead his people at a time when they desperately needed his moral vision and courage while Bush was overcome by the feeling that these words were being directed to him personally. Suddenly his mother turned to him and said, “the priest is calling you George.” Minutes later, George “Dubya” told the preacher, “I heard the call! I think God wants me to run for president.”
This entire article is unbelieveable, stating that
if this administration/junta stays in power for the next three years it will plunge the world into catastrophes of cataclysmic proportions.
Specifics are given, such as,
bombing a television station located in one of America’s allies because he felt that that station was opposed to American policy…(and) security agencies in the US — supposedly the bastion of individual, religious and political freedoms — would raid Muslim houses of worship on the off-chance that they might find weapons of mass destruction.
The conclusion contains an eerie warning/premonition:
the impossible has become possible in the age of George W Bush, which is why he is more dangerous than Bin Laden, who is playing the same game, and why legal action should be taken now to remove him from power, before it is too late.
Just reading the original article freaked me out!
We live in an electoral system where no politicin nor his/her agent nor any other intereated party, say a voter, may look at the source code that tallies the ballots.
Diebold defeated Max Cleland in 2002.
Diebold handed Bush the presidency in 2000, and confirmed it in 2004.
Nobody can prove otherwise.
But the reality is that won’t happen with a republican controlled congress and senate.
For now it is only really a smear tool in a way. He deserves it but republicans don’t have the guts to do what is right and best for the country.
Something about the mass amounts of money these career politicians are raking in seems to make them spineless.
the way the dems are acting during that nutcases confirmation hearings, I am beginning to have doubts as to whether or not they would!
I hope this America wakes up to realize that we have survived slavery, wars against REAL enemies (not tactics or bogeymen), and even a civil war. What has kept us together is the power of the Constitution, not one power, one party, or one philosophy. Even Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, but that ended and we survived.
I don’t see how any honest read of the 4th amendment can justify the actions of the Bush administration regarding NSA intercepts without a wiretap, especially given the FISA court (which could be argued is unconstitutional in itself).
The damage is extensive now and ongoing, but I see the pendulum swinging back (ever so slowly). I am eternal optimist, but note the distancing of Pat Robertson (finally) and the realities of Republican policies hitting home, whether Katrina still being messed up and the constant instances of cronyism, corruption, and the real economy that each of us deals with, not trumped up and selective statistics used by Bush apologists and RWCM soundbites. And, it was noted that is has now been TWO YEARS that the Bush Iraq policy has been unpopular, and his latest efforts to build up support are not working.
We may lose our superpower status, and leave our children a lesser world than the one our parents gave us (a simple goal for all Americans). But it may take truly hitting bottom (I don’t know how much lower we can fall, scary thought) before we toss all of the current Republicans and our less-than-ideal Democratic Leaders out. I am encouraged by simple things like the recruiting class of the Democratic Party vs. the Republican Party for 2006 as another hopeful sign. I am encouraged by the development of alternative media providing information, almost exclusively for me at this point.
I believe there to be true worry about Bush breaking the Republican 30+ year plan of takeover — but you get your takeover with the leaders you have, not the leaders you want. If I were a Republican, I would be thoroughly disgusted — but then again, it’s hard for me to even imagine swallowing the crap that’s been dished out since Reagan, and particularly the last 5 years. Hopefully, reasonable people will choose the side of common sense, it seems to be working in Montana (to cite one example).
Your post really got me thinking about what survival really means. I have been extremely disillusioned about the direction that this country has been taking for a long time and have had a really bad “No one gives a damn anymore” attitude. Unfortunately, that attitude is shared by too many people. I think that is a big part of the problem.
The only way that I can keep my sanity and what little optomism I have left is by blogging. I hope that the little I do will somehow help wake people up so they realize what is REALLY going on today, as opposed to all of the bs that RWCM spoon-feeds the general public. I’m also one who relys on alternative media to find out what is really going on. (Was losing it for the past month–I was unable to go online for a combination of reasons.) I am considered to be one of the local screwballs in this area, as I keep pretty much to myself, read, and can go online for hours.
But I am now wondering about the mindset of others, especially in my area. I have written several LTE’s that made the local paper and there was always a nasty response to what I wrote. (I can only imagine those that were not printed!)
Politics and values that are held and implemented today are just NOT right. So I blog w/the thought that I am doing what I can. I mean, I am not one of the “movers and shakers” in this area, nor am I actively seeking any political office. I’m just me and I’m doing the best I can with what I’ve got.
Hope this made some sense. Thanks!
Blogging can be a key component of sanity, along with online forms of alternative media.
But sometimes we must take time offline (whether technical difficulties or burnout) and recharge. I sometimes need to be reminded of the long struggles for civil rights, for example, and keep in perspective the distortion of blog-time vs. reality. We can only hope for the minimal amount of destruction before we can regain some sanity.
I am not as well versed in history as I would like, but I also have had to be reminded that while the majority of Americans would agree with progressive ideas such as Social Security and 40-hour workweeks, there haven’t been very many truly progressive or liberal Presidents.
It would take quite an education for Americans to dismiss the stereotypes of the liberal ideas that they would agree with, if not lied about via Rush Limbaugh, et al. All the more frustration I have with DLC-types, and all the more hope I have with Schweitzer and Dean. I think if our country chooses apathy and ignorance, they will be open to Democratic leadership, if our Democratic leaders would just say what they mean, mean what they say, and not care what the inside-the-beltway types are going to say (the criticism will come no matter what).
Thank you too. Writing an LTE, then calling it a nite!
Got my 2nd wind. Besides, I have to take an rx at midnite. I am a natural night owl!