I don’t write a lot of diaries because I don’t have time and hope I’ll be forgiven for being brief.
I am certainly not a doctor.  And I am certainly leary of long distance diagnosis after the Frist fiasco.  

Nevertheless, with the wingnut press blaming Senate Democrats for Mrs. Alito’s breakdown, it is time to at least consider other possibilities for her break.

Bipolar Disorder was formerly known as manic depression, characterized by the unexpected mood swings from Euphoric to depressed, at least according to the NIH.  Many in the blogospere noted the peculiarly goofy smiling, giddy, giggly mood manifested by Mrs Alito in the first two days.  And many have noted the unusual weepiness during the Graham statement.  In fact, the mood manifestations have been so out of place and unusual that many have commented that it was all an act.  
For the truth is that virtually all people of her age and station have long since learned how to sit still, hands in lap, with something of a calm Mona Lisa smile pasted on, no matter what is happening around them.  Why not Mrs. Alito?

It may not have been an act.  In fact it may have been an episode of Bipolar disorder;  but the medics in our merry band are going to have to evaluate this for themselves. This would also explain the unusually large number of family members present…the first two rows, which may have been an attempt to emotionally insulate Mrs Alito from what she might have perceived as an unfriendly crowd. What is unusual here is that according the the NIH, this is a chemically treatable malady in most cases.  The question at hand is whether, if she has this disease, she went off her meds, or perhaps is one of those unfortunates who have an untreatable version.

Of course, if this is the case we are obliged to be generous, compassionate and understanding, especially because with his 11th century world view, her husband is likely to think her possessed by devils.  That does not oblige us to roll over in the face of accusations by the wingnut wurlitzer.  But it does oblige us to ask the question whether or not Judge Alito has any family obligations which might interfere with discharging his obligations as a SCOTUS member.