Kansas City Democrats holding Democracy Bonds can meet with Governor
Dean at a breakfast meeting January 17. As of yesterday there
were 500 local Bond holders. Kansas City Democrats have issued a
challenge to raise that number to 1000 by the Tuesday meeting.
Each Democracy Bond Holder may bring one guest. If you’re a
Democracy Bond member and live near the Kansas City, this is your
chance to meet with the Chairman of the Democratic Party. You may have the opportunity to talk to him about the issues that most concern you
[text from the Event RSVP page follows]
Governor Dean will be meeting with Democracy Bond holders on January 17, 2006 from 8:00am – 9:30am in Kansas City.
Meeting with Bond Holders in Kansas City
Uptown Theater
3700 Broadway Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
January 17, 2006
8:00am – 9:30am
RSVP if you are already a bond holder here
A DNC Democracy Bond is a monthly financial commitment to the
Democratic National Committee. The smallest increment for a bond
is $10/month.
The Democracy Bonds community is the flip-side of the 50-state
strategy; in order to put organizers on the ground in every state and
build a permanent party infrastructure where there hasn’t been one for
decades, it takes sound financial planning and a sustained commitment
of resources. We can’t afford to have a boom-and-bust operation that
up every two or four years in a few key states. We have to build a
permanent presence everywhere, and Democracy Bonds make that possible.
What’s more, by funding this unprecedented organizing strategy with
small monthly donations from ordinary Americans, the Democracy Bonds
community provides a sharp contrast to the the insidious Republican
culture of corruption that has recently begun to unravel. We saw in
court filings this week how Republican leaders raise money: in exchange
for putting statements in the Congressional Record, or granting federal
contracts, or expensive golf trips to Scotland.
Update [2006-1-13 8:35:33 by katiebird]: I posted a request at the DNC Website that they update the Democracy Bond page to announce these meetings. And that they post a schedule of them as they are known. I think it would be great if they got a flurry of such messages.
If you have time, please follow the link and make a request yourself!
I’ll be there. Have to have a Gov. Dean fix at least once every six months.
OOO, Maybe I’ll see you there!
I’ve heard that he’s going all over — I’m sure you’ll see him.
MT — I should have said this, check for events at the DNC (http://www.dnc.org). And I’ll let you know if I hear anything.
I figured Alabama may be last on his list but I would drive the State to see and hear Dean in person!
He is sooo worth that kind of trouble, MT. I’ve heard him five or six times, and each time was like getting an infusion of energy, honesty, and hope.
When is he coming to St. Louis? It’s soooo close.
I just remembered, you can probably watch at the DNC site for events in your area.
And, I’ll post it when I hear anything.