This is the weekly summary of the Humanist Network News (HNN). The Humanist Network News (HNN) is published every Wednesday via e-mail and on the Institute for Humanist Studies (IHS) Web site. This diary is a slightly reformatted copy of the weekly email they send me, which I post here every Thursday (Yes, I have permission from the IHS). (CP @ MLW, BT, SP)

January 11, 2006
Humanist Network News
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  1. Atheists’ Agenda: Raise a Ruckus!
  2. Florida court decision nixes school voucher program
  3. IHS in the News
  4. Canadian political parties and humanism
  5. Canada legalizes swing clubs
  6. California humanists now hiring
  7. Share a humanist voice
  8. The cultural war over Harry Potter
  9. What Would Jesus Watch?  Not The Book of Daniel
  10. Sweet Reason
  11. Letters to the Editor
  12. Cathartic Comics
  13. Humanist Humor
  14. Poll of the Week

Summaries, links, and MY TAKE across the break.
1. Atheists’ Agenda: Raise a Ruckus!
A group of students at the University of Texas at San Antonio made national headlines with a “Smut for Smut” campaign, in which they traded porn magazines for any religious scripture. In this column Tony Castaldo, a member of that student group, shares the story of this project and its results. MORE

MY TAKE: I admit that a part of me thinks the Smut for Smut campaign is ingenious and hilarious. My very Catholic mother was the first person who I ever heard say that if the Bible were honestly made into a movie it would be X-Rated, so there is some truth to what the atheists are saying. But I think this campaign is a bit overboard in its antagonism, and as such, is counterproductive. Ultimately, I think it simply makes the Atheists involved look bad.

2. Florida court decision nixes school voucher program
The Florida Supreme Court recently ruled that providing vouchers to private schools violates Florida’s state constitution, resurrecting an age-old debate about separation of church and state. Comments from Dr. Tim Gordinier, Ph.D., director of public policy at the Institute for Humanist Studies. MORE

MY TAKE: Interesting case. As usual, Gordinier provides a well written and well reasoned analysis. This will be an issue to keep an eye on going forward, and is yet another area where an Alito confirmation could have an impact.

3. IHS in the News
The Albany Times Union published an excellent article detailing the activities and goals of the Institute for Humanist Studies. We reprint that article and a letter to the Times Union by IHS Public Policy Director Tim Gordinier. MORE

4. Canadian political parties and humanism
Canadian columnist Doug Thomas sheds more light on the Canadian political parties and how they relate to humanism. MORE

5. Canada legalizes swing clubs
Canada’s Supreme Court has ruled that clubs featuring group sex and swinging are legal. Sexual Intelligence publisher Marty Klein comments. MORE

MY TAKE: More incentive to move to Canada? Not for me… I’m happily (and monogamously) married.

6. California humanists now hiring
The Humanist Community of Silicon Valley in California are still looking to fill a half-time paid position. MORE

7. Share a humanist voice
Humanist Network News will release another audio show (a.k.a. podcast) during the fourth week in January. Call the HNN listener comment line now at 206-339-4168 to have your voice message included in the show. MORE

8. The cultural war over Harry Potter
Harry Potter is obviously promoting magic, at least according to Pope Benedict XVI who — when he was just Cardinal Ratzinger — commented that HP’s books are a “subtle seduction into witchcraft for young souls.” MORE

MY TAKE: Have any of these yahoos even read any of the Harry Potter books? They are about loyalty, friendship, perseverance, and Good versus Evil (among other wholesome themes- Check out Frederick Clarkson’s post HERE for more on Harry Potter values). The books encourage young people to read. And, they are FANTASY! There is no such thing as magic or witchcraft of the sort in the books. Do these people also worry that young people who watch the Star Wars movies are going to turn to the ways of the Force? Give me a break.

9. What Would Jesus Watch?  Not The Book of Daniel
R. Joseph Hoffmann reviews the television show The Book of Daniel in the first installment of his new HNN column “Freeviews: A Humanist Critique of Religion, Arts, and Culture.” MORE

MY TAKE: A very in-depth review of a show I had no interest in before and even less interest in now.

10. Sweet Reason
A parent in the U.K. is sick of the religious indoctrination occurring at her daughter’s school. MORE

11. Letters to the Editor
Last week HNN asked readers for ideas on ways for Godless groups to work together. This week we publish several insightful letters on that topic as well as others. MORE

12. Cathartic Comics
…an assortment of cartoons and comic strips about humanism, atheism, religion, science and freethought. MORE

13. Humanist Humor
Kids say the darndest things don’t they? GET THE JOKE

14. Poll of the Week
What is the connection between humanism and political ideology? CAST YOUR VOTE

MY TAKE: I personally believe that the core values of humanism and liberalism overlap a great deal.

About the IHS:

The IHS promotes nonreligious perspectives on social, political, and ethical issues and serves as a resource for and about the humanist community. Questions, comments, concerns, got a better joke or a story? Send a letter to the editor.

If anything here interests you, or if you are one of those people who doesn’t “get” humanism, you may also be interested in my diary on what secular humanism is and what it is like to be a secular humanist in today’s political climate: I Am The Boogeyman.