I agree with Harry Belafonte. Can I be on Hannity & Colmes now?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Oh, I see. You’re one of those revolutionary types.
Don’t tell Jack Cafferty. He’ll think you’re an idiot. Jack ranted about Harry saying all that stuff the other day.
I loved what Harry said! it was — oh — just so damn true.
i’m not an idiot, I just pay too much attention.
No such thing as paying too much attention..
Now on to diary pimping…We are a Small Axe a nice summary and diary by the boss.
Then he can tell us why he posted a great concept in the diaries instead of the front page!
i’m not an idiot, I just pay too much attention.
Support the site and buy a bumper sticker.
Did you get that phrase off of some bumper somewhere or is that where it’s destined to arrive?
After losing out on his $50 million deal with Israel radical fundamentalist cleric Pat Robertson refuted the Word of God calling it “inappropriate and insensitive.”
on how well you can sing the “Banana Boat” song which, afterall, is a favorite of Banana Republicans.
Over at The Washington Note Steve Clemons alerts us on a rather compelling article just up online at The Nation by Elizabeth Holtzman, former member of the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment of Nixon.
She lays out the brief covering the bases of high crimes and misdemeanours for “The Impeachment of George W. Bush” Catch it here:
Wow. Yea, you’ll too.
Between a birthday and helping with kindergarten reading today I haven’t been able to keep up with the live Alito stuff. It is really hard to be depressed too when one has spent the whole day having 5 year olds read to them, they amaze me. I feel like a depression is sweeping over everybody here. We all knew this Alito fight was going to be hard……..remember that? It is boring too listening to so much smoke getting blown up so many asses every other Senator. We must keep each other energized though and jazzed and keep those faxes and letters and those demands rolling people. This isn’t lost until the day that he makes it through the Senate…….he’s still in committee. If one Senator has an itch or an inclination to stand up and tear his shirt off and expose a big S on his or her chest we want them to know they are fully supported somewhere don’t we?????? I have stopped paying attention to the news blurbs, the news is what is happening now and if there is one thing that nobody ever knows it is what is going to happen next!!! Attitude affects so much though! As human beings we tend to link up synergistically and our Booman synergy feels a little low. Rest, relax, recover……but do not quit. If we lose our enthusiasm right now that tells me that obviously we haven’t eaten enough dirt yet to declare that we are full up here, and they will oblige us by shoving our faces back in the dirt and we can have another nice mouthful. So, are you sick of this yet? Do you want your country back? How much do you want your country back? How determined are we? Don’t be afraid to dance in the fire…..seek the win and meditate on the win, we can always lose – losing can be easily accomplished so there is no need to worry about it. There is a certain maturity and class that Janet Strange exudes that can only come from having danced in the fires before and all the while being told that you would never make a difference, but you did.
thanks Tracy, your words ring true for me. I feel more frustrated and angry than depressed at this point, but the energy levels are definitely low.
Perhaps I can get some inspiration from Barack Obama’s keynote address at last year’s Democratic Convention. It was one of the most amazing moments of adrenaline I’ve ever experienced, no lie.
I could use some more of that adrenaline.
I haven’t heard anything more from the Yahoo group about DC and Alito.
I’m far from feeling defeated. John Paul Jones and all. I have some blisters on my feet like you and I’m not afraid of toasting them up again. Like you.
I’ve heard there are some bigger actions planned to happen with Asshole’s SOTU address. Maybe this will be a better time to coordinate.
Mainly I want to let you know I saw this and I’m with you as always.
New diary up to vote on gathering in SoCal..please go vote here. Maybe we can talk Tracy into coming out?
Will meet up when ever and where ever I’m able
And now they’re talking about sea kayaking there…the ultimate temptation. 🙂
How can we talk you two Warrior Maidens into coming?
at least on the main web site.
I may have a lot more uncommitted cash this year than I was expecting to have.
Please consider Kirsten Gillibrand(running for congress in NY-20 against John “Shut it down” Sweeney) as a possible location for uncommitted cash.
Those of us that have to live with that thug as our so-called representative would be greatly appreciative.
Actually, really great news. Fucking awesome, even.
Maryland did it! The House, following the Senate’s lead, just did a veto override TONIGHT that would force Wal-Mart to spend on healthcare of their own employees.
Just take a gander at this and especially this.
The vote was 88-50, one abstention.
32 other states have similar bills pending.
I know it ain’t catching Alito. But I will take and celebrate what little sliver I can get. This is a start.
Someone finally said enough B.S. from Walmart and they really meant it, 32 states are lining up to see if they can do it too! I felt certain that the Walmart healthcare issue wouldn’t be addressed until people and states were so broken they couldn’t giddyup at all. It is a sign of the “waking up” finally.
The override wasn’t a sure thing, so if it’s a challenge in MD, then it will likely be tough elsewhere.
No matter. Our side is on the offense–finally–instead of always playing defense. We’ve got something to press forward on.
due to MacWorld — possibly a mixed blessing. It’s an awesome time, but I’m exhausted…and got one more day to immerse myself in new technology.
But here’s what’s on my so-called mind this evening:
The spouse and I listened to the San Jose Sharks hockey game during dinner (Sharks beat Ottawa 2-0, yay!). After the Sharks hockey game tonight, the spouse and I were listening to the Sharks home station, which plays classic rock. On the radio came “Layla” by Derek and the Dominos. Now, most people know that “Derek” was actually Eric Clapton on guitar and lead vocals, and that Duane Allman (of the Allman brothers) did slide guitar. Now, at the end of the song is this fantastic instrumental bit, with guitars, piano, and drums. Now, here’s the question — who did the piano playing? The spouse and I were both stumped, and I’m not sure where to start searching. Any unreconstructed rockers out there who might know???
[posted the question in the Froggy Bottom Cafe, but looks like most of that crew has gone to sleep, which is where I’m about to go…]
Don’t know Derek and the Dominos <shuffles her feet in embarrassment>. Is that like the Traveling Wilburys? Could there have been some crossover between them?
Gordon, who actually did drums and percussion.
Masterful, yes.
Doing some blog pimping. I’ve got a new series beginning on torture and genocide – parts of a rough draft of a manuscript that I’ve been working on.
Belafonte’s remarks triggered a bit of sadness as I remembered how united our citizens were after 911. We could have accomplished so much good in the world if we had just been able to harness that energy and focus it on solving many of the world’s problems.
Bush has perpetrated a great crime. He took the love and unity we felt as a nation and morphed it into fear, hate and mistrust, not only of other peoples and nations, but of our own fellow citizens. Instead of providing the means to construct a better future for all of us, his choice was to create destruction, pain, suffering and death. By his “you’re with us or with the terrorists” mentality he cheapened most of our lives because only a few on this planet are still with him. Thus the rest of us are his enemy making our lives worthless to him or the rest of the neocon rulers. So, yes, I agree with Belafonte, Bush is a terrorist. Unfortunately much of the world now believes all Americans are terrorists. I hope in the future we can convince them otherwise, but until we throw off the yoke of Republican misrule, I fear we are trapped in the reality our leaders, in collusion with many of our ignorant citizens, have made.
I cancelled my membership last year when I realized that all their junkmail was offering was a lot of worthless bullshit.
Bush belongs in the glass booth of a war crimes tribunal.
My brain needs a break – here’s a taste of what I’m still trying to incorporate from yesterday. From the ridiculous to the truly beautiful to the slime:
My MN Women’s basketball team lost to Purdue in overtime last night (boo-hoo).
At work we’re kicking off a capital campaign to raise $1.8 million and I am humbled by my board of directors who, in their volunteer time, are taking on this project and really owning it so that we can have a “home” for our work with kids and families in this community.
I’m reading a book that looks to be changing my life – “No Boundary” by Ken Wilbur. Can’t summarize here, but highly recommend!!
The series by Kansas on Peace Pilgrim is giving me all kinds of things to think about – but I’m running out of room for it all.
One of my good friends has just seen her lung cancer metasticize in her brain. And yet, she is describing her life as a “waterfall of grace” and is grateful for what her suffering has brought to her life.
Looks like Alito will be confirmed and the battle for women’s rights will begin in full force. I’m trying to prepare for the possibility that it looks like our country will need to sink even lower before we wake up. Better get ready – the worst is yet to come!
Whew – life is coming on full-force!!
I’m swamped right now, but could someone here write something up on this? It is HUGE. Bush authorized wiretaps before 9/11!
(Hat tip to Pope Guilty over at dKos)
Sadly Jon Stewart was vicious about Belafonte on his show the other day as well as to Kennedy/Biden/ etc last night. I guess he’s cowtowing to the Oscar folks in the weeks up to his big gig before maroon america.