Biill Buckley and Bill Safire, at least you two were familiar with the English language. Alas, your progeny are not similarly educated.
In “Tears to Your Eyes: Joe Biden chortles while Alito’s wife weeps,” the blogger at SoxBlog writes:
The Democratic base is inflamed like a New Mexican mouse, …
A what?
I shouldn’t glance over the fact that Mrs. Alito’s dash from the hearing room was truly a poignant moment in our political history … [E]ntering the Supreme Court-level of public service means you have to endure the crude efforts of men like Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden to humiliate you, distort your background, and ruin your reputation and your life. It’s a bit like throwing the Christians to the lions, except the lions say “aaah,” “puzzled,” and “extreme” a lot. Actually, I shouldn’t make light of it. Spectacles like yesterday’s are an obscenity.
Americans knows this. (sic) …
The next comes from “Bloviation Central, Part II,” at the California Conservative blog:
[T]he AQ Bill of Rights that’s now the (unneeded) law of the land shouldn’t have been written with AQ in mind. It should’ve been aimed at Judiciary Committee Democrats, who tortured Alito, and the American people who watched, mercilessly. … I wish Sen. Specter had interrupted them more and asked if they intended to ask questions or just aimlessly meander through the stupor that they were in.
Then there’s “The Crying Game: Kossacks Go After Mrs. Alito,” from Ace of Spades HQ blog:
Ted Kennedy Ain’t No Saint Update: So, not belonging to a group that opposed quotas for women and minorities is supposed to disqualify Alito for the court? (sic)
What should we say, then, about Teddy the K’s longtime membership in a Harvard social group that barred women until forced to admit them by a court?
At least we have some evidence that Ted Kennedy hates women. At least ones that dare to co-pilot with him in the Submersible Sedan Bridge-Diving Challenge.
Maybe he was annoyed that women were trying to enter a man’s sport. I don’t know.
On a brighter note — and with my hopes that it’s not too late — I just learned that former Vice President Al Gore “will deliver a scathing speech Monday at Constitution Hall in Washington — just blocks from the White House — at which he will declare America is faced with a constitutional crisis.” (Raw Story) … more below…
“We are at a point of constitutional crisis,” the aide said, relating how Gore has articulated his speech. “The president who has violated the law is acting above the law. It’s a wakeup call for Congress, the American people and the courts. If we continue down this road we will have a different constitution.
“Nixon’s quote about if the president does it it is legal, it’s kind of like Bush saying, if it’s about national security, it’s legal. This is going to be called transpartisan; it’s not about who your party is, it’s about what America stands for.”
Gore, the source said, will talk about the framers of the constitution.
“You can’t defend freedom while abandoning it at home,” the source said, speaking of Gore’s planned remarks. “The founders thought about this. They didn’t want a king, that’s why they didn’t set up a system to anoint a king. We have checks and balances in this country and we cannot abandon them.”
Susan, that is great news about the Gore speech.
Susan, this made my day! I am starting to believe that things are starting to give, thanks to what you said about the Gore speech and the impeachment diaries that have been posted!
I agree with Maryb. I want to hear it or read it. I am sure it will give me more food for thought than I have had in several days in speech giving. I can’t imagine my feeling of being desport` in that that I feel today, at the end of the day.
I am serious as to my political depression, today, at least. I am thankful that I do not give a shit about somethings; however, I do think I need to be more aware of this enviroment that is surrounding me with hubrous. Hugs,
Susan and to booman too and all the rest for bloging the hearings. I know it took tenacity.
Brenda, doesn’t Al teach near you? Wouldn’t it be a kick to audit one of his classes?
P.S. This is wishful thinking, but i love it — from someone on the Seattle Kos mailing list:
I’m so very sorry ..but “New Mexican Mouse..” I can’t stop laughing!
It truly would be cause for concern for New Mexicans to see flaming mice scurrying underfoot.
Are New Mexican rodents often inflamed? Are they suffering from some kind of viral inflammation? This allusion is so obscure I just don’t get it. Like you, I’m laughing uncontrollably and wondering, what the hell is he referring to?
I suspect the mouse “inflamed” remark refers to this:
There was a story in the news a day or two ago about an old guy in New Mexico that caught a mouse in his house and threw it alive into a fire (he was burning leaves).
The mouse was aflame and ran back into the house, setting it on fire and burning it to the ground.
I heard that story and am glad the man suffered almost as much as the mouse he so cruelly threw into the fire. (And the same goes for anyone who uses rat poison.)
I actually saw that on Olbermann and laughed between gasping at the absurdity of it. Yeah, the guy’s truck beside the house even blew up. har. A prime example of Instant Kharma. I guess I was having a oldtimer’s moment.
But, if Democrats are acting like an “inflamed New Mexican mouse,” doesn’t the writer reflect upon who threw them in the fire and the consequences of doing so?
Yeppers :{)
I’m sorry I laughed, then. That sounds positively awful 🙁
That sounds positively awful 🙁
…Especially for the mouse!
I’m with sjct – sounds like instant karma.
I’d be so happy with a Gore/Clinton ’08 bumper sticker. I won’t vote for Hillary for Prez but I sure would vote for her as V.P. And it would be so sweet if Jeb ran as the Repub candidate and every state that isn’t controlled by Diebold elected Gore by an over-whelming majority. There are still enough states to do that, aren’t there?
In the “odd spot” section of the paper a few days ago, was an article about a man in New Mexico, who apparently flushed out a mouse while burning off trash. He threw said mouse onto the burning pile. The mouse fled, alight, into his house – setting it afire and burning it to the ground.
I see that Knoxville edged me out.
It’s still not as “funny” as the guy who was shooting a Seguaro Cactus (the big ones that look like they’re being held at gun point) with a shot gun – when it suddenly fell on him and killed him.
Maybe someone will gather together a few more stories of flora revenge and make it into one of those dreadful docu-dramas When Plants Attack!
I remember that!
Didn’t he win a Darwin award for that?
Just an update: It now appears the mouse was not the cause of the house (and truck) fire — high winds are not the supposed cause.
But I like the mouse story better 🙂
…sorry… “high winds are now the supposed cause.”
the worst is seeing Ed Meese on Hardball.