Enough with the wimpy Dems, and smug and obscuring bloviation from Republicans, it’s time WE veto Alito:
John Edwards has endorsed this petition for FILIBUSTER!
Phone, fax, and email addresses for the Judiciary Committee.
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper and contact your congress critters — all with one click.
People for the American Way has collected over 60,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours:Save the Court Petition
Move On.org’s Stop Alito petition
Democratic Party’s Reject Alito Petition
Stop the NRA’s Oppose Alito Petiton
And while you’re at it, sign: Planned Parenthood Petition
Urge Congress to support Plan B: Plan B Petition
Add any petitions, or contacts, please.
Deleto Alito!!!!!
Our leaders had better get a damn backbone and start protecting the law and this country from Bush and his Buddies. As they are the true terrorists.
speak on CSpan, they had NARAL as part of them as well as many different civil rights groups. They have had an ad campaign planned that starts this afternoon and according to their site this is a grassroots call your Senators now push.http://www.independentcourt.org/if
this press conference with Independentcourt.org that was on Cspan and you have a LONG FACE right now then you need to watch this link
error message
and then I click on start real player. Some people don’t use real player though. On the Cspan site the news conference is on the list of Cspan event under Independentcourt.org. I don’t know how to copy that Cspan link directly her but perhaps you do and can help me Pleeeeaaase 😉 It is an uplifting and energizing press conference.
I am thankfull there are still people like you out there rallying the troops.
I just read this diary and was hit with this sense of deja vu. Where have I seen this before? The run up to Iraq, the nominations of Rice, Bolton, Gonzalez, Roberts …, demand an investigation into 9-11, WMD claims, use of torture, illegal wiretaps.
I’ve spent the last 5 years signing petitions, calling Congress, marching in the streets.
And what has it accomplished?
I’m not chiding anyone for signing petitions (I do it), and I’m certainly not suggesting we give in, resign ourselves to this crap, or sit nobly, indignantly on the sidelines, too smug in our righteousness to do our civiv duty while the country eats itself alive. No way in hell. The only reason I’m still here in this country is because I’ve decided to stay and fight.
I’m just questioning if there is not a better way. I don’t know what it is. Yes, we should all run for office. But those offices are rapidly losing all meaning and effectiveness and the “democractic” means by which we fill them is extremely dubious.
I can’t shake the feeling Rome is burning here… I want a fire hose, not a petition. Ya know?
I’m really not critcizing anyone. I envy the author’s energy and optimism. I just feel insane, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Cannot possibly be alone in this.
You bring up something that’s been weighing on my mind – and I certainly don’t mean to be a buzzkill.
I’ve just been dwelling a lot lately, wondering if the Powers That Be in DC just mock all those petitions we sign and the phone calls we make, because it’s the same darn 100,000 or so citizens behind all those signatures. And, as one of those 100,000 or so citizens – it made me remember what a truly miniscule microcosm we represent in the scheme of things. Same names. Same petitions. New issue. (And the cycle continues, like hamsters on a tread mill) I continue to sign, I continue to support and I continue to hope. But damn, the same 100,000 names every time.
Searching for a silver lining here – 100,000 names is far better than no names at all. But I can’t help but feeling defeated with the confirmation looming around the corner.
Judy, when all is said and done, you’re one of the people in this battle who will be able to look yourself in the mirror at the end of the day. Every day. That being said . . .
Awhile back, I took you to task for posting these links in so many diaries – which seemed like hijacking to me at the time. In retrospect, I should have been less critical of the means in which you communicated your message, and more supportive of the message itself – and appreciative of all your legwork in locating and compiling so many resources just one click away.
Thank you for hanging in there and fighting this battle with links to every verbal and written opposition technique you’ve discovered along the way. I commend you.
You’re welcome.
At last count, I’d gathered over 600 signatures, for at least one of the petitions that kept track, from all over the country (including the square, southern and otherwise red states.)
Which means hundreds of people now engaged in the process with over a dozen organizations or actions on this issue — and perhaps also for future issues those groups take on. As well as those who learned how to contact their congress critters or the Judiciary Committee.
But I couldn’t have done it without those who wrote the petitions, or the original diaries with the contact
info, the tolerance of Boo and Kos, and the encouragement of the comments that actually encouraged my “spamming” of the Alito threads.
readers who have clicked through for an Alito-Free SCOTUS!