Hey, Hi There!
Glad to see you, but I need:

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Mornin’, All!
Good morning! See you a little later!
Happy Friday!
Last day of mid-term exams! Whew. Looking forward to the long weekend.
I’ll enjoy the long weekend, but I wish it didn’t come so close after the winter holidays. We have a 4 1/2-day weekend, how about you?
Long Weekend? Oh, that’s right some people get a long weekend. We don’t get MLK day OR President’s day off so its a long hard slog until Memorial Day.
Back to work. Just wanted to whine a little.
I don’t get the holiday and my husband does. What time do you vote I wake him up?
Good morning.
Are you doing a cafe later today or are we froggybottoming it all day?
I’ll put up the real thing later (definitely by happy hour), but I have to (sigh!) work some this morning, so I thought this would be easier.
Did you put up this one? It’s hilarious! And exactly how I felt when I woke up late.
We’re having a northern California morning here (misty and gray), and it still hasn’t burned off yet…I’m still feeling foggy.
We are expecting rain…but here’s a foggy pic to start the day…
mmm, I like that picture too. I like pictures of fog and I like fog itself as long as it lifts and becomes sunny later. What I can’t stand is days and days of drizzly weather.
Good morning.
We’re getting ready for some bad weather here. Thunder storms, hail, etc.
See ya later
We’ve already had a thunderstorm this morning. Winds up to 40 mph. I should have known yesterday’s blue skies would come at a cost.
I’ve said what I’m gonna do today, at Eat 4 Today — What are you going to do today?
Hmmm, do you think if I said that just 4 today I’m going to be 5’8″, it would work?
I do it everyday, and while I don’t think it actually works, everyone thinks I’m 5’8″. So it comes to the same thing.
Nope, virtual tall won’t do (I already can do that) — my goal is to never have to buy another petite piece of clothing π
At Target the other day I wandered into the petite section. Do you know they have size 24 petite? Just seemed like an oxymoron to me.
Happy Friday the 13th everyone!
As Goldie Hawn asked in Overboard, “I was short and fat?” One of my all time favorite lines.
Oh, Friday the 13th. I hadn’t noticed. I guess that helps explain the quick departure of the blue sky.
Us short and stouts need cheap clothes too… π And I’m still trying to regain the girlish figure I never had to begin with…
Good morning — last day of MacWorld and just in time; I’m hitting the wall with the “MacWorld Meltdown”, what happens when I try to do too damn much in 4 days. Today I’ll probably just skim the floor and catch what I’ve missed, and pick up some good software deals.
Spouse and I have decided that next year we’re going to stay in SF for the week, to save us 2 hours of round-trip transit time; it’ll make it easier to participate in some of the after-hours activities too — we’ve missed all the great parties! Won’t stay right downtown at $200+/night; we’ll get a place out in the Marina that’s cheap but nice, and bus it over every day. π
Looks like at least the Mac economy is doing well; for the second year they’ve only been in South Hall, but things are crowded enough that they may have to move some of the larger stuff to North for next year. Seems to also be an even division between Mac stuff and iPod stuff; some of the Mac faithful had been afraid that the convention was turning from MacWorld into “iPod World”. And there seem to be a few more parties and other after-hours events this year as well…and more places are giving away T-shirts, though not as many shirts as in the pre-dot-bomb era. Apple being a “blue” company, and many of the Mac faithful in that same political vein, there were some great comments about BushCo. and the privacy issue…have had some good discussions while waiting in line for assorted events.
Okay, spouse is in the shower, iPod is updated, so need to finish getting dressed and packed up for the day…see you folks in the evening Cafe…
I’m a tad fluffy myself, and if they want to call me petite when I buy something with a short inseam, they are more than welcome to do so. I’d much rather say I shop in the petite department than the woman’s department.
Then be prepared to walk on the hems of your jeans, or roll the cuffs up to your knees and hobble around with the crotch halfway down your thighs.
I think its an unflattering look & will stick with petite myself.
but if I am really 5’8″, this wouldn’t happen. ::pouty, whiney voice::
Maybe when it’s your time for knee replacements, you can ask for extra-long joints?
Just 4 Today, I’m going to ask everyone to visit my daughter’s web page. She’s just discovered visitor statistics and it would be a fun surprise for her tomorrow to see a spike in today’s numbers. Also, I think you’ll like what she’s done.
I really like her work.
OOOO I forgot the other part!! She would like people to send her an email and tell her what they think. (I’m a bad mom!)
Thanks SN! (can you tell her?) I think she’s going to be selling some of the Handmade things through an eBay store soon, so keep watching!
I’ll try to come up with something besides “they make me happy.”
SN, honey, that would be a wonderful thing to tell her!
They’re cool!
Thanks CabinGirl, she did the site all by herself (didn’t know any HTML at all when she started) with just a tiny bit of help at the very end from me.
I’m going to have to go to work (and get dressed first!) But, I’ll check back tonight and reply to any messages here. Even if the cafe is closed.
Great site — but I would expect nothing less from someone at Webster U. I really like her work!
How could you not like someone who starts out by saying they love to go to thrift shops and look for books, especially text books(as that happens also to be something I look at in thrift shops).
Like her art and concepts very much.
and sent an email!
It’s really good and the bio is terrific! Collecting books probably my personal favorite thing in life!
We got the summer camp brochure in the mail yesterday, and the guys were looking through it this morning to see what they wanted to do this summer…and found pictures of themselves in it!
I went to the same camp for three summers when I was a kid and there was always a competition at the start of camp to see who got into the brochure the most times.
That’s pretty funny. We’re on our 7th year with this camp, so I guess they SHOULD be in the pictures by now, but I was surprised.
Your next goal should be to get the CHICKENS in the brochure.
Just finishing my reading of Norwegian online papers (skimming, really), and wanted to share this link from Dagbladet (a tabloid).
Go down a little and look for a small video-window.
Somehow, I got a flash-back to Hitchcock’s The Birds…
No kidding! At first it was funny, then it was. . .something else. Do you know if those the same leaping fish that have invaded certain US rivers & lakes?
Hi kansas,
Just out of a looong morning meeting.
I don’t know the answer to your question. The page is simply providing links to fun stories from around the world.
Another fun one is here – cat fishing on frozen pond.
Rain has stopped for a bit and the forest is doing the moody, misty look.
If you substitute tall buildings for the trees that’s what it looks like here too. And it was SUCH a nice day yesterday.
I like that picture though — I keep peering into the mists waiting to see a tall, dark, handsome person on a horse riding toward me. (Or maybe, since its Friday the 13th, a headless horseman).
Can you tell I don’t want to work this morning?
I (that is, the dogs) can probably find you some sort of headless mammal (deer, squirrel, chipmunk, mole are your most likely choices).
I’ve been working on something for a week that bores me silly so I can really sympathize with the don’t-want-to-work ethos. But I was set myself a katiebird goal that I will get it done today.
Okay, you have just raised one of the world’s Great Mysteries. Where do all the heads go??? My cats find those Icabod Crane bodies all the time, too. Are they with all the single socks? One time I was sitting on my couch watching tv and I looked down and there was the bottom half of a squirrel beside me. WTF?
I’ve wondered that too. Maybe the head is the tastiest part to other animals and they rip it off and drag it away to feast on?
Totally stream of consciousness here …
last night David Letterman said that in New York they have found the rats have been mating with the squirrels. And then he made a joke about it. Is that true?
I love it that you think I might know. Why, yes, mary, it is true, but it’s only the girl rats mating with the boy squirrels, because word got around that size matters.
I thought you knew everything and everything you don’t know you can ask “Dunkie” about. π
I just googled it and I can’t tell — it might be an urban legend. sqrats
The spine is pretty delicate. Things (dogs, cats, strange neighbors) start dragging the decomposing body around and the spine snaps at the neck.
And based on the time one of my dogs brought home a deer head which was intact except for its eyes, I think I’m just as happy not having them bring home any heads.
Good point.
Except, even if it snaps there, that wouldn’t account for the total disappearance of it. And most of these headless horsemen I’ve seen are not all that decomposed yet.
I hope everyone’s enjoying their breakfast?
my dogs are connoisseurs and prefer their meat aged (except during dear season when the hunters gut the deer in the woods).
I was seriously thinking it was time for a little brunch, but…
btw google shows 314,000 entries for “headless rats”
just thought you ought to know
Now I will spend the day worrying about how it occurred to our own NDD to type that in. π
(The impulse to go type in “headless squirrels” is nearly irresistable.)
94,300 entries for “headless squirrels”
who’d a thunkit?
Good job!
for the passive-aggressive researcher.
BTW, I wasn’t interested in headless critters but I did google eyeless deer which got 66 hits, the bulk of which were for this joke: QUESTION: What do you call a deer without an eye? ANSWER: No idear.
I have a 3 day weekend which includes stripping wallpaper and painting a bathroom – definitely not quiet.
3 meetings today to mess with my productivity…and my mood by mid-afternoon. So I’ll think of pooties, puppies, and other pets!
Whatever your choice of pet give a few scratches behind the ears today!
Normally, I’d be smirking but since we have all of three days with sun since Xmas, I’ve got nothing to say but
Here’s something you may have missed yesterday:
Feel free to add your recommendations as a reply to this comment.
Man Eegee V2.0 has launched!
Mr. Tree, do you have any comments?
“Ya, I heard about the win, but it’s like this, me and my buddies here are still pissed off. When he gets done telling the Gulf States what good shape they’re in, tell him to drop by the Apple Orchard so as we can taked turns shoving yellow bricks up his phoney cowboy ass. Bush is a WORM!”
There you have it folks, a man on …. er… tree on the street response after the initial news. Back to you in the newsroom.
More here: http://www2.boomantribune.com/?op=displaystory;sid=2006/1/13/050/08023
Happy Stuff: Don’t have all the particulars yet but my daughter Danni volunteered and was accepted to do away with her innermural sports in order to help a severely physically and cognitively disabled girl with music and PE classes twice a week.
What was George Bush doing when he was her age??? Probably blowing up frogs or something…
That’s great, DJ. Wonder where she got that double shot of compassion and kindness?
I dunno, Second. Cause she totally hates her brother right now LOL The thing is this wassn’t even something we discussed before hand. Was a “By the way, mom” as she got out of the car this morning. π
The little girl… I’ve seen her around the school. She’s a little child by way of age and is so small. Not even 2 ft I think… she is mute and uses a wheeled walker.
Wayne called and he’s up near Weed, Ca. On his way home. Told him about Danni and he was all “that’s my girl”
I worked for several years at a group home taking care of 8 men who were mentally retarded. The group home was only about a mile away from my house, and my kids used to ride their bikes over and visit with us, and sometimes on my days off I would take one or two of the guys to the park with my kids and they got along great.
Now they are very protective when they see mentally retarded people out in the world, like a couple of the baggers at our grocery store, and special ed kids at their school.
The other day several members of a local group home came into the pizza/buffet where Colin works and he went out of his way to talk to them and help them with their money, and he was really friendly and easy-going with them in a genuine kind of way, not all fakey like some people are. The caretaker told Colin’s manager that it was one of the few times they’d been out in public where someone had taken extra time with them and made them feel at home. I was so proud of him that I cried.
can consider himself huggled!!!! π ALL your kids – (and because they are Princess Bride fans-know it alls) π
There were two men at Safeway where I used to live both were baggers/stockers both were autistic. I didn’t do anything that was out of my way… but just talk to them, always stop to listen to them. For 8 years, they’d rush to get my bags… talked to them both about movies, sharks hockey… anything.
The fakery… I’d be in line and some broad would be all patronizing to one of them – I’m not even sure people like that realize it…
I used to hate it when people would talk to me instead of one of the guys when we were out…like “would he like a coke with that?” All they want is for people to look them in the eye and talk normally, not like you’d talk to a 2 year old.
You know what gets my goat!?
Is how these family values pukes will look at my husband in a dirty, evil way just because he holds my son’s hand in public.
I know a man who son is much older – mid twenties – and he lives with him and he still has to hold his hand sometimes in public and people will actually call them names.. mostly along the lines of gay bashing…
Some day Second you and me gotta sit down and get faced π
Makes a nasty little stew.
In the first place, if two men are holding hands, it does not matter whether they are doing it because they love each other as spouses, brothers, father and son, or if they are simply of a culture where men hold hands socially.
The whole American phobia of males touching each other, even wearing clothing that is pink, to me seems indicative of a serious and disturbing psychological epidemic.
It reminds me of a lady who prior to her marriage, was something of a “belle” who was fond of dealing with this kind of thing by saying that as a flaming heterosexual, she had never known a single securely and surely straight man who was homophobic.
When a man cannot hold his son’s hand in public without being stared at and speculated upon by strangers, there is something very wrong with that society.
My husband wants a codepink t-shirt and will forever hold his son’s hand no matter how old Wes gets.
People ask me why I am so hard on America… it’s because I see a face of America that isn’t at all “great”. I thoroughly believe that a country is only as “great” as it treats it’s elderly, disabled and weakest. This country is NOT great at all.
Here’s the place I used to work. The big dude riding the exercise bike is my awesome Rosie!
isn’t it? Do you suppose she also makes up jingles that she can’t possibly sing at school?
Danni has a hard time even spelling out a dirty word… she GASPS when she hears me… I don’t get it LOL.
But my son does flip off “W” signs and stickers… so not all is lost with my parent skill – or lack thereof π
I think you can consider that you have just won a very prestigious Parenting Award! π
Mostly, my kids teach me.
I’m just the person in the house who can seem to find where everyone elses shit is π
Hey, all. Just stepping in briefly with Mr. Fierce to say hello — before I head out to the chores & he continues his domestic havoc.
Warning: for your own safety, please conceal anything upon your person that may dangle or jiggle ..
Thankfully, no more Alito for now. I’ll be sure to stand for a while out on the field & watch the moon rise, as I did yesterday. It certainly helps clear the mind of muck.
See you soon.
please conceal anything upon your person that may dangle or jiggle
guess MarmotDude had better be carefull π
Hell, we’d just change the jingle to ‘marmot ball’ or if he was really careless ‘ex marmot balls’
Somehow I think Marmotdude had better be careful anyway. This little guy is ferocious!
OK, out I go (difficult as it is to depart). There’s a lovely sky this evening, full of purple, rose & indigo — let’s see if I can’t catch an image.
I just got back from doing “the loop” in the mist…major muck removal! π
Come on over!