Howard Dean is telling us to kick them while they’re down…and I, for one, am willing to join in.

The Republicans are certainly not down for the count yet. But they are down. They are on the floor whining about how unfair the Democrats are because we are trying to hold them accountable for their failure against terrorism, the failure of their Iraq policies, the failure of their response to Katrina, and their shameful corruption. They are down on the ground hoping we will give them a chance to recover so they can counter attack. Meanwhile, the DNC, under Dean’s leadership and with our help, has raised a record amount of money in 2005. Howard Dean wants us to do even more.
I am with Howard Dean: kick them while they’re down! Don’t let them counter attack. Don’t let them off the hook. And let’s not be satisfied even with the record fundraising in 2005. Let’s kick ass starting now and going all the way through November 2006 and beyond.

Here is Howard Dean’s message:

As 2006 begins, I am reaching out to you and every other Democratic Party supporter I can find. I’m urging you to immediately contribute to the Democratic National Committee.

We cannot let Republicans off the hook – in 2006 Democrats will not back down.

Help make January the biggest month ever with Democrats making more donations than in any previous month in history.

This is the year when the corruption, cronyism, and incompetence of the Republican Party collides with a powerful grassroots Democratic campaign. They won’t know what hit them.

If we can count on the 2006 support of loyal friends like you, we’ll take the power out of their hands. And we’ll move America forward.

Here is why your donation means so much.

With your support, we can recruit strong Democratic candidates to challenge the increasing number of vulnerable Republican incumbents.

With your support, we can stand behind Democratic candidates who are taking strong stands on the issues and giving powerful voice to our values.

I’m talking about Democrats who understand, like you and I do, the one principle that should guide everything we do in 2006:

We cannot let Republicans off the hook – in 2006 Democrats will not back down…

Are you ready to take it to the Republicans every day in 2006?

Are you ready to continue our work building a year-round, 50-state grassroots Democratic Party capable of carrying our candidates to victory?

Then now is the time to act. Be part of the biggest single month of Democratic membership support in history…

This is the month when – in a collective act of political will – we’re going to propel our 2006 campaign forward all across America. And, from this point on, we’re never looking back, never stopping until we win.

We’ve got the Republicans on the ropes. Let’s go for it.

On to victory,

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

Right on Howard! The bastards have been looting our nation and pissing all over our Constitution for years now. The poor babies are starting to stumble and get caught in their own messes. Now is the time to take them down! I urge everyone to answer Howard Dean’s call. Do it by contributing as Dean asks above. Better yet, show Dean your support by buying a Democracy Bond to help set up the 50-state strategy.

For those who aren’t as keen on Dean as I am, there is another 50-state, grassroots strategy you can participate in to kick the Republicans while their sorry asses are on the ground. Act Blue has their own 50-state strategy aimed at activating the grassroots nationwide with $10,000 per state seed money. Their approach is distinct from Howard Dean’s efforts but is just as important and even MORE supportive of the grassroots.

I would also suggest three other Act Blue campaigns that might interest you and can help make 2006 our best year yet, starting this month. You can donate to take down the ten weakest Republicans in the House, or to defend the most targeted Democrats in the House, or donate to my campaign to defeat the Katrina 11, the 11 Republicans who are willing to give Halliburton no-bid contracts but not to help the victims of hurricane Katrina.

However you feel about Dean, making January a record month for fundraising and watching the corrupt Halliburton Republicans panic is bound to start your year off right.

You can also get active locally as a volunteer within your local Democratic Party organization, or your local Democracy for America group. We are always asking “where are the Democrats.” Well, WE are the Democrats, too. So where are we? Hopefully we are giving our time and money right here and now to defeat the un-American Halliburton Republicans and to retake our nation for the American people.