Elitist east coast snobs arise!!! We can’t be outdone by a cadre of wacky left-coasters!!! Stand up now and be counted!!!
Seriously, I put this up to guage interest in having a meeting of us superior east coast types. I have included a poll below. I am about 40 miles north of New York City but would be willing to travel. (Though a 7 year old might be part of the package!)
Indicate your interest, if any, in a comment as well. Thanks!!!
Thanks for bringing this up! I’d definitely be interested to know where this goes. As for me, my participation would depend on where/when. I expect the coming spring/early summer to be a transitional time for me, as I’m hoping to turn my existence inside out & relocate.
I’m currently 100 miles from NYC, may be moving out just a wee bit further.
I’m in Boston.. would meet up there. 🙂
i’d try to make it to a boston meetup.
I think it is a great idea and would really make an effort to make it. I’m in the NY metro area.
Hey! A meet up this Canuck could make it to! I’m abt a 12 hour drive to NYC… at least that’s my off the top of my head calculation based on how long it takes me to drive to Albany from TO (abt 5 hours… I drive fast…).
Depending on when it is (April or May would probably work best for me at this point) I would definitely try to make it.
That would be totally cool.
OK Spiderleaf now that’s not fair. I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this after all these weeks of holding out but….but….
can I join your clique? ;o)
Hmmm… I’m gonna have to give this one some serious thought super, I mean you did totally snub me for, as you put it, weeks and weeks now… and after all we’ve been through too… it’s just a damn shame I tell ya. But, all that being said, I don’t see how I could keep you out since I don’t think that was part of the rules… who knows tho’, there could have been a coup over the holidays and I’d be none the wiser… always the last one to know and all.
I’m in central western NH, and would most definitely attend!!! With bells on.
I can’t subscribe to the elitist or superior label though, cuz I’m going to meet those wacky left-coasters out there!! Yippee!
You have impeccable timing Shermy ;o)
Well of course since I’m (apparently) an East Coast snob I’ll have to come and meet my fellow elitist East Lefties.
I’m 2 hours east of the city (NY) so I’m ready to go in any direction. I can swim to Boston from here ;o)
CaaaabiiinGiiirl. ;o)
With bells on, Super, with bells on… 🙂
boran2, do you have any ideas where yet? I have some thoughts…
The NY area might be good but I’d love to hear yours. Also, April, May? It might be good to wait until at least April with our east coast weather.
Last year Carnacki and DCDemocrat organized a get-together in Harpers Ferry over Memorial Day weekend that we went to. One of the nice things about it was the way everyone could wander or hang out together as they pleased, and it was very kid-friendly. Some of us went to dinner that night (JanetTinMD was there too), while other folks headed home. There was enough to do in the area that the kids and I went for most of the weekend.
It was less than a 3-hour drive for most of the people who went, and there were a LOT of folks there. So, I’m thinking, something similar might be nice, but maybe we should be thinking New Yorkish? Depends on who’s coming though.
Oh man,
Harpers ferry is such a beautiful and historic place. I always loved looking down at it from the east side of the river whenever I passed it.
I’m open to HF or other places south of NY but I’m open to points north and in between too.
Talk amongst yourselves ;o)
I know a GREAT place in Maine, but I think it’s too far…
NYish would be better for the New Englanders here and for Spiderleaf. But if Harpers Ferry is the consensus I will go.
Berkshires? Catskills? were more what I was thinking. (I really just meant HF as an example, not as a suggestion, sorry)
Well, Berkshires makes good sense for NY-area, NE and eastern Canada. Is it too far from the Philly-area?
(Better get up the Frappr map)
If I remember right, Hillsdale/Ancramdale NY is 4.5-5 hours from me, and I have friends in Saugerties I could visit while I’m up there too.
Either one is fine. (I’m actually about 50 miles from the Catskill area.)
I think you’re from where some of my friends grew up…
I agree with you boran2
A central place would be better for all. But I’m just the glutton who’s going to be at both east and west coast meetups so I should just keep my yap shut now.
I saw that last year and wished I could have gone, but it was too far at the time. If I went to PA this time, I think I’d fly. I’m having some driving anxiety at this time, though it’s seemed to be getting much better lately. Plus, I have two cats waiting for me in PA, so driving might be better. But, I think I’ll be moving in the spring-ish time, so I’m not positive I’ll take them. And if I do move, who knows how long I’d be there.
In summary, my life is in limbo at the moment, but that’s OK. If there’s a meetup somewhere, I’m very willing to try my darnedest to get there. That is what I meant to say. 🙂
and possibly May, with the way the weather is going this year. It’s just too weird.
I’d say Boston first, but only cuz it’s closest to me! 🙂 Somewhere in NY would certainly work. We should try to find the most central point for the most outlying folks, which seem to be Spiderleaf in Canada and CabinGirl in PA, so far. My two cents.
Backstroke or butterfly? 🙂
Please Shermanesqe
Dolphin kick of course ;o)
Oh yes… how silly of me. I said I was confused tonight… 🙂
…to being an elitist snob here, but I’m definitely interested in a BT get-together. 🙂 That would be way cool. I’d be coming from Ottawa (about 4.5 hours east of spiderleaf). And the later the better, for weather purposes, like May-ish.
Depending on location and date, I’d love to come. We had fun in Harpers Ferry — it was a good choice because it was family-friendly, not too crowded (well, except when we all tried to get inside one restaurant or another when it started to rain…) and had a nice mix of things to see and space to just hang out and chat, and let the kids run around. And it wasn’t expensive to stay overnight.
So those factors all made for a very nice day.
(And if any folks here are going to YearlyKOS, maybe we could arrange a meet-up there as well… in and around everything ELSE that will be going on.)
Hey! I live in the East! lol (Not too far from Boran2)
Sounds like fun…
count me in!
Despite the fact that I’m in flyover country and therefore don’t get to be elitist or wacky, I might ramp up my
snobbishness and show up, depending on when and where.
I was actually thinking about that amusement park in Ohio…Cedar Point, is it? I bet we could even get SN to come there…
heh. might just. 🙂
Well as long as we talking about moving west, I think I’ll start pushing for Chicago.
But I was going to push for Ocracoke, NC…
and olivia wanted me to have a meet-up at my place but I think that might cause eastcoast elitist snobs to break out in hives (or a poison ivy rash).
I’ll try to make anything within a reasonable driving distance of here.
Wherever it ends up, I’ll need to be driving. Ohio is probably too far west for me and for others too.
How about the general Philly area? 🙂
For folks who live too far to drive who would like to come, it would be nice to have it in a city where there are highly competitive airline fares.
You’re really pushing for Chicago, aren’t you? 🙂
Hey, I can get cheap fares to Manchester, NH 😀
— and if it were in Chicago, I’d drive.
OTOH, if we ever try to do a national meet-up, then I would really push Chicago. It would be perfect.
I’d do Chicago too. I’ve always wanted to check it out there. I was surprised how cheap tiks were from Manchester. Boston is usually even cheaper, but it’s soo much of a hassle.
Anywhere Southwest flies you get decent fares.
The company I work for is in Reading, MA and I always fly into Manchster — for me, fares are usually cheaper than Boston and getting in and out of there is so quick and easy. Now if only I could get a direct flight.
I am in Northern New Jersey. I would definitely attend a New Yawk City meeting, or anywhere in the vicinity. Otherwise it would depend on the timing.
If I’m neither working nor too broke…yes, I would love to come.
NYC is best for me, but I would go as far north as Boston or as far south as DC.
Stranger things have happened, and there is Magic in the air in May. . . .
Smiling Hugs
she who will remain nameless