Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Probably was posted back in December, so my apologies for the re-post, but it’s worth another look (and link) if you didn’t see it back then. Nir Rosen’s Atlantic Monthly article – answering the counterfactual, “If America left Iraq”
Good read and probably the most succinct statement on why leaving Iraq would put Zarqawi and co. on the defensive (something Murtha has suggested as well):
When the Americans depart and Sunnis join the Iraqi government, some of the foreign jihadis in Iraq may try to continue the struggle–but they will have committed enemies in both Baghdad and the Shiite south, and the entire Sunni triangle will be against them. They will have nowhere to hide. Nor can they merely take their battle to the West. The jihadis need a failed state like Iraq in which to operate. When they leave Iraq, they will be hounded by Arab and Western security agencies.
Why the hell are men intimidated by intelligent women? (Dumped the loser I had a few dates w/.) Seriously, this has happenned to me so many times it is not funny.
He got all p.o.’d after he realized that I knew more about computers than he did. (Figured I don’t need to cater to another person’s insecurities.) And I an NO expert, believe me!
Hugs to you… And fuck him. There are good guys out there. It may just take some searching. I’ve found that not being in ‘search’ mode per se is more helpful than not, but that’s just me. Keep your chin up! 🙂
Believe me, I’m trying (to keep my chin up). But it sure as hell isn’t easy. Posted my original answer to you downthread by mistake. Check it out–you’ll get a good laugh!
Sexiest and funnest organ is the mushy grey one between the ears!
I found it very tough to trigger an emotional response in women smarter than me. I note that every single girl and woman I dated–including my wife–met me when I was when I was a leader of some kind or other. Several of them explained why in considerable detail.
Round and around and around we go–where the world’s headed, nobody knows.
Every time I see your name, I’m intrigued and would really like to know how you chose it. Is it a place name? Is it a secret? Of course you don’t have to tell;I’m just being nosy.
“The Kite Runner” was the best book I read last year. Have any of you read it? It’s magical and nightmarish and unforgettable.
Just finished “Saturday,” by Ian McEwan. I wasn’t particularly disappointed because I’d already read “Atonement” by him, so had an idea of what to expect. Both huge best-sellers. People really like stories centered around epiphanies and redemption. Isn’t that what Oprah said when she called in to defend that guy’s (name?) a Million Tiny Pieces? I think it — that particular theme — gets stale mighty fast, especially when smug, upper- class folks experience their moment of undeniable clarity and truth. McEwan writes beautifully; never for one moment was I unaware of that. Couldn’t wait to finish.
A question … The US bombs Pakistan trying to take out Zawahri, which may or may not have happened depending on which propaganda/news program you listen to, while the Pakistani government is quoted saying, “Pakistan says it does not allow American forces to cross the border in pursuit of Taliban and al Qaeda fighters.” (link) And they’ve filed an official complaint against the attack. So, um, does this mean that the US is just bombing willy nilly wherever it wants, borders and sovereignty be-damned? Is any country off limits? I mean, it’s all in the name of fighting al Qaeda and making the world a safer place, right? What if the US said that these people were hiding in Australia, or Canada? Would we be bombed? Seriously.
The only hope for Canada is if they immediately install a far right U.S. style government that will overturn your constitution, eliminate your universal healthcare system, outlaw all birth control and abortions, and promise that all those extra babies you’ll be having will be indoctrinated with the glories of the joint US/Canadian military machines victories over eastasia.
of your citizens to Syria to be tortured..and didn’t have enough respect to inform the Canadian gov’t. Just about the same as violating your airspace and dropping a bomb.
I’ve just heard it all now and it really bugs me. Do I have to play stupid or what? Oh, and here’s another one: one guy dumped me because another woman “needed him more than I did.” Why the hell are men attracted to wimpy, dumb women?
Best line I’ve ever heard: “We can’t get too serious. Even though my divorce has been final for several years now, my children get upset if I date.” One of his “children” was 18! (I asked him if she was a registered voter.) That lasted the one date (first and only) that he said that!
Now I’m wondering if there is a website where guys get these lines!
Hee-hee. I’m sure there is some website somewhere… I’m in rural America, so I meet my folks online first… just the way it is for me now. And I prefer it that way…
Friend of mine tried an online dating site. Get this: she was exchanging emails for a few weeks with my ex-husband. And he is a complete asshole! (Warned her!)
Nope! You didn’t mention the author’s name or the title!
But seriously now, what man on the face of this earth would be interested in a woman who enjoys writing, reading, computers (although I am NO expert), going online, the outdoors, and prefers to keep to herself, although she knows a lot of people?
Sad that I find it necesarry to apologize to you for the failings of my gender to recognize a catch like you ;o)
When I was single and the time I was separated, I couldn’t find a woman I could have an intelligent conversation with to save my life. So you see it goes both ways. Not all of us are looking for a Mommie or a submissive little girl. Be patient. I mean, more patient.
hobby/career interests that are found in identifiable populations?
Ethnic or cultural background is worth consideration because it has to do with circumstances that produced you or allowed you to thrive, whereas career and other interests crop up a lot later and seem to me to be scattered across most cultural groups.
The place to look for friends and mates is where people are expecting (or at least not opposed to!) people like yourself.
no, I was doing political things cuz I wanted to save the world.
I was cooking the Four Seasons Hotel Boston in 1986, BORED outta my mind, other than the some of the cooking, and I decided to volunteer for a campaign. The guy I picked outta the hat was running for city council, and on primary day we were at the local school handing out literature (something not allowed out here in the pacified, pacific, pablum northwest) and I saw these young women my age (20 somethign +) handing literature about a pro-choice intiative to people who were leaving.
I finally asked one of them why they were going after peole leaving, and she said that since these people voted in the primary, they’s sure as hell vote in hte general, so they wanted to get the message out to real voters.
I thought – WOW – a campaign that is all women ! WTF I am doing working for some pale white guy?
New Zogby Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support Impeaching Bush for Wiretapping
By a margin of 52% to 43%, Americans want Congress to consider impeaching President Bush if he wiretapped American citizens without a judge’s approval, according to a new poll commissioned by, a grassroots coalition that supports a Congressional investigation of President Bush’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003
HMMMMM? An easily impeachable felon sits in the White House making SCOTUS appointments meant to cover his own ass for when he finally is impeached… And some politicans don’t see enough reason to oppose the Alito nomination with every bit of power they have at their disposal in order to protect freedom and democracy in this country?
Those of you in the senate better stand up for our rights! Either that ot get ready to be kicked out of my way while I fight for them.
Arlen Spector on Sunday Talk ABC This Week this am (hat tip to Thinkprogress)
“If Bush Broke The Law With Warrantless Spying, Impeachment Is A Remedy”
Queston is does Specter have the moral fiber or non-partisan courage to take it all the way or will his hearings be another Alito kiss-up? His past performance, oh well.
But Specter added: “I don’t see any talk about impeachment here. I don’t think anyone doubts the president is making a good-faith effort. He’s acting in a way that he feels he must.”
courage and integrity are both rare commodities on Capitol Hill. And likely you’ll find few takers if you were to roll out a C&I ‘take-one-get-one-free’ wagon.
If Bush looks like he’ll be impeached, just watch them change the rules and standards.
just brought up on ABC’s This Week with George the Shill. Will says we don’t know the multitude of Cheney health problems and that if he had to step down Rice would be tagged and that would set her up for a “semi-incumbent” run at the Presidency. Said she would easily be talked into running even though she says no now. And the Cabal marches on. We really need to get rid of this whole group of fascists before that can happen.
No time to do a diary, but I recommend checking out this article, and passing it along if you agree that it’s worthwhile.
It starts humorously enough…
What do we make of the President boldly proclaiming that he has “spy powers?” Does he have X-ray vision too?
When he and his cronies crawl up into Cheney’s bunker with the sign on the door “He-man Woman-haters Club. No Girls Allowed (except Condi),” do they synchronize their spy decoder rings and decide what new absurd folly to unleash on the world?
But goes on to ask some serious questions…
What are e-voting machines and central tabulators that pass the voting results over electronic networks from the internet to phone lines? No more than data easily spied on and tapped into. The Franklin County Board of Elections, for example, tells us that it was a “transmission error” in Gahanna Ward 1B, where 638 people cast votes and Bush, the Wonder Boy, received 4258 votes. It’s not magic, nor is it an accident or an act of God. If the vote total wasn’t so hugely illogical, no one would have caught it.
There was a B-movie made back in the 50’s, I can’t remember the name, about sending a pilot out to capture some comet dust. This is going to bug me until I remember the title. Anyway, the fiction has manifested into reality now. I’m still waiting for my flying car tho…
the TV series. But I don’t watch it on TV. A friend recommended it and I bought the first season on DVD for my son for Xmas. But then I watched every episode compulsively, and he is watching his OC DVD’s instead. So now I am dowloading the second season episode by episode from itunes, and staying up way too late. The final straw will be if I give in and watch the final two episodes right now in broad daylight. Help.
Seriously. Hubby and I were in the middle of a major home improvement project last Wednesday night and five-til-nine all work stopped and we rushed, rushed I tell ya’, to the tv. Must. Not. Miss. “Lost.” Must have fix of weekly awe and confusion. Last episode was especially good showing background of Mr. Eko.
Go ahead and watch it so you can come back later and we’ll discuss what we think it all means…
P.S. You’ll really know you’re in trouble if you start hanging out on the “Lost” forums. I dare not go there.
the “Lost” forum. You caught me. I did watch all the episodes. I don’t remember TV ever being so good. Maybe it is because I watch it without commercials.
As to guessing what is going on, there are basically two directions you can go: religious or science fiction. In support of the first there are an awful lot of people on the island who have something in their past to atone for. In support of the second: apparently the creators of the show said somewhere that everything on it can be accounted for by science.
From the beginning, I felt the island was purgatory, a last chance for souls to be redeemed and either go to heaven or hell. So, when someone dies it might be that their fate has been decided. The kidnapping of the children removes them from this ordeal because they’re guiltless.
But there are some mighty big holes in applying this concept. What, for instance, did Michael do that was so bad? Or Jack? Or Hurley? He won the lottery, bought his mother a big house, gave money to his friends and relatives, not a bad guy at all.
Despite this redemption theme, most of the phenomena could be somewhat scientific. The “security mechanism,” the billowing smoke monster, looks like nanotechnology to me. When some of the Others appear to have superhuman abilities — and it’s suggested that they were sickened by something on the island — I tend to think the nanobots have gotten into them. They’ve been mutated and are part of whatever kind of hive mentality the nanobots have.
I dunno. The second season is better than the first and the addition of the second “team” of survivors has added a lot of drama to the group dynamics. But, and here’s where success might ruin this show — originally, the writers and producers had a story arc probably based on the series lasting two seasons and selling for years on DVD as a subculture classic.
By the end of the first season — wham! — they’re a big hit. So they brought in the second group to expand the storyline and they have to obscure the direction of the story to make it last. I bet they’re having furious arguments these days about the direction of the show and trying to figure out some way to make the mystery last without pissing off too many viewers.
Also, Ana-Lucia’s character may have to die if her actress ends up back in a CA jail for busting her drunk driving probation. So they are writing on the fly really and continuity goes to hell in those circumstances.
The viewers have to get something from this season’s finale or we’re going to give up in frustration. Some major aspect of the mysteries has got to come out without revealing the whole structure. Like I said, I bet a lot of yelling and cussing is going on around the writers’ table.
The problem with the purgatory hypothesis is that a lot of these characters seem to have done bad enough things (multiple killings) to get them sent straight to hell (do not pass go).
That Andrew Smith seems to have sussed it all out perfectly. Good Gawd, I’ll be back in a couple of days after I’ve read the whole thread. 😉 Simply amazing! Thanks.
Have you seen boran2’s entry regarding an east-coast meet-up?
Probably was posted back in December, so my apologies for the re-post, but it’s worth another look (and link) if you didn’t see it back then. Nir Rosen’s Atlantic Monthly article – answering the counterfactual, “If America left Iraq”
Good read and probably the most succinct statement on why leaving Iraq would put Zarqawi and co. on the defensive (something Murtha has suggested as well):
Why the hell are men intimidated by intelligent women? (Dumped the loser I had a few dates w/.) Seriously, this has happenned to me so many times it is not funny.
He got all p.o.’d after he realized that I knew more about computers than he did. (Figured I don’t need to cater to another person’s insecurities.) And I an NO expert, believe me!
So, I’ll be online for a few more hours!
Hugs to you… And fuck him. There are good guys out there. It may just take some searching. I’ve found that not being in ‘search’ mode per se is more helpful than not, but that’s just me. Keep your chin up! 🙂
Believe me, I’m trying (to keep my chin up). But it sure as hell isn’t easy. Posted my original answer to you downthread by mistake. Check it out–you’ll get a good laugh!
Sexiest and funnest organ is the mushy grey one between the ears!
I found it very tough to trigger an emotional response in women smarter than me. I note that every single girl and woman I dated–including my wife–met me when I was when I was a leader of some kind or other. Several of them explained why in considerable detail.
Round and around and around we go–where the world’s headed, nobody knows.
Single Woman’s Lament: All the good guy are married or gay@
Every time I see your name, I’m intrigued and would really like to know how you chose it. Is it a place name? Is it a secret? Of course you don’t have to tell;I’m just being nosy.
“The Kite Runner” was the best book I read last year. Have any of you read it? It’s magical and nightmarish and unforgettable.
Just finished “Saturday,” by Ian McEwan. I wasn’t particularly disappointed because I’d already read “Atonement” by him, so had an idea of what to expect. Both huge best-sellers. People really like stories centered around epiphanies and redemption. Isn’t that what Oprah said when she called in to defend that guy’s (name?) a Million Tiny Pieces? I think it — that particular theme — gets stale mighty fast, especially when smug, upper- class folks experience their moment of undeniable clarity and truth. McEwan writes beautifully; never for one moment was I unaware of that. Couldn’t wait to finish.
You read and write?
I gotta go. You’re freaking me out! ;o)
A question … The US bombs Pakistan trying to take out Zawahri, which may or may not have happened depending on which propaganda/news program you listen to, while the Pakistani government is quoted saying, “Pakistan says it does not allow American forces to cross the border in pursuit of Taliban and al Qaeda fighters.” (link) And they’ve filed an official complaint against the attack. So, um, does this mean that the US is just bombing willy nilly wherever it wants, borders and sovereignty be-damned? Is any country off limits? I mean, it’s all in the name of fighting al Qaeda and making the world a safer place, right? What if the US said that these people were hiding in Australia, or Canada? Would we be bombed? Seriously.
The only hope for Canada is if they immediately install a far right U.S. style government that will overturn your constitution, eliminate your universal healthcare system, outlaw all birth control and abortions, and promise that all those extra babies you’ll be having will be indoctrinated with the glories of the joint US/Canadian military machines victories over eastasia.
We’ve always been at war with eastasia.
And that silly leaf on the flag has to go.
Yeah… that maple thing is far to reminiscent of the now imprisoned state of Vermont.
It’s a representation of the eternal separation of our country; the English and French yelling at one another is our national symbol. ;^)
And it’s < gasp > red too!
…boran: it’s the white areas that matter, the red is just background. 😉
When I was a kid, I spent summmers in Canada–can still remember the English and the French arguments–hell, that was all some people ever did!!!
I guess we’re safe then. The ‘installation’ will begin in about 2 weeks.
Not kidding btw.
That’s right. And that lefty government you are about to install had better get to moving farther to the center…
Ayatollah Robertson
Mullah Falwell
of your citizens to Syria to be tortured..and didn’t have enough respect to inform the Canadian gov’t. Just about the same as violating your airspace and dropping a bomb.
Paper Ballots and Optical Scanners but instead we get the New York State legislature.
Also on my mind is the fact that it almost 60 degrees today in the hills of upstate New York in mid-January.
Right now it is in the teens with a couple inches of snow down and 1-5 more expected.
Global… what?
I’ve just heard it all now and it really bugs me. Do I have to play stupid or what? Oh, and here’s another one: one guy dumped me because another woman “needed him more than I did.” Why the hell are men attracted to wimpy, dumb women?
Best line I’ve ever heard: “We can’t get too serious. Even though my divorce has been final for several years now, my children get upset if I date.” One of his “children” was 18! (I asked him if she was a registered voter.) That lasted the one date (first and only) that he said that!
Now I’m wondering if there is a website where guys get these lines!
Hee-hee. I’m sure there is some website somewhere… I’m in rural America, so I meet my folks online first… just the way it is for me now. And I prefer it that way…
Friend of mine tried an online dating site. Get this: she was exchanging emails for a few weeks with my ex-husband. And he is a complete asshole! (Warned her!)
Holy shit! That’s too weird…
Sweet dreams all… I’m to sleep now.
G’nite. Thanks. I am just in a mood about this.
we’re capable of all that brilliance all on our own.
Yeah, but do I have to play stupid?
Certainly not. You already do it very well.
No, there’s a book, but perhaps I’ve said too much…
Nope! You didn’t mention the author’s name or the title!
But seriously now, what man on the face of this earth would be interested in a woman who enjoys writing, reading, computers (although I am NO expert), going online, the outdoors, and prefers to keep to herself, although she knows a lot of people?
Sad that I find it necesarry to apologize to you for the failings of my gender to recognize a catch like you ;o)
When I was single and the time I was separated, I couldn’t find a woman I could have an intelligent conversation with to save my life. So you see it goes both ways. Not all of us are looking for a Mommie or a submissive little girl. Be patient. I mean, more patient.
Thanks for what you said. I was just in a mood about this last nite. Feeling better today.
hobby/career interests that are found in identifiable populations?
Ethnic or cultural background is worth consideration because it has to do with circumstances that produced you or allowed you to thrive, whereas career and other interests crop up a lot later and seem to me to be scattered across most cultural groups.
The place to look for friends and mates is where people are expecting (or at least not opposed to!) people like yourself.
The place to look for friends and mates is where people are expecting (or at least not opposed to!) people like yourself.
And all I see are couples!
the women are already pro-choice blah blah blah
no, I was doing political things cuz I wanted to save the world.
I was cooking the Four Seasons Hotel Boston in 1986, BORED outta my mind, other than the some of the cooking, and I decided to volunteer for a campaign. The guy I picked outta the hat was running for city council, and on primary day we were at the local school handing out literature (something not allowed out here in the pacified, pacific, pablum northwest) and I saw these young women my age (20 somethign +) handing literature about a pro-choice intiative to people who were leaving.
I finally asked one of them why they were going after peole leaving, and she said that since these people voted in the primary, they’s sure as hell vote in hte general, so they wanted to get the message out to real voters.
I thought – WOW – a campaign that is all women ! WTF I am doing working for some pale white guy?
Also want to change some of the world–at least where I live.
HMMMMM? An easily impeachable felon sits in the White House making SCOTUS appointments meant to cover his own ass for when he finally is impeached… And some politicans don’t see enough reason to oppose the Alito nomination with every bit of power they have at their disposal in order to protect freedom and democracy in this country?
Those of you in the senate better stand up for our rights! Either that ot get ready to be kicked out of my way while I fight for them.
Arlen Spector on Sunday Talk ABC This Week this am (hat tip to Thinkprogress)
“If Bush Broke The Law With Warrantless Spying, Impeachment Is A Remedy”
Queston is does Specter have the moral fiber or non-partisan courage to take it all the way or will his hearings be another Alito kiss-up? His past performance, oh well.
see the citation here
courage and integrity are both rare commodities on Capitol Hill. And likely you’ll find few takers if you were to roll out a C&I ‘take-one-get-one-free’ wagon.
If Bush looks like he’ll be impeached, just watch them change the rules and standards.
Ambition leaves precious little room for principle!
just brought up on ABC’s This Week with George the Shill. Will says we don’t know the multitude of Cheney health problems and that if he had to step down Rice would be tagged and that would set her up for a “semi-incumbent” run at the Presidency. Said she would easily be talked into running even though she says no now. And the Cabal marches on. We really need to get rid of this whole group of fascists before that can happen.
No time to do a diary, but I recommend checking out this article, and passing it along if you agree that it’s worthwhile.
It starts humorously enough…
But goes on to ask some serious questions…
Click the link for more.
The Iran Attack All set to go or just scare talk? Don’t think Iran will cower.
What a nightmare!!
catch this from The London Sunday Times via Jerusalem Post:
I think this “comet dust” thing is pretty cool. Link here.
There was a B-movie made back in the 50’s, I can’t remember the name, about sending a pilot out to capture some comet dust. This is going to bug me until I remember the title. Anyway, the fiction has manifested into reality now. I’m still waiting for my flying car tho…
the TV series. But I don’t watch it on TV. A friend recommended it and I bought the first season on DVD for my son for Xmas. But then I watched every episode compulsively, and he is watching his OC DVD’s instead. So now I am dowloading the second season episode by episode from itunes, and staying up way too late. The final straw will be if I give in and watch the final two episodes right now in broad daylight. Help.
Seriously. Hubby and I were in the middle of a major home improvement project last Wednesday night and five-til-nine all work stopped and we rushed, rushed I tell ya’, to the tv. Must. Not. Miss. “Lost.” Must have fix of weekly awe and confusion. Last episode was especially good showing background of Mr. Eko.
Go ahead and watch it so you can come back later and we’ll discuss what we think it all means…
P.S. You’ll really know you’re in trouble if you start hanging out on the “Lost” forums. I dare not go there.
the “Lost” forum. You caught me. I did watch all the episodes. I don’t remember TV ever being so good. Maybe it is because I watch it without commercials.
As to guessing what is going on, there are basically two directions you can go: religious or science fiction. In support of the first there are an awful lot of people on the island who have something in their past to atone for. In support of the second: apparently the creators of the show said somewhere that everything on it can be accounted for by science.
From the beginning, I felt the island was purgatory, a last chance for souls to be redeemed and either go to heaven or hell. So, when someone dies it might be that their fate has been decided. The kidnapping of the children removes them from this ordeal because they’re guiltless.
But there are some mighty big holes in applying this concept. What, for instance, did Michael do that was so bad? Or Jack? Or Hurley? He won the lottery, bought his mother a big house, gave money to his friends and relatives, not a bad guy at all.
Despite this redemption theme, most of the phenomena could be somewhat scientific. The “security mechanism,” the billowing smoke monster, looks like nanotechnology to me. When some of the Others appear to have superhuman abilities — and it’s suggested that they were sickened by something on the island — I tend to think the nanobots have gotten into them. They’ve been mutated and are part of whatever kind of hive mentality the nanobots have.
I dunno. The second season is better than the first and the addition of the second “team” of survivors has added a lot of drama to the group dynamics. But, and here’s where success might ruin this show — originally, the writers and producers had a story arc probably based on the series lasting two seasons and selling for years on DVD as a subculture classic.
By the end of the first season — wham! — they’re a big hit. So they brought in the second group to expand the storyline and they have to obscure the direction of the story to make it last. I bet they’re having furious arguments these days about the direction of the show and trying to figure out some way to make the mystery last without pissing off too many viewers.
Also, Ana-Lucia’s character may have to die if her actress ends up back in a CA jail for busting her drunk driving probation. So they are writing on the fly really and continuity goes to hell in those circumstances.
The viewers have to get something from this season’s finale or we’re going to give up in frustration. Some major aspect of the mysteries has got to come out without revealing the whole structure. Like I said, I bet a lot of yelling and cussing is going on around the writers’ table.
The problem with the purgatory hypothesis is that a lot of these characters seem to have done bad enough things (multiple killings) to get them sent straight to hell (do not pass go).
But look at this site:
This is a pretty good theory in my book.
That Andrew Smith seems to have sussed it all out perfectly. Good Gawd, I’ll be back in a couple of days after I’ve read the whole thread. 😉 Simply amazing! Thanks.
From WaPo;
The good;
The Bad;
The Ugly;
(Note; the “bad” and the “ugly” are interchangable.)