So how does it feel lefties? Once again, you’ve taken that leap of faith, hoped for the best, only to have your hopes dashed. A runaway at the bus station, led by the “nice” man, he buys you a burger with your own money, promises to help, yet here you lay on the cold tile of the dirty bathroom floor, the reverb of the station announcer washing over you as it sinks in that you’re prey, you’ve been punked, you’re turned out and working against your own interests. Too little, too late … what to do?
It was bad, what you were running away from, with little future. Pretty promises echoed through hard hallways. “I’ll look after you,” he promised, “don’t worry. After all, what choice do you have?”
Reid, Schumer, Emmanuel … not to mention the Big Blog Boyos … pimps, turning you out, emptying your pockets, letting you strut when it’s convenient, but always within limits. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you when it really counts!”
Punked, again.
It’s time to walk away. It’s time to realize that your paranoia was justified. It’s time to understand that sometimes patriots have to look far down the road.
The Democratic Party is dead to progressivism. Yes, there are individual office holders we can look upon as allies, but it’s time to remember the lessons of the past. The Dixiecrats live, only now they serve the Corporations rather than the descendents of the plantation owners, but it’s also time to realize that they are the same thing. America, born from a feudal state, has always had elements that longed for feudalism. They are ascendant now, and the Democratic Party serves them.
It’s time to walk away from that dirty bus station bathroom. Leave the pimp behind.
We who believe that the best future, the best world, the best country, rests in an open society, a society where people pursue their own happiness, where diversity and opportunity and equality reign … we are, and always have been, a minority. We know that great creators, neighbors, friends, teachers and students rest within EVERY group of people. That is a rare view. We need to remember that the suffragists, the abolitionists, the humanists, the feminists and dreamers and labor leaders and HOPEFUL were always freaks, always the odd kid who had to run away from home. It’s no fluke that the bluest cities are full of people who RAN, who struck out into the world to create themselves. Americans like to tell themselves that this country respects and supports people like that, but our history shows that we’ve done everything BUT support the iconoclast, the explorer, the creators and artists and scientists and freethinkers. We’re a Know-Nothing nation. Wear their petty scorn as a badge of honor, because you KNOW they’ll be looking to you for what is cool, what to think, what to do in due course.
Embrace your otherness, and quit being suckered. Not another dime, not another millimeter of boot leather … the national Democratic Party is dead to you, whether you care about feminism or civil rights or labor or health care or the environment … it doesn’t matter. Support local leaders. Support national candidates who support your values, but not another penny, not another mile, not another phone call or pixel for the national Party, or even for the national activist groups. They’ve sold you out to the corporations and a highly motivated movement of zealots who worship an imagined nineteenth century.
Remember those who’ve gone before. What we hope to preserve and expand took centuries to obtain. Current events are a setback, but we can join the fight again. It may take the rest of your life, but us creative types KNOW that the process is at least as important as the end product, right? The generation before us sat back on their heels too quickly. Time to go to war again. We’re already in a cold Civil War, as Peter Daou put it. Time to make it hot.
Walk away from the national party. Work locally. Withhold your vote from candidates that are nowhere near your values, and not another dime to these bastards who turn us out then pretend not to know us.
Runaways throughout time have known the power in pooling resources, going underground, working together. Find compatriots of like mind, and do what you can. Whether it’s writing or running a soup kitchen or manning a phone bank, follow your heart. No more modern Dixiecrats. They take us for granted, think we can’t survive without their “protection”. It’s time to prove them wrong. It’ll be a long fight, but lets face it … we have no other choice.
Been having similar thoughts for a few months. You wrote them beautifully!
Enough with the wimpy Dems, and smug and obscuring bloviation from Republicans, it’s time WE veto Alito:
John Edwards has endorsed this petition for FILIBUSTER!
Phone, fax, and email addresses for the Judiciary Committee.
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper and contact your congress critters — all with one click.
People for the American Way has collected over 60,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours:Save the Court Petition
Move’s Stop Alito petition
Democratic Party’s Reject Alito Petition
Stop the NRA’s Oppose Alito Petiton
And while you’re at it, sign: Planned Parenthood Petition
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
Urge Congress to support Plan B: Plan B Petition
We need to replace the political class, intelligence ‘community’ AND military of this country, and it starts in the place where we have most influence – locally, but must end as a global equilibration.. The GOP are currently at a time when they could purge themselves of some major corrupting influences due to the Abramoff and other scandals. The grassroots supporters of the Dems need to take this cover to reform their ofwn party from within as well..
Bush is the Anti-Christ
The last time I was honestly party-punked was when Kerry dropped out of the vote count fight in Ohio. That was the turning point.
Tried to be an optomist–took me awhile longer. But I have had it! The last straw for me was recently–the someone from the local dems called and wanted $$. Did they ever get a cussing out!!!!
and sometimes they need to hear it. If we are Democrats and we have elected them as our bride we are going to have us a spousal fight because there are some ISSUES!
ISSUES that are IGNORED!!! What about representation? Offerring a real alternative to the bs that is going on NOW?
We need to take a very unpopular stand and debunk this pile of garbage that BushCo has created as a GWoT. He has gone so far as to classify nonviolent civil disobedience to be punishable as terrorism.
We need to start exposing or spreading the word on the inconsistencies and the wrongfull prosecutions. Once the Democrats stand up for due process and equal justice for all then we might make some progress.
You’re exactly right! The dems have to stand up in order to prove themselves to be a viable alternative. And the hell with those who don’t. I can’t trust them. I want to, but I can’t.
As a member of my local Democratic party who calls people, I am not happy to hear this. I don’t think it’s the punkers who are making those phone calls for free because they are still trying.
That might be another BTer you are cussing out.
NO WAY was it a BTer. The caller sounded nervous as hell and explained that the local dems did not even have a candidate to challenge the wingnut congresscritter. Still asked for a donation though, if you can believe that. My answer was, “If you can’t find anyone to run against him, I will!!”
(BTW, I’ve had LTE’s published in the local paper that criticize the wingnut and gwb since last summer. And don’t think the local dems don’t know it! Shit, they have got two of them hanging on the wall at their headquarters!!!)
Then I got this bullshit excuse that I was unqualified and was asked if I was “one of those people who was always on the internet.” THAT was when I lost it!!!!
Bullfuckingshit I’m not qualified!!! Undergrad degree in political science, minor in history, 2 years grad school in ed psych, managing to understand all of the social service regs as I live on government assistance. (PhD in the school of hard knocks!) Made the front page of the local paper too!
Oh well, there is always the possibility of running as an Independent or Green in 2008!! Think I’m joking?
Just think–a traumatic brain injury survivor on SSD/I running against a rich, fatass wingnut who hasn’t done a damn thing for this district. (Although he is damn good at grabbing headlines!) As everything is going to hell, who would the voters identify with?
And I am nuts enough to do it!!!!!!!!! Why not???
Thank you for the additional explanation.
I really hadn’t thought about that (being another BTer) until you mentioned it.
Back to my post. Do you believe the shit that is going on here? Do the dems want any input from me? Hell no, but they damn sure benefit from my writing. I am one of the local flakes and am considered too much of a troublemaker as I constantly battle what is considered to be acceptable policy. (I can write appeals for social service decisions that WIN. Not an easy thing to do, but I have had lots of practice!
Let me get this straight.
They don’t have a candidate and they told you that you are not qualified? What kind of crap is that?
Why am I even asking? That’s so politics as usual, and so insane.
I agree the Dems are done, but deep down I still have
that fear that 3rd party candidates won’t win and we will just be stuck with more Repugs.
I know we have to try….but the system seems so fixed and corrupt it scares me.
I think back to all that was accomplished in the sixties and seventies and still am stunned that it all has to be re-fought all over again.
it’s been fixed and corrupt before. Real change will take struggle and sacrifice, and sadly ’06 and ’08 may be part of that sacrifice. If Clinton or Warner are the candidates in ’08, they’ll lose anyway.
Work locally for real progressives, if that’s your beliefs.
One problem w/that–the local dems spout the progressive talk, but, when it comes down to the crunch, it is the same old politics as usual!
That’s exactly what happenned!
Now, a few months after this phone conversation took place, they have a candidate–and, as you said, it is politics as usual. I heard the candidate speak once–he went on and on and on and on…talked over everyone’s head and didn’t discuss any real concerns that people had. Bored the hell out of the audience. (Didn’t KISS!)
There was a brief Q & A and he took a few questions then left.
Only good thing to say about him: He wore a nice suit!
Maybe someway, somehow, this candidate will pull it off. At least, I hope so! That wingnut asshole has got to go!
I had been a loyal Dem for years. I was even a staffer in the national office of the Dukakis campaign for about a year.
But Clinton’s policy failures — and “successes” — really wore on me. The failure of healthcare reform (and the refusal to even put single-payer on the table), the “compromise” of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, phony “get tough” attitudes on law and order issues (including the execrable “three strikes” law), free-trade absolutism, bloated military budgets, the Telecommunications Act that further concentrated our media, the Lani Guinier cave in, the reliance for political advice on Republicans like David Gergan and Dick Morris. The list goes on.
But welfare reform was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Took me a few years to sort out where I belonged politically, but I had one foot solidly out the door by the summer of 1996.
I arrived at this depot last fall.
you can only take so much from a political party.
I personally think America is on the way down, we’ve lost any semblance of morality (as in ‘truth’ as a culture), the whole society is now based on lies, greed, a sick quest for youth and celebrity/athlete/royalty worship. In short, America’s head is up its collective arse.
Been there since Humpty Hump Humphrey.
Just a sample of a few favorites.
Talk is cheap.
When REALLY confronted with dissent…when people “dissented” with HIM…Humpty dumped.
I remember.
I was there.
I was a just a kid–take your word for it!
…doing what exactly since ’68? Ensuring that Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes got elected? I was there, too, getting arrested in the streets of Chicago and disappointed that the party’s choice was Humphrey. But those of you who jumped ship – either to Wallace or the stay-at-home crew – helped give us seven more years of war in Southeast Asia.
Check my post Re: Oh Dear. Then give me an honest opinion!!
Or are my anti-depressants messing me up? (Dosage was just doubled.)
The Deep South went for Goldwater in ’68. In a straight two-person Nixon-Humphrey race, most of the Wallace vote would have gone Nixon’s way in ’68. A good case can be made that Wallace made the race closer than it otherwise would have been. Wallace won AR, LA, MS, AL, and GA. With the exception of AR, each of these states went Republican four years earlier.
Moreover, while the nation would almost certainly have been better off had Humphrey won in ’68, it’s not at all clear to me that we would have gotten out of Southeast Asia any more quickly. Indeed, that’s precisely why folks sat on their hands.
Finally, in terms of internal Democratic Party politics, the handsitters won. For pretty much the only time since World War II, the progressive wing of the party won the nomination battle in 1972. To my mind the really interesting story of Democratic failure isn’t ’68. It’s ’72 and its aftermath.
When the Republican right captured the nomination in ’64, and was crushed by LBJ in November, they stuck to their guns and continued their march through the party’s institutions and to political power. When the Democratic left won the nomination in ’72, and were trounced by Nixon in November, they were quickly marginalized within the party as a deep embarrassment. The political ghost of McGovern was even carted out by party bigwigs to haunt the Howard Dean campaign in 2004.
Democrats, and more importantly progressives, find themselves in the pickle that they’re in not because of ’68 and ’72, but because of their reaction to those events. To put it another way, Dailey and Humphrey were wrong in ’68. And they were especially wrong about Vietnam. Nixon’s crimes don’t make them retroactively any more right.
That first sentence should read: “The Deep South went for Goldwater in 1964.”
I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while now. There must be progressive Democrats who would be willing to bolt the party for principles.
If not, we gotta do it–just like we are the media now!
What’s frustrating is they are giving NO semblance of a response to the issues we raise. They seem to skirt around them, rather than ask Alito flat out what he thinks.
I’m also getting sick of receiving form letters and emails from my Senators due to the petitions and phone calls I’ve made. I WANT A REAL RESPONSE!
My anger portion of this cycle has begun, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Right there with you! I mean, let’s get real, Senators: you are supposed to represent us and our views!
Whenever you get some mail from them, send it back.
Want to know what’s really scary? How many of those old plantation owners do you think have become the new corporation owners?
Certainly explains why open racism and sexism are suddenly in vogue among the rich and richer, doesn’t it?
to get either House or Senate I expect the national D party to be finished.
It may take a few years for them to figure it out. But the will get the drift when the candidates of a newly formed party take office.
Many of the die-hard life-long Ds I know here in ND are as fed up with spineless Ds as most of those who have posted here so far.
Although I will vote for them next election, I will change my party affiliation to independent. If all of us progressives do that, they will get the message, and hopefully change their behaviour.
I also will e-mail them that there is a price for my vote: That they represent me.